英语Tiếng Anh 日语Tiếng Nhật 韩语Hàn ngữ 法语Tiếng Pháp 德语Tiếng Đức 西班牙语Tiếng Tây Ban Nha 意大利语Tiếng Ý 阿拉伯语Tiếng Ảrập 葡萄牙语Bồ Đào Nha ngữ 越南语Việt Nam ngữ 俄语Tiếng Nga 芬兰语Phần Lan ngữ 泰语Thái ngữ 泰语Tiếng Đan Mạch 泰语Đối ngoại Hán ngữ

Vương trường hỉ thính lực chỉ đạo đề hình thiên -a

Thời gian:2006-01-18 16:00Nơi phát ra:InternetCung cấp võng hữu:Biển cả một cá Tự thể: [ĐạiTrungTiểu]
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    ( từ đơn phiên dịch: Song kích hoặc kéo tuyển )

[00:24.35]in questions 1-5with the information you've heard.
[00:29.23]You will hearrecording1twice.
[00:32.73]You now have twenty-five seconds to read the questions.
[00:37.64]Passage 1
[00:39.52]Good afternoon! My name is Mary Brown.
[00:43.60]For the next 11 weeks,I will be your labinstructor2.
[00:48.09]The lab experiments you will be having
[00:51.17]are designed to complete your work
[00:53.97]in Dr.Kaplan'sinorganic3chemistry course.
[00:58.36]Today's experiment is purposely a short one.
[01:03.16]It'll help you become familiar with the lab setup and equipment.
[01:07.87]As your lab instructor,
[01:10.27]it is my duty to assist you in setting up your experiments
[01:15.26]and understanding your results.
[01:18.16]I will also grade your lab notebooks.
[01:21.35]But I have an even more basic responsibility your physical safety.
[01:26.62]I will insist on proper precautions,
[01:30.10]such as wearing protectivegoggles4at all times.
[01:34.28]I also expect you to use common sense.
[01:38.09]Don't wear long scarves that might catch fire.
[01:41.28]Don't smoke.
[01:43.58]Don't taste unknown substances.
[01:46.29]Let me reinforce this point with a story.
[01:49.37]Issac Newton,perhaps the greatest scientist of all ages,
[01:53.97]lived in a period when thetoxic5effects of chemicals
[01:58.15]were less understood than today.
[02:00.84]He routinelysniffed6fumes,tasted the chemicals,
[02:06.12]and used open containers for heating substances.
[02:10.12]In the early 1690's
[02:12.81]he suffered through a period ofinsomnia,
[02:15.92]depression,and mental instability.
[02:19.49]Noted biographers linked the situation to problems in his personal life.
[02:25.08]Researchers now think it was a consequence of his lab procedures.
[02:29.89]They found abnormally high concentrations of lead,mercury,
[02:34.78]and other heavy metals in preservedspecimens7of his hair.
[02:39.19]Consequently,we must learn from the past and put safety first.
[03:15.08]Passage 2
[03:16.99]I want to thank Professor James
[03:20.18]for letting me have a few minutes of class time
[03:23.57]to tell you about our field trip tomorrow.
[03:26.45]We will be leaving by bus at 8 in the morning
[03:30.42]and returning at about 5.
[03:32.90]Please bring your lunch.
[03:35.01]As you know,
[03:36.61]this trip is a requirement of the course.
[03:39.69]You are all expected to participate,
[03:42.59]and then to write up a report in your lab notebooks.
[03:46.17]I've put together a handbook to orient you.
[03:49.15]Please pick it up after class and read it tonight.
[03:52.86]In it,
[03:54.24]I discuss the members of the pine family found here in the northeast.
[03:58.63]As you have learned,
[04:00.43]the pine family is composed of pines,
[04:03.51]larches,spruces, hemlocks,douglas firs,and true firs.
[04:08.79]With the exception of douglas firs,
[04:11.48]which grow only in the western part of the country,
[04:14.67]we'll be looking at examples of them all.
