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Tân bản Cambridge thiếu nhi tiếng Anh đệ tam cấp thượng lesson6

Thời gian:2005-12-19 16:00Nơi phát ra:InternetCung cấp võng hữu:wuliu135 Tự thể: [ĐạiTrungTiểu]
Đặc biệt thanh minh: Bổn chuyên mục nội dung đều từ internet thu thập hoặc là võng hữu cung cấp, cung chỉ tham khảo thử dùng, chúng ta vô pháp bảo đảm nội dung hoàn chỉnh cùng chính xác. Nếu tư liệu tổn hại ngài quyền lợi, thỉnh cùng trưởng ga liên hệ, chúng ta đem kịp thời xóa bỏ cũng trí lấy xin lỗi.
    ( từ đơn phiên dịch: Song kích hoặc kéo tuyển )

[00:00.00]Unit 6
[00:12.93]We can see with our eyes.
[00:16.25]Part 1
[00:20.24]Listen,read,match and write.
[00:57.39]toy cat
[01:03.58]Part 3
[01:07.84]Practise the dialogue in pairs.
[01:12.65]1.Good evening,madam.Here's the menu.
[01:18.24]2.Thank you.Hmm.Is this soup sweet?I don't like sweet food.
[01:26.62]3.Oh,no.It's not sweet.
[01:30.72]4.OK.Is itspicy1?I can't eat hot food.
[01:37.23]5.No,madam.It's very tasty!
[01:41.22]6.Well,all right.By the way,I don't like salty food either.
[01:48.33]7.OK.I think you'll like this soup.
[01:52.43]8.Very good!I'll take it.
[01:56.74]Part 5
[01:59.82]Let's read
[02:02.62]Billy lived on a quiet street in a big city.
[02:09.91]His mother sometimes took him to the park to play.
[02:15.92]But when she was busy,he played in the street.
[02:21.71]One evening,Billy's father gave him a beautiful new ball,
[02:28.22]and the next morning Billy went out into the street to play with it.
[02:34.12]He played happily for a few minutes,but then a big dog came along.
[02:41.12]When the dog saw the ball,he wanted to play with it too.
[02:46.71]Billy picked up the ball and held it above his head.
[02:51.62]He didn't want the big dog to take it away,so he ran away with it.
[02:57.42]But the dog jumped and knocked him over.
[03:02.13]Billy's mother came out of the house and ran to him at once.
[03:07.22]Did he bite you?
[03:11.32]No.He didn't bite me but helicked2me.
[03:17.22]Part 7
[03:23.73]This is a song of colours.You see them all around.There's red for a flag.
[03:35.43]There's green for a tree,yellow for a sun-flower,blue for the sea.
[03:42.72]This is a song of colours.You see them all around.There's red for a flag.
[03:49.83]There's green for a tree,yellow for a sun-flower,blue for the sea.
[04:00.22]Part 1
[04:03.80]Listen and colour.
[04:07.69]Can you see a cat?
[04:15.79]Colour it black,please.
[04:19.97]Is there a train under the cat?
[04:24.65]Yes,there is.
[04:27.83]Please colour it green.
[04:31.62]OK.What about the plane?
[04:37.21]Should I colour it green,too?
[04:41.00]No,you should colour it yellow.
[04:45.39]All right.
[04:48.78]Colour the plane yellow.
[04:52.60]Have you found a clock?
[04:56.49]No,where is it?
[04:59.68]It's under the plane.
[05:02.76]Yes.I can see it now.
[05:06.65]Should I colour it too?
[05:09.63]Yes.Colour it purple and colour the boat blue.
[05:15.43]Boat?Where's the boat?
[05:19.61]It's under the plane,too,next to the clock.
[05:23.92]I see.Thank you.
[05:27.63]What about some other animals?
[05:31.21]You can colour the goat black,the rooster yellow and the mouse green.
[05:37.40]Part 4
[05:41.79]Listen,read and guess the meaning.
[05:47.09]Our senses tell us what is going on in the world around us.
[05:54.19]Even when we are asleep,our senses pick upsensations4,
[06:00.31]some from inside the body,some from outside.
[06:05.61]Then they feed them to the brain through thenerves5,
[06:10.49]which are like the body's telephone wires.
[06:14.91]We have five senses to tell us what is going on in the outside world
[06:20.40]sight from our eyes,hearing from our ears,smell from our noses,
[06:27.71]taste from our tongues and touch from most of our skin.

Điểm đánh收听单词发音Nghe đài từ đơn phát âm

1 spicy zhvzrC
adj. Thêm hương liệu; cay độc, có phong vị
Tham khảo câu ví dụ:
  • The soup tasted mildly spicy. Canh nếm lên lược có điểm cay.
  • Very spicy food doesn't suit her stomach. Quá cay đồ vật nàng ăn dạ dày không thoải mái.
2 licked cc44423320e8979294d71cbc42dbad80
Liếm ( lick quá khứ thức cùng qua đi phân từ ); đánh bại; ( cuộn sóng ) vỗ nhẹ; ( ngọn lửa ) nuốt cuốn
Tham khảo câu ví dụ:
  • He licked his fingers. Hắn liếm một chút chính mình ngón tay.
  • The flames of the fire licked the sides of the fireplace. Ngọn lửa cuốn thiêu lò sưởi trong tường bên cạnh.
3 chant SX5zh
n. Có tiết tấu lần nữa lặp lại lời nói; thánh ca, thánh ca
Tham khảo câu ví dụ:
  • Let's chant the sweetness of may with our songs. Làm chúng ta dùng tiếng ca tới ngâm xướng tháng 5 điềm mỹ.
  • The chant of the crowd was "Work for all". Quần chúng lặp lại có tiết tấu mà kêu gọi chính là “Cho đại gia công tác”.
4 sensations f7bd619656f297d000499069fd6e41fc
Cảm giác ( sensation danh từ số nhiều ); cảm thụ; tri giác; kích động
Tham khảo câu ví dụ:
  • Whenever his physical sensations were a little under control the terror returned. Chỉ cần thân thể cảm quan hơi nghiêm thường, khủng bố liền lại ập vào trong lòng. Đến từ anh hán văn học
  • All sensations seemed to be magnified. Sở hữu tri giác đều thực mẫn cảm. Đến từ anh hán văn học
5 nerves YnAzEB
n. Thần kinh khẩn trương vt. Lấy hết can đảm
Tham khảo câu ví dụ:
  • What he said at the meeting strung her nerves up. Hắn tại hội nghị lên tiếng khiến nàng thần kinh thực khẩn trương.
  • At the end of a day's teaching, her nerves were absolutely shattered. Dạy một ngày khóa, nàng sức cùng lực kiệt.
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