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Angus Taylor

July 2024

  • Amy Remeikis

    House party
    The week in parliament: conference chatter over Dutton’s successor and whispers of a December election

    Amy Remeikis
  • Peter Dutton, David Littleproud and Angus Taylor

    Supermarket chains could be broken up for price-gouging as ‘last resort’ under Coalition proposal

June 2024

  • shopping trolley

    Australia’s inflation rises to 4%, stoking concern interest rates could increase again

    The consumer price index increased to its highest level in 2024, indicating the Reserve Bank is unlikely to cut interest rates soon
  • Composite image featuring Scott Morrison, Jeff Kennett, Julia Gillard, John Howard, Kevin Rudd and Julie Bishop

    Unfriendly fire: famous fights and sledges between Australian politicians supposedly on the same side

    Faction v faction or just a personality clash, some of Auspol’s most unforgettable spats have been between members of the same party
  • Scott Morrison and Peter Dutton in parliament in 2021

    Then and now: what Peter Dutton and the Coalition used to say about a 2030 emissions target

    The rhetoric has swung 180 degrees since ministers in Scott Morrison’s government were haranguing Labor over the Paris agreement
  • Peter Dutton and Sarah Henderson in Melbourne on Tuesday.

    Australia news live
    Dutton won’t rule out a Coalition government quitting ICC – as it happened

    This blog is now closed.
  • Angus Taylor in a twist over migration numbers in post-budget address – video

    The shadow treasurer has seemingly confused Coalition policy on migration, giving different targets for net migration than opposition leader Peter Dutton
  • Australian shadow treasurer Angus Taylor speaks at the National Press Club in Canberra

    Angus Taylor at odds with Dutton on migration targets in ‘shambolic’ post-budget appearance

    The shadow treasurer suggests net migration cuts may be shallower than those stated by the opposition leader
  • A worker stacks newly printed federal budget papers in Canberra on Sunday

    Inflation could fall below 3% by end of 2024, budget figures show – not next year as RBA has forecast

  • Treasurer Jim Chalmers has promised the Albanese government will deliver a ‘responsible’ federal budget on Tuesday.

    Australia news live
    Chalmers signals inflation focus in budget – as it happened

March 2024

  • Minister for Foreign Affairs Marise Payne during Question Time in the Senate chamber at Parliament House in Canberra, Wednesday, June 16, 2021. (AAP Image/Mick Tsikas) NO ARCHIVING

    ‘A big boys’ club’: senior Liberal women fight to solve the party’s gender problem

    The preselection of Simon Kennedy in Cook has fanned fears about lack of balance – with more men set to replace retiring female MPs

February 2024

  • Alex Hawke

    Morrison ally Alex Hawke faces push to expel him from NSW Liberals amid fresh party turmoil

  • Housing image with insets of Max Chandler-Mather and Jim Chalmers

    ‘Pressure works’: Greens to stall Labor housing bill in campaign to limit negative gearing

January 2024

  • Treasurer Jim Chalmers

    Jim Chalmers warns restoring tax cuts to high earners would ‘smash’ budget by almost $40bn

    Treasurer’s data estimates reimposing old stage-three cuts while retaining Labor’s plan for low and middle earners would cost $39bn over four years

May 2023

  • Composite of Anne Davies and Angus Taylor

    Ten years of Guardian Australia
    Angus Taylor and the doctored document mystery: ‘It took us about 30 seconds to realise it was a fake’

  • Angus Taylor

    Angus Taylor signals Coalition may reject Labor changes to petroleum resource rent tax

  • Federal treasurer Jim Chalmers

    Labor leaves door open for jobseeker recipients to work more hours before losing payments

  • 230511 Budget Reply Word Cloud thumbnail Dutton

    Inside Peter Dutton’s budget response planning

  • Jim Chalmers accuses Coalition of ‘downward envy’ as Dutton refuses to commit to jobseeker increase in budget

  • Chalmers confirms millions to receive up to $500 in energy rebates in Tuesday budget

About 356 results for Angus Taylor