[04:17.46]Thesketches8in thehandout9
[04:19.84]should help you distinguish the various types of trees.
[04:23.24]As your leader tomorrow,
[04:25.43]I'II try to make the experience a rewarding one.
[04:28.72]A field trip is a little like a bank
[04:31.52]what you get out of it depends on what you put into it.
[04:47.11]Passage 3
[04:48.89]The main types of agricultural activities in Australia
[04:53.07]are wheat growing and cattle and sheep rearing.
[04:56.67]This is concentrated mostly in thecoastal10areas,
[05:00.56]where land is not so dry.
[05:02.97]As a result of the cattle and sheep farms,
[05:06.47]cottage industries have arisen,
[05:09.08]and they deal with cow hides,sheep skins and so on.
[05:12.87]The cottage industry
[05:15.17]is becoming of major importance to Australia
[05:18.56]as it is going to develop its tourist industry.
[05:21.85]An increasing important resource in Australia is the beaches.
[05:26.35]These are being developed for recreational purposes,
[05:29.95]exploiting the surf, sand,abundantmarine11life
[05:34.24]and favorable temperature of conditions of the area.
[05:37.82]This area is called Australia's "Gold Coast".
[05:41.42]Australia's government is also making full use of its interior,
[05:45.81]and one of Australia's fastest growing towns is Alice Springs,
[05:50.09]the home of the fascinating rock formations,
[05:53.49]particularly Ayers Rock.
[05:55.89]Although agriculture is so rich in Australia,
[05:59.39]thirty percent of the population lives in the urban areas.
[06:03.78]The main commercial areas of Australia are its major cities,
[06:08.07]which aresituated12along the coasts;
[06:11.07]Perth,Darwin, Brisbane,Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide.
[06:15.98]These cities are more service-oriented
[06:19.66]and provide the populace with a high standard of facilities andinfrastructure13
[07:00.36]Passage 4
[07:02.24]The United Nations General Assembly adopted a formal decision
[07:08.64]in November 1995,
[07:11.65]aiming to promote greater equality
[07:15.25]among the six official UN languages
[07:19.14]and to halt the growing dominance of English
[07:22.75]at the world 's headquarters.
[07:25.34]In addition to English,
[07:28.42]the official languages of the 185-nation Assembly
[07:33.41]and the 15-member Security Council are Arabic,Chinese,
[07:39.10]French, Russian and Spanish.
[07:42.89]The working languages of the UN secretariat
[07:46.78]are English and French.
[07:49.47]The decision's 75sponsors,led by France,
[07:55.27]are upset that documents are ofteninitially14available
[07:59.66]only in English
[08:02.17]anddiplomats15have tonegotiate on texts
[08:05.96]before they areavailable in theirpreferred language
[08:09.74]or with aninterpreter.
[08:12.33]The decision asksSecretary GeneralGhali to ensurethat the UNdecisions
[08:19.62]on the useof various languagesarestrictly16carriedout
[08:23.82]and to ensurethat use of anotherof the six officiallanguages
[08:30.12]areencouraged and aken intoaccount,
[08:33.62]especiallywhen staff areconsidered.
[09:06.12]Passage 5
[09:08.02]John Maynard Keynes was the mostinfluential17Britisheconomist18of the twenties century
[09:13.82]He was born in Cambridge, England in 1883.
[09:18.11]Keynes won a scholarship to Eton.
[09:20.98]He entered King's College,Cambridge,
[09:23.88]also on a scholarship,
[09:25.97]and took his degree in mathematics in 1905.
[09:29.86]After obtaining his degree,
[09:32.58]he studied economics for a year
[09:35.16]with the help of Alfred Marshall and A.C.Pigou.
[09:39.16]At the request of Alfred Marshall,
[09:41.96]he began to teach economics at Cambridge.
[09:45.04]Keynes served as an economicadviser19
[09:49.24]to the BritishTreasury20during the FirstWorld War.
