
Your Guide to Taurus Season

Illustration: Sunny Wu

After the intensity ofAries season— a time for starting new projects, taking the initiative, and leaping before you look — Taurus season, which runs from April 19 to May 20 this year, offers a chance to stabilize, come back down to earth, and get comfortable. Seeds are germinating, trees are flowering, the world is getting green again, and while the sun is in Taurus, the best thing you can do is enjoy it.

Taurus is symbolized by the bull; it is a sign of power, determination, and tenacity. And because Taurus is anearth sign,that power isn’t flighty or erratic but steady, solid, and grounded in the real world. This energy is often very practical, ready to do what needs to be done, even when that work isn’t flashy or thrilling or attention grabbing. Taurus is unlikely to get carried away by impulses and whims or to submit to the demands of every passing trend. Instead, Taurus has a gift for loyalty and staying committed — to plans, ideals, relationships — for the long haul.

This means Taurus season can be a great time for developing and maintaining positive habits, figuring out daily routines that genuinely work for you, and practicing staying true to your principles even when the going gets rough. You already have the big dreams and lofty ideals. This is your chance to put in the steady, persistent work required to make them a reality.

Everybody also tends to get more stubborn during Taurus season. On the one hand, this can be frustrating — your friends or your partner seeming bullheaded, set in their ways — but it can also be empowering to realize thatyoucan stand firm in your beliefs too. Nobody else gets to tell you what to do or who you are. You know what you’re about, and good luck to anyone who tries to Boss you around! You have the power now to resist what you know to be wrong for you and defend what you know to be right.

Happily for Taurus, though — and for all of us this month— this hardworking tenacity emphatically does not come at the expense of having a good time. Taurus is a spectacularly, luxuriously sensual sign. All three of the earth signs are rooted in the physicality of the world and the body, but Taurus in particular is ruled byVenus, planet of love.Taurus season is not only about the work the body can do, but about the pleasure it can feel, too.

This obviously can (and often does) mean sex. This is an excellent time for physical connection — it can deepen a relationship with someone new or strengthen your bond with someone you love. But Taurus season is about more, too. It’s about the whole range of physical sensations we can experience in our lives. Taurus values the satisfaction of a fresh haircut or the feeling of silk against their skin or the taste of a perfectly ripe strawberry.

There’s a stereotype that Taurus is lazy. Really, though, it’s simply the sign that best understands the value of rest, relaxation, and rejecting the hustle mind-set. In this way, can also broaden our ideas about what luxury means. Right now, wealth and status aren’t what matter most; rather, Taurus understands that a long hot bath, a midday nap, and a sunny afternoon spent lounging on a blanket in a lush green park are luxurious experiences too. While the sun is in Taurus, you too may feel newly alive to the joys, large and small, of living in the physical world.

If you’re somebody who tends to get stuck in your thoughts, Taurus season can remind you to pay attention to your body, to the pleasures of your five senses. If you’re someone who tends to get carried away by nostalgia or anxiety over the future, Taurus season can bring you back to the world that exists in front of you right now. This is a good time for working hard, but this season will also remind you that work isn’t the only thing there is. You’re alive on this planet full of color and feeling, and you get to enjoy yourself here too.

Your Guide to Taurus Season