The Express Way with Dulé Hill

All Episodes Now Streaming

Tour America through the lens of creative expression and the transformative power of art.

All Episodes Now Streaming

Tour America through the lens of creative expression and the transformative power of art.

This program was made possible by a grant from Anne Ray Foundation.

The Express Way with Dulé Hill.

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5 Artists Showcasing the Power of Art


5 Artists Showcasing the Power of Art

From colorful cabarets and moving movies to artistic techniques that transcend the senses, here are five inspiring artists highlighted in The Express Way with Dulé Hill.

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More About the Show

The Express Way with Dulé Hill is a premium documentary series that transcends geographical boundaries, providing viewers with an intimate look into the lives of artists across America. Each episode serves as a bridge, connecting diverse backgrounds and celebrating the universal power of the arts to illuminate the human experience. The journey begins in California, a state synonymous with dreams, where Dulé uncovers a narrative beyond the surface.

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