[09:52.43]Then in the early 1920s,
[09:55.30]Keynes acted as aconsultant21to investment firms.
[09:59.59]He also founded three investment trusts.
[10:02.70]His major economic works areTreatise22on Money(1930)
[10:08.08]and The General Theory of Employment Interest md Money (1936).
[10:13.46]In March 1946,
[10:16.36]he went to the U.S.
[10:18.48]to attend a conference at Savannah Ga.
[10:22.47]After the conference,
[10:24.56]he had a very severe heart attack on the train.
[10:27.85]He died at his home on April 21,1946.
[10:50.45]Passage 6
[10:52.33]British universities can be divided roughly into three main groups.
[10:57.42]The old universities:
[11:00.01]these are the universities founding before the year 1600.
[11:05.70]Oxford and Cambridge are the oldest of the British universities,
[11:10.38]dating from 1249 and 1284.
[11:15.40]Since that time they have continued to grow.
[11:18.58]the fourteenth and the fifteenth centuries,
[11:22.68]four universities were founded inScotland:
[11:35.95]and Edinburgh(1583).
[11:39.74]The Redbrick universities:
[11:42.75]these include all theprovincial23universities of theperiod 1850-1930,
[11:50.14]as well as London University.
[11:52.83]The term "redbrick" is not used much today,
[11:56.75]but is useful for defining this group of universities,
[12:00.85]which were all built in the favorite building material of the period:redbrick.
[12:06.83]The new universities:
[12:09.03]these are the universities founded since the Second World War.
[12:13.20]Each has its own independent approach to teaching
[12:17.91]and many students are now choosing the new universities
[12:22.40]because of their more "modem" approach,
[12:25.48]in preference to Oxford,Cambridge or the Redbrick universities.
[12:33.19]there are now forty-four universities in the United Kingdom:
[12:37.79]thirty-three in England,eight in Scotland,
[12:42.28]two in Northern Ireland and one,
[12:44.89]federation of seven colleges,in Wales.
[13:21.78]Passage 7
[13:23.66]Some cities grow very large because of two important reasons.
[13:28.25]Firstly,there may be important natural resources like wood,
[13:32.75]gas,oil,rivers or harbors near or in the city.
[13:37.35]Natural resources like wood or oil can be brought to the city
[13:42.83]and made into products to sell.
[13:45.55]Other resources, like rivers or harbors
[13:48.94]help to send the city's products to other places to be sold.
[13:53.04]Second,the city may be located in a place
[13:57.33]where roads and rivers come together.
[14:00.12]This makes these cities good places to buy and sell goods.
[14:04.12]Houston is a big ncity that grew large because it has two important natural resources
[14:10.10]They are oil and a good harbor.
[14:12.98]The oil can be brought to Houston,
[14:15.46]made into different products,
[14:18.15]and shipped out of the harbor to other parts of the world.
[14:21.73]Chicago is a city that grew very large
[14:25.04]because of its location at a place where roads, railways,andairways24meet.
[14:30.32]In Chicago,goods can be brought together
[14:33.90]from all over the country and bought and sold.
[14:37.37]Then the goods can be loaded into trucks, trains or planes
[14:41.37]and sent to wherever they are needed.
[14:44.06]Because of Chicago's location,many people live and work there.
[15:08.96]Passage 8
[15:10.76]The 1992 Summer Olympics will be here sooner than you might realize
[15:16.24]and already work has begun in Barcelona,
[15:19.93]Spain,to prepare the Olympic facilities.
[15:24.03]It maybe still be a little early to talk about
[15:27.74]who will and who will not do well
[15:31.24]But I think it is safe to say
[15:34.74]that once again the best teams will come fromRussia,
[15:38.74]Germany, China and the United States.
[15:42.63]To my way of thinking,however,
[15:46.44]winning is not the most aspect of the Olympics.
[15:50.44]The Olympics should not be a contest to see which country has the best athletes.
