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Sáng tạo tiếng Anh giáo trình đệ tam sách UNIT6

Thời gian:2009-11-30 05:40Nơi phát ra:InternetCung cấp võng hữu:Tái kiến Iverson Tự thể: [ĐạiTrungTiểu]
Đặc biệt thanh minh: Bổn chuyên mục nội dung đều từ internet thu thập hoặc là võng hữu cung cấp, cung chỉ tham khảo thử dùng, chúng ta vô pháp bảo đảm nội dung hoàn chỉnh cùng chính xác. Nếu tư liệu tổn hại ngài quyền lợi, thỉnh cùng trưởng ga liên hệ, chúng ta đem kịp thời xóa bỏ cũng trí lấy xin lỗi.
    ( từ đơn phiên dịch: Song kích hoặc kéo tuyển )
[00:10.00]The cost of a cigarette
[00:13.77]A businesswoman’s desperate need for a cigarette
[00:19.12]on an eight-hour flight from America resulted in her being arrested and handcuffed,
[00:25.68]after she was foundlighting1up in the toilet of a Boeing 747,not once but twice.
[00:33.62]Joan Norrish,aged 33,yesterday became the first person to beprosecuted2
[00:41.27]under new laws for smoking on board a plane,
[00:45.82]when she was fined $440 at Uxbrdge magistrates’court.
[00:51.77]Ms Norrish,from Radwinter,Essex,said:
[00:57.05]’I’m such a nervous passenger,and I couldn’t have handled the flight without a cigarette.
[01:04.21]If they’d told me I couldn’t smoke on board,
[01:08.86]I would’ve avoided going by plane altogether.’
[01:13.33]Ms Norrish first attracted the attention of the in-flight staff
[01:19.99]when she had her firstpuff3in the toilet
[01:24.24]after the plane touched down for refuelling at New York’s JFK airport.
[01:30.41]One and a half hours later,she went into thelavatory4again,
[01:36.37]causing passengers to complain to the cabin crew.
[01:41.33]However,on inspection,they could find no sign of cigarettes in the toilet,
[01:47.81]and were concerned that Ms Norrish may have hidden the cigarettes,
[01:53.06]thus adding to their fears for the safety of the plane.
[01:57.81]Relations between Ms Norrish and the crew soon got worse,
[02:04.29]as Ms Norrish violent when the plane leanded at Heathrow,
[02:09.85]where the police were alerted.She was subsequently arrested and handcuffed.
[02:16.33]Outside the court,Ms Norrish commented on her fine.
[02:22.29]’It was quite high,much higher than I was expecting.
[02:28.14]It all seems like an awful lot of fuss over just a couple of cigarettes.’
[02:34.62]Ms Norrish is being encouraged to appeal against the find
[02:40.50]by a prosmokingorganisation5who have offered her legal aid.
[02:45.75]A spokesman for the group said:
[02:50.14]’This is yet another example of the way in whichsmokers6
[02:55.46]are beingdiscriminated7against and marginalised in society.
[03:01.03]We generate millions of pounds for the government every year through the taxes we pay
[03:08.08]-and yet we are treated like second-class citizens.
[03:13.54]We’re banned from smoking in all kinds of public
[03:19.00]and people expect us to stand outside in all weathers if we want to smoke.
[03:25.48]It’s got to stop!’
[03:28.82]However,anti-smoking lobbies have welcomed the judeg’s decision
[03:34.75]and have claimed that there is no excuse for endangering the lives of others by lighting up in public.
[03:41.83]’This is a step in the right direction,’a spokeswoman said,
[03:47.60]’and we look forward to the day when all smoking is banned.’
[03:52.93]4 Flying joke
[04:01.58]Alfred had never flown before and was extremely nervous.
[04:07.54]He was flying across the Atlantic to visit his sister,
[04:13.00]who had emigrated to Canada.
[04:16.24]When he got on the plane he found he was sitting in a window seat.
[04:22.19]After a few minutes,the person next to him arrived-an enormously fat American.
[04:30.13]Not long after the plane took off,the American fell asleep and began to snore loudly.
[04:37.58]It was obvious to Alfred there was no way he could get out,
[04:43.32]even to get to the toilet,without waking the man up.
[04:47.87]After the in-flight meal had been served,
[04:52.60]the plane entered an area of severeturbulence8.
[04:57.46]The American continued to snore.
[05:01.84]Alfred,however,started to feel sick.He was desperate to get to the toilet.
[05:09.39]Finally,he was sick-all over the man’s trousers.
[05:15.56]The American didn’t wake up,but he just continued to snore.
[05:22.04]Alfred didn’t know what to do.
[05:26.11]As the plane touched down,the American finally woke up and saw his trousers.
[05:33.24]Alfred turned to him and said,’Are you feeling better now? "
[05:38.49]Strong adjectives
[05:47.27]1.It must’ve been really hot in Greece.
[05:55.53]Hot?It was boiling!That’s why we made sure the hotel had air-conditioning.
[06:02.37]2.Oh,you’re from Sao Paulo originally,are you?
[06:09.32]It’s a pretty big city,right?
[06:13.39]Big?It’s enormous!That’s why I moved to a small town out in the country.
[06:20.24]3.How’s your flat?It must be a bit cold with all this snow we’re having.
[06:28.21]Cold?It’s freezing!That’s why I’vedecided9to have central heating put in.
[06:35.05]4.It’s pretty quiet down in Devon,isn’t it?
[06:41.21]Quiet?It’s dead!That’s why I decided to move to the city!
[06:46.99]5.You must’ve been pretty surprised when you read the report in the papers.
[06:54.35]Surprised?I was shocked!That’s why I contacted mysolicitor10straightaway.
[07:01.20]6.It’s a bit small in here,isn’t?
[07:07.68]Small?It’s tiny!You can hardly swing a cat in here!
[07:13.42]7.So,is he good-looking,then,your new boyfriend?
[07:20.66]Good-looking?He’s gorgeous!You’ll die when you see him!
[07:27.29]8.It must’ve been a bit scary,going so high up like that.
[07:33.93]Scarry?It was terrifying!There’s no way you’ll catch me doing that again!
[07:40.77]3 Playing for time
[07:49.13]Listen and practise saying these ’delayers’.
[07:54.98]So how come you decided to start smoking?
[08:00.13]Why did I start smoking?
[08:04.39]That’s a good question.
[08:08.65]That’s a difficult question.
[08:13.09]Well,I’d have to think about that.
[08:17.76]I’m not really sure.
[08:22.02]Um,I don’t really know.
[08:27.38]Why?I haven’t really thought about that.

