
Marketing attribution integrations forsocial media

If you run ads on social media, you know how impactful they can be for your bottom line. We help youtrack spend and activity on multiple popular social networks,and even give youinsight into the impact of views on Facebook, Pinterest, Reddit, Snapchat, and Tiktok.

Our integrations for social media include:

  • Facebook/Instagram
  • TikTok
  • Snapchat
  • Pinterest
  • Reddit
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn
  • NextDoor

Understand the big picture
of your marketing

To be an effective marketer, you need toanalyze the impact of your social media adsin the context of your larger marketing strategy. Social media is just one part of your overall marketing efforts, and understanding the role it plays is key to making the correct spend decisions.

Rockerbox’s platform can help youtrack and analyze the performance of your social media ads and all of your other marketing, online and offline, paid and organic.

Individual platforms might betaking too much credit for conversions,but Rockerbox gives you the full deduplicated picture so you can understand how all of your marketing activities work together.


Full user-levelconversion paths

Rockerbox’s first-party data foundation helps yousee detailed, user-level conversion paths that include social media touchpointsand any other channels you use. Use our platform to dig even deeper into the insights and understand the role social media plays in the buyer journey.

How it works

Rockerbox ingests spend and touchpoints data

Rockerbox tracks your social media campaigns through auto-appended parameters and impression pixels that allow you tosee spend and activity data centralized in our platform.

Rockerbox delivers view insights

Rockerbox leverages platform data and Rockerbox data todetermine the likely impact of views on platforms like Facebook and Pinterest.

Rockerbox tracks organic social touchpoints

Rockerboxtracks your organic social touchpoints through referring domains and your UTMs.

digital advertising attribution

You can’t afford ineffective social media

Are your social media ads moving the needle or wasting money? Should you increase or decrease spend on a certain channel? Are you even on the right channels for your brand?Rockerbox helps you dive into all your social media channels and campaigns and focus on the marketing that’s really moving the needle.

Reach out to us to learn more about how Rockerbox makes you a smarter marketer.