[15:57.62]After all,
[15:59.29]the true spirit of the Olympics is the spirit ofbrotherhood25,
[16:04.18]not the spirit of nationalism.
[16:06.97]There is no need for politics.
[16:09.98]In my opinion,
[16:11.89]there should only be one flag at the Olympics the Olympics Flag.
[16:17.08]And there is no need to play the nationalanthem26of the country
[16:22.18]whose representative has won a particular event.
[16:26.59]Another suggestion I want to make is that the distinction between amateur
[16:32.18]and professional be eliminated from the Olympics games.
[16:36.39]Everyone knows that some countries,
[16:40.28]notably Germany and Russia, pay their athletes,
[16:44.09]but,rather than arguing about who is and who isn't an amateur,
[16:49.97]why not allow all athletes to enter.
[16:53.86]Winning is still an important consideration,
[16:57.55]but perhaps someday the biggest winner at the Olympics
[17:01.73]will be the competitor who has not the medals but the most friends.
[17:07.24]Passage 9
[17:09.12]The Amazon has been called the greatest river in the world.
[17:14.00]Only the Nile River in Egypt maybe longer,
[17:17.30]but no one is sure,
[17:19.28]because the Amazon has yetfully27to be explored.
[17:22.99]We do know that it begins in the Andes Mountains of Peru
[17:27.17]and flows almost 6,400 km across Brazil,
[17:32.26]down to the Atlantic Ocean.
[17:34.75]The Amazon River itself may be large,
[17:37.96]but it also has over 1,000tributary28rivers and smaller streams.
[17:43.44]Seventeen of thetributaries29are over 1,600 km long,
[17:49.22]and this is longer than many of the greatest rivers in the world,
[17:53.61]including Europe's Rhine river.
[17:56.19]So complex is the river
[17:58.67]that many European maps still refer to it as the Amazons.
[18:03.38]A Spanish soldier,
[18:06.38]Francisco de Orellana, was the first European to explore the Amazon,
[18:11.08]between 1541 and 1542.
[18:15.08]Since then,there have been many attempts to explore the river.
[18:19.68]Many books have been written about the Amazon.
[18:22.79]A former U.S.President,
[18:25.27]Theodore Roosevelt,
[18:27.36]helped lead an expedition to explore the river between 1913 and 1914.
[18:33.44]That expedition gathered information and collected history specimens.
[18:38.72]One thing seems certain.
[18:41.83]No matter how many explorations of the Amazon there are,
[18:45.83]it will be a long time
[18:48.02]before the "greatest river in the world" reveals its secrets.
[19:33.32]Passage 10
[19:36.61]Sigmunt Freud developed his system of psychoanalysis
[19:37.63]while he was studying cases of mental illness.
[19:41.41]By examining details of the patient's life,
[19:45.02]he found that the illness could often be traced back
[19:49.22]to some definite problem or conflict
[19:52.83]within the person concerned.
[19:55.62]In 1914 he published a look named the Psychopathology of Everyday Life.
[20:02.31]This book goes a long way towards explaining some of the strange behavior of normal
[20:08.19]sane people.
[20:10.10]A glance at Freud's chapter
[20:13.28]heading will indicate some of the aspects of behavior
[20:17.57]covered by the book:
[20:19.66]Forgetting of proper names
[20:23.13]Forgetting of foreign words
[20:26.42]Childhood and concerning memories
[20:29.51]Mistakes in the reading and writing
[20:33.29]Broadly,Freud demonstrates
[20:37.68]that there are good reasons for many of the slips and errors that we make.
[20:42.85]We forget a name because,unconsciously,
[20:46.75]we do not wish to remember that name.
[20:50.25]We express a childhood memory
[20:53.15]because that memory is painful to us.
[20:56.54]A slip of the tongue
[20:59.23]or of the pen betrays a wish of which we are ashamed
[21:03.80]In these days when everyday would be doctor or writer
[21:09.29]has access to Freud's accounts of his research,
[21:13.39]it is worth pausing and remembering theremarkable30scope
[21:18.69]andoriginality31of his ideas.

