July hero

A network of ferroelectric domain walls

A Perpective discusses how the physical properties of topological magnetic and ferroelectric systems can be leveraged for reservoir computing.


  • Famous physicists

    A Series that invites physicists, historians, sociologists, psychologists and other scholars to consider the following questions. How does physics work today? How did we end up with this system? How could we imagine physics in the future?

  • Sustainability

    This ongoing collection brings together articles from Nature Reviews journals about how physicists can contribute to environmental sustainability – both by working on questions that have direct relevance to sustainability goals and understanding Earth’s climate, but also by changing the ways physicists work.


  • The abstract as a 200-word summary that readers click through to access a full article is a staple of scientific publishing. But as Aileen Fyfe explains, this is only one of the roles that abstracts have performed in the history of scientific communication.

    • Aileen Fyfe
  • Condensed matter is one of the largest and most prolific areas of physics, but it looms small in the public imagination. In this Comment, historian Joseph D. Martin argues that its relationship with technology might be to blame.

    • Joseph D. Martin
  • 50 years ago Roger Penrose described a set of aperiodic tilings, now named after him, that have fascinated artists, mathematicians and physicists ever since.

    • Iulia Georgescu
    Research Highlight
  • Making physics more sustainable raises complex interdisciplinary questions. Answering them needs input from the humanities and social sciences.

    • Jaco de Swart
    • Ann C. Thresher
    • Carlos A. Argüelles
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Writing for Nature Reviews Physics

At Nature Reviews, editors work closely with authors and referees to create high-quality, timely and accessible resources for the scientific community.
