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Glass panel facades

  • Glass: a contemporary, impressive finish


    As a facade material, glass appeals for its aesthetics, weather resistance, durability and recyclability. Sto offers industry-leading glass facade solutions, highly customisable and suited for applications as diverse as airports, offices and private residences. This timeless material is available in a broad range of panel sizes, finish options and can be used with selected insulated facade systems.

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We are Sto, how can we help you?

  • Audra Lee
    Audra Lee Sto Singapore
  • Otto Norling
    Otto Norling Sto Sweden
  • Wei Zhuang
    Wei Zhuang Sto China
  • Grant Littlejohn
    Grant Littlejohn Int. project support London
  • Mark Harris
    Mark Harris StoGulf
  • Murat Yarar
    Murat Yarar Sto Turkey

Global presence. Local knowledge. Feel free to contact us.