Điểm đánh收听单词发音Nghe đài từ đơn phát âm

1 recording UktzJj
n. Ghi âm, ký lục
Tham khảo câu ví dụ:
  • How long will the recording of the song take? Lục hạ này bài hát đến hoa bao nhiêu thời gian?
  • I want to play you a recording of the rehearsal. Ta tưởng cho ngươi phóng một chút diễn tập ghi hình.
2 instructor D6GxY
n. Chỉ đạo giả, giáo viên, huấn luyện viên
Tham khảo câu ví dụ:
  • The college jumped him from instructor to full professor. Đại học đột nhiên đem hắn từ giảng sư tăng lên vì chính giáo thụ.
  • The skiing instructor was a tall,sunburnt man. Trượt tuyết huấn luyện viên là một cái cao cao vóc dáng phơi đến hắc hắc nam tử.
3 inorganic P6Sxn
adj. Vô sinh vật; vô cơ
Tham khảo câu ví dụ:
  • The fundamentals of inorganic chemistry are very important. Hoá học vô cơ cơ sở rất quan trọng.
  • This chemical plant recently bought a large quantity of inorganic salt. Nhà này nhà máy hóa chất lại mua vào đại lượng muối vô cơ.
4 goggles hsJzYP
n. Kính bảo vệ mắt
Tham khảo câu ví dụ:
  • Skiers wear goggles to protect their eyes from the sun. Trượt tuyết giả đều mang lên kính bảo vệ mắt sử đôi mắt không chịu ánh mặt trời thương tổn.
  • My swimming goggles keep steaming up so I can't see. Ta kính bảo vệ mắt vẫn luôn có hơi nước, cho nên ta nhìn không thấy.
5 toxic inSwc
adj. Có độc, nhân trúng độc khiến cho
Tham khảo câu ví dụ:
  • The factory had accidentally released a quantity of toxic waste into the sea. Nhà xưởng này ngoài ý muốn tiết lộ đại lượng có độc phế vật đến trong biển.
  • There is a risk that toxic chemicals might be blasted into the atmosphere. Nổ mạnh sau có đầu độc học vật chất khả năng sẽ tiến vào tầng khí quyển.
6 sniffed ccb6bd83c4e9592715e6230a90f76b72
v. Lấy mũi hút khí, ngửi, nghe ( sniff quá khứ thức cùng qua đi phân từ ); khụt khịt ( vưu chỉ khóc thút thít, hoạn cảm mạo chờ khi ra tiếng mà dùng cái mũi hút khí ); oán giận, không cho là đúng mà nói
Tham khảo câu ví dụ:
  • When Jenney had stopped crying she sniffed and dried her eyes. Jenny đình chỉ khóc thút thít, hít hít cái mũi, lau khô nước mắt. Đến từ 《 đơn giản rõ ràng anh hán từ điển 》
  • The dog sniffed suspiciously at the stranger. Cẩu nghi hoặc mà ngửi cái kia người xa lạ. Đến từ 《 đơn giản rõ ràng anh hán từ điển 》
7 specimens 91fc365099a256001af897127174fcce
n. Hàng mẫu ( specimen danh từ số nhiều ); kiểu mẫu; ( xét nghiệm ) lấy mẫu; nào đó loại hình người
Tham khảo câu ví dụ:
  • Astronauts have brought back specimens of rock from the moon. Du hành vũ trụ viên từ mặt trăng mang về nham thạch tiêu bản.
  • The traveler brought back some specimens of the rocks from the mountains. Vị kia người lữ hành từ trên núi mang về một ít nham thạch tiêu bản. Đến từ 《 đơn giản rõ ràng anh hán từ điển 》
8 sketches 8d492ee1b1a5d72e6468fd0914f4a701
n. Sơ đồ phác thảo ( sketch danh từ số nhiều ); phác hoạ; ký hoạ; đại khái
Tham khảo câu ví dụ:
  • The artist is making sketches for his next painting. Họa gia chính vì hắn tiếp theo phúc tác phẩm họa phác hoạ.