Điểm đánh收听单词发音Nghe đài từ đơn phát âm

1 lighting CpszPL
n. Chiếu sáng, ánh sáng minh ám, sân khấu ánh đèn
Tham khảo câu ví dụ:
  • The gas lamp gradually lost ground to electric lighting. Đèn bân-sân dần dần vì đèn điện sở thay thế.
  • The lighting in that restaurant is soft and romantic. Cái kia quán ăn chiếu sáng nhu hòa hơn nữa lãng mạn.
2 prosecuted Wk5zqY
a. Bị khởi tố
Tham khảo câu ví dụ:
  • The editors are being prosecuted for obscenity. Biên tập nhân đăng báo dơ bẩn văn tự mà bị khởi tố.
  • The company was prosecuted for breaching the Health and Safety Act. Nhà này công ty bị cáo trái với 《 vệ sinh an toàn điều lệ 》.
3 puff y0cz8
n. Một ngụm ( khí ); một trận ( phong ); v. Phun khí, thở dốc
Tham khảo câu ví dụ:
  • He took a puff at his cigarette. Hắn hút một ngụm thuốc lá.
  • They tried their best to puff the book they published. Bọn họ tận lực thổi phồng bọn họ xuất bản thư.
4 lavatory LkOyJ
n. Phòng rửa mặt, WC
Tham khảo câu ví dụ:
  • Is there any lavatory in this building? Này tòa trong lâu có WC sao?
  • The use of the lavatory has been suspended during take-off. Ở phi cơ cất cánh trong lúc, phòng rửa mặt tạm dừng sử dụng.
5 organisation organisation
n. Tổ chức, an bài, đoàn thể, hữu cơ hưu
Tham khảo câu ví dụ:
  • The method of his organisation work is worth commending. Hắn tổ chức công tác phương pháp đáng giá khen.
  • His application for membership of the organisation was rejected. Hắn muốn gia nhập nên tổ chức xin bị cự tuyệt.
6 smokers d3e72c6ca3bac844ba5aa381bd66edba
Hút thuốc giả ( smoker danh từ số nhiều )
Tham khảo câu ví dụ:
  • Many smokers who are chemically addicted to nicotine cannot cut down easily. Rất nhiều có nicotin nghiện hút thuốc người không dễ dàng cai thuốc lá rớt.
  • Chain smokers don't care about the dangers of smoking. Người nghiện thuốc tựa hồ không để bụng hút thuốc mang đến đủ loại nguy hại.
7 discriminated 94ae098f37db4e0c2240e83d29b5005a
Phân biệt, phân rõ, phân chia ( discriminate quá khứ thức cùng qua đi phân từ ); kỳ thị, có khác biệt mà đối đãi
Tham khảo câu ví dụ:
  • His great size discriminated him from his followers. Hắn rộng lớn dáng người khiến cho hắn bất đồng với hắn bộ hạ.
  • Should be a person that has second liver virus discriminated against? Một cái hoạn có viêm gan B virus người có phải hay không nên bị người kỳ thị?
8 turbulence 8m9wZ
n. Ồn ào náo động, cuồng bạo, rối loạn, nước chảy xiết
Tham khảo câu ví dụ:
  • The turbulence caused the plane to turn over. Không khí dòng nước xiết dẫn tới phi cơ quay cuồng.
  • The world advances amidst turbulence. Thế giới ở rung chuyển trung đi tới.
9 decided lvqzZd
adj. Quyết định, kiên quyết; rõ ràng, minh xác
Tham khảo câu ví dụ:
  • This gave them a decided advantage over their opponents. Này khiến cho bọn hắn so đối thủ có rõ ràng ưu thế.
  • There is a decided difference between British and Chinese way of greeting. Người Anh cùng người Trung Quốc chào hỏi phương thức có thực rõ ràng khác nhau.
10 solicitor vFBzb
n. Sơ cấp luật sư, sự vụ luật sư
Tham khảo câu ví dụ:
  • The solicitor's advice gave me food for thought. Luật sư chỉ điểm đáng giá ta suy nghĩ sâu xa.
  • The solicitor moved for an adjournment of the case. Luật sư thỉnh cầu đem cái này án kiện tố tụng kéo dài thời hạn.
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