
Sir Keir Starmer’s modest ambition: don’t scare the horses

With the betting scandal further tarnishing the image of politicians, Labour has four tests for regaining public trust

The Times

Sir Keir Starmer only bets on the horses. His wife, Victoria, is a daughter of Doncaster. A photograph of the finishing post at that city’s famous racecourse hangs on their kitchen wall. Just as well, really, given that a flutter is now a capital offence for British politicians.

Once, the parliamentarian as gambler was all rakish swagger: Alan Clark flogging another old master from his father’s collection to settle his backgammon debts, Alex Salmond emerging from a long lunch to put a big wager on the 3.45 at Perth. Now we imagine some balding flunky hunched over their phone in the gents at Tory HQ lumping £100 on a date they’ve just learnt on a conference call.

Allegations of insider trading by Conservative candidates and