RV Blog


The Game of Investing, Vol. 38

India’s economic, political, and social reforms have been ongoing for decades, simultaneously
enticing and befuddling investors along the way.

Is this emerging market finally ready to go Exponential?

In this issue, we’ll cover 2 things:

— The evolving investment landscape in India.
— How this emerging market opportunity could go Exponential.

Can nuclear power solve the green energy transition? We zoom in on a conversation with Sprott Asset Management CEO John Ciampaglia.

In this issue, we’ll cover 2 things:

— Why the green energy transition could be inflationary, and what that means for commodity prices.
— Why some experts believe that nuclear energy provides the best path forward.

We’re breaking out the telescope for a look at an exponential investing opportunity that may be closer than you think…


In this issue, we’ll cover 2 things:

— The current state of space exploration.
— Emerging investment opportunities in this nascent space.

Liquidity is often overlooked, but as more retail investors become active in markets, they’ll need to understand this essential indicator.

In this issue, we’ll cover 3 things:

— What liquidity is and why it matters.
— How global liquidity levels drive risk asset price behavior.
— The role of central banks and liquidity.

We all remember the “YOLO” options trading craze that overtook financial markets in 2021.

The mania has dissipated, but options remain one of the most popular and powerful mechanisms in markets.

In this issue, we’ll cover 2 things:

— How understanding options can supercharge your trading.
— The simple options strategies you need to know.

This week, Exponentialist co-creator David Mattin is sharing 5 short postcards on the emerging technologies that are reshaping our world.

These life-altering technological innovations are happening faster than many of us think, so it’s our job to understand what’s coming and prepare ourselves accordingly.

This week, we’re diving into how Exponential Age technologies are changing the way we live, work… and invest.

In this issue, we cover 2 things:

— The formula that defines Raoul’s “Everything Code” thesis and sets the stage for Exponential Age opportunity.

— How to position yourself for one of the biggest secular shifts in history.

This week, we’re building on our last crypto trading fundamentals with an introduction to altcoins.

“If you get the narratives and market trends right, these trades can go parabolic.”

In this issue, we cover 2 things:

— How to use altcoins in your portfolio.

— The importance of understanding trending narratives and tokenomics.

With bitcoin soaring to new highs ahead of its next scheduled halving event, many investors are now dipping their toes into the digital asset ecosystem. Here’s what you need to know about trading BTC and ETH.

In this issue, we cover 2 things:

— Constructing a crypto portfolio around the majors.

— Risk management tips and the factors that affect price.

We’re celebrating our thirtieth issue with a roundup of everything we’ve learned in the Game of Investing so far.

Whether you’ve been with us since Day 1 or only just subscribed, it always pays to revisit the building blocks of finance.


The latest news analysis on what’s next for our new global economy