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That beachfront getaway, cultured city break or invigorating mountain escape may be closer than you imagine

The Times

Staycations at a glance

Yes, the term grates — there was a time when a staycation was simply known as a ‘holiday’ — but there’s certainly no lack of love for the thing itself. The UK, far from being the last resort of the disorganised, unadventurous or cash-strapped domestic traveller, has become a hugely sought-after holiday destination in its own right, with soaring demand, ever-greater choice and rising standards across the board, from glampsites to urban hotels to chic rustic lodges.

As happened throughout the world, the pandemic forced everyone to look closer to home, to explore hitherto overlooked corners and make new discoveries on our doorsteps. Most already knew about the delights of the West Country and the Brecon Beacons, the Lake District and the Pembrokeshire coast, the Highlands and the sandy fringes of East Anglia.

The fun is filling in the gaps between and perhaps finding your very own hidden cove, mountain path or wild waterfall. With an increasingly benign (if not exactly predictable) climate, there’s never been a better time to keep it British.

Main photo: Buttermere, Lake District (Getty Images)

Staycation escapes

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