Become Certified by The American Institute of Stress

Certification is open to healthcare professionals, clinics, hospitals, institutes of higher learning, corporations, and products that demonstrate clear diligence and commitment in upholding the evidence-based practices of The American Institute of Stress. Awarding of the AIS Seal reflects your commitment to making truly significant strides toward providing individuals with effective, stress reduction tools, training, and techniques, and a reduced stress environment in your workplace and/or that you have developed a product that reduces stress levels and improves the health and quality of life for consumers.

Our goal is to encourage corporations, consumer product manufacturers and individuals to adopt and incorporate more stress management techniques and science into daily life, the workplace, and products. As time goes on and advances in stress management become routine, we will re-evaluate our criteria and threshold to be even more demanding. We expect that advances in mainstream stress awareness efforts and education will ultimately be the end result, and that’s great news for all.

Professionals Shaking Hands in the office

Corporate / Organization Certification

The Company or Organization’s stress reduction responsibility performance will be evaluated and graded against AIS Standards.

Product Certification

To evaluate a product, the AIS Certification Committee (ACC) reviews and verifies a wide range of data related to the product’s stress-reducing impact and evaluates it against AIS Standards.

The Guidelines for Participation in AIS’s Certification Program ( “Guidelines” ) are provided for informational purposes only and may be modified by AIS from time to time. The Guidelines provide a general overview of AIS’s Certification Program, but the Guidelines do not govern a company’s rights to use of the AIS Seal. The AIS Seal of Certification is the property of The American Institute of Stress. All rights to use of the AIS Seal are governed solely by a separate license agreement entered into between AIS and the developer, manufacturer and/or distributor of an AIS Certified product or organization. The AIS Seal of Certification may not be used on or in connection with a product until after the product has been granted the Seal of Certification by AIS’s Certification Committee and a license agreement has been signed. Upon termination or expiration of the license agreement, regardless of cause, all rights to use of the AIS Seal shall immediately terminate.

Certification FAQs

What does the AIS Seal of Certification mean?

Throughout our history, the world’s elite physicians and other stress management professionals have turned to AIS as the source for all science-based stress management information. Entities such as products, corporations and individuals that bear the AIS seal have completed a rigorous certification process. The AIS Seal can be interpreted to be a “stamp of approval” or an indication of a “good product”.

The AIS Seal offer consumers the guidance they need to help them sift through the confusing clutter of claims on thousands of products on store shelves today as a result of a strict evaluation by the experts at The American Institute of Stress.

Before earning the AIS Seal, the physicians and scientists at AIS review the product to make sure that it delivers on all claims that appear in its advertising, packaging and other informational materials. If the product does not perform as promised or does not meet established standards for quality, it cannot earn the Seal.

Yes, but the AIS Seal is not for sale: it was developed as a service for consumers, companies, organizations and products that pass our strict evaluations can earn our Seal. Every year, products apply for the AIS Seal and fail the evaluations of the AIS Certification Committee (ACC). Those products cannot earn our Seal. The same is true for products advertised in our publications: if the product doesn’t pass the ACC, the Institute rejects the advertisement. The AIS Seal evaluation process is open to any advertiser product or prospective advertiser’s product.

You can contact AIS to request a customer complaint form be sent to you. You will be asked to describe the product, where and when it was purchased and the problem you are experiencing. If necessary, we may call on you to inspect the product.

Who do I contact if I would like to submit a company/organization or product for the AIS Seal?

You can send in your “Proposal for Certification” in an email if you are interested in submitting your product to be reviewed for the AIS Seal. Please provide the name and location of your company as well as the name and type of product in your initial correspondence.

Yes. There are certain categories that are not eligible for the Seal. This list includes: insurance; financial & investment services and products; realty (including housing of any kind); public transportation; catalogs and merchandise portfolios; “Shopping by Mail” items; premiums and prizes; contraceptives, prescribed drugs, and medical procedures; services (such as cleaning and repair services and Internet access providers); unbranded food products and branded deli foods not sold in individual packages; diet plans; contact lenses; fire alarms and suppressants; carbon monoxide detectors; home security systems and devices; infant/toddler car seats and restraints; swim aids, flotation devices, and pool toys.