****按公司招标程序,本着“公平、公正、诚信、择优”的原则,为**2栋公寓楼TC RESIDENCE工程建设开展公开招标,欢迎符合条件的企业投标人前来报名,相关事项公告如下:
In accordance with the principle of "fair, impartial, Integrity, preferential" principle, Thai-Chinese Rayong Industrial Realty Development Co.,Ltd. will select the winning bidder for Two New Apartment Buidings TC RESIDENCE Project.
It is hereby decided to make an open tender for the project and welcome eligible bidders to sign up for it, and hereby announce the relevant matters as follows:
Two New Apartment Buildings TC RESIDENCE and ancillary facilities construction,construction area of about 19,914 square meters
****工业园TC TOWN商业区地块。
The land in the TC TOWN Commercila Area of Thai-Chinese Rayong Industrial Zone
The registered capital of bidder is more than 30 million baht.
Bidders are legally registered in Thailand, with the construction qualification and similar project development, implementation experience.
招标文件的获取 Acquisition of bidding documents
有意参加投标的申请人请于2024年05月23日至5月31日,将公司注册文件盖章+****公司简介及曾施工的建筑工程项目介绍的扫描件发至邮箱:****@holley.cn; ****@holley.cn;
Applicants who intend to participate in the bid may sign up by sending e-mail with following documents:
registration documents (with the seals and signs), company profile and profolio and other relevant materials from May 23,2024 to May 31,2024.
EMAIL ADD: ****@holley.cn; ****@holley.cn;
After the prequalification of the tenderee, the tenderer will notify the qualified applicants to get the bid documents.
开标时间 Opening Time
As stipulated in the bidding document
报名地点 Address
126/33,35 Ergo Tower,9th Floor,Krungthonburi Road,Banglampoolang,Klongsan,Bangkok 10600.
Thai-Chinese Rayong Industrial Zone,7/33 Moo.3 T.Bowin A.Sriracha Chonburi 20230
联系方式 Contact Information
Tenderer: Thai-Chinese Rayong Industrial Realty Development Co.,Ltd.
联系人/Contact person:
岳女士/ Ms.Yue,电话Tel:084-****122
赵先生/ Mr.Zhao, 电话Tel:081-****506