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Are You Ready for Post-Op Selfies?

Photo: @themarcjacobs/Instagram

Marc Jacobs, last year’s breakout beauty vlogger and this year’s critically acclaimed selfie-taker, is continuing to make waves in the beauty space with his front-facing camera.

Earlier today, the designer posted a groundbreaking selfie, the kind we never see on famous people feeds: an impeccably styled post-op photo accessorized with surgical dressings, draining tubes, and little baggies filled with his very own blood. Jacobs captioned the photo with a time stamp (“Yesterday.”) and poetic hashtags alluding to his cosmetic surgery of choice (“#f*ckgravity #livelovelift”). He also tagged Dr. Andrew Jacono, the plastic surgeon behind the depicted facelift, and owner of an Instagram page filled with endless, impressive before-and-after photos should you have the desire/time to fall into an internet hole.

While some surgeons are giving us real-life transformations to swipe through on social media, we’re also seeing others on TikTok speculating about which celebrities got what done to their faces when said celebs claim they’ve done absolutely nothing of the sort. Seeing a person as famous as Jacobs openly share their surgical makeover feels satisfying — at least to some. A good chunk of commenters seem distressed by the gauze-filled image and are asking what happened and hoping “all is well,” while others are applauding the designer’s transparency.

With Jacobs’s cool shirt and subtle Blue Steel gaze peeking out from a balaclava of bandages, the image is almost like every other selfie out there, though it’s probably one of the most radically unfiltered ones currently gracing Instagram. As more and more people become less secretive about the cosmetic procedures they’re getting, we may be seeing more selfies like this in the future.

In the meantime, we’ll just await the highly anticipated “after” photo. Hopefully, the new face reveal comes with another delightfully deranged, genre-defying makeup tutorial and some Muppet lashes.

Are You Ready for Post-Op Selfies?