  • You have to admit that these sketches are true to life. Ngươi đến thừa nhận này đó phác hoạ thực quá thật. Đến từ 《 đơn giản rõ ràng anh hán từ điển 》
9 handout dedxA
n. Phát ra văn tự tài liệu; cứu tế phẩm
Tham khảo câu ví dụ:
  • I read the handout carefully. Ta nhìn kỹ này phân phân phát tư liệu.
  • His job was distributing handout at the street-corner. Hắn công tác là ở đầu đường phát truyền đơn.
10 coastal WWiyh
adj. Bờ biển, vùng duyên hải, ven bờ
Tham khảo câu ví dụ:
  • The ocean waves are slowly eating away the coastal rocks. Biển rộng cuộn sóng chậm rãi ăn mòn bên bờ nham thạch.
  • This country will fortify the coastal areas. Nên quốc đem tăng mạnh vùng duyên hải phòng ngự.
11 marine 77Izo
adj. Hải; hải sinh; hàng hải; ngành hàng hải; n. Thuỷ binh
Tham khảo câu ví dụ:
  • Marine creatures are those which live in the sea. Sinh vật biển là sinh tồn ở trong biển sinh vật.
  • When the war broke out,he volunteered for the Marine Corps. Chiến tranh bùng nổ khi, hắn tự nguyện tham gia hải quân lục chiến đội.
12 situated JiYzBH
adj. Tọa lạc ở..., Ở vào nào đó hoàn cảnh
Tham khảo câu ví dụ:
  • The village is situated at the margin of a forest. Thôn ở vào rừng rậm bên cạnh.
  • She is awkwardly situated. Nàng tình cảnh khó khăn.
13 infrastructure UbBz5
n. Hạ bộ cấu tạo, hạ bộ tổ chức, cơ sở kết cấu, cơ sở phương tiện
Tham khảo câu ví dụ:
  • We should step up the development of infrastructure for research. Tăng mạnh khoa học cơ sở phương tiện xây dựng.
  • We should strengthen cultural infrastructure and boost various types of popular culture. Tăng mạnh văn hóa cơ sở phương tiện xây dựng, phát triển các loại quần chúng văn hóa.
14 initially 273xZ
adv. Lúc ban đầu, bắt đầu
Tham khảo câu ví dụ:
  • The ban was initially opposed by the US. Này một lệnh cấm đầu tiên lọt vào nước Mỹ phản đối.
  • Feathers initially developed from insect scales. Lông chim lúc ban đầu từ côn trùng cánh cánh diễn biến mà đến.
15 diplomats ccde388e31f0f3bd6f4704d76a1c3319
n. Quan ngoại giao ( diplomat danh từ số nhiều ); có thủ đoạn người, giỏi về giao tế người
Tham khảo câu ví dụ:
  • These events led to the expulsion of senior diplomats from the country. Này đó sự kiện dẫn tới một ít cao cấp quan ngoại giao bị trục xuất.
  • The court has no jurisdiction over foreign diplomats living in this country. Toà án đối trú bổn quốc quan ngoại giao vô trọng tài quyền. Đến từ 《 đơn giản rõ ràng anh hán từ điển 》
16 strictly GtNwe
adv. Nghiêm khắc mà, nghiêm khắc mà; nghiêm mật mà
Tham khảo câu ví dụ:
  • His doctor is dieting him strictly. Hắn bác sĩ nghiêm khắc quy định hắn ẩm thực.
  • The guests were seated strictly in order of precedence. Khách nhân nghiêm khắc dựa theo địa vị cao thấp liền tòa.
17 influential l7oxK
adj. Có ảnh hưởng, có quyền thế
Tham khảo câu ví dụ:
  • He always tries to get in with the most influential people. Hắn luôn là ý đồ nịnh bợ nhất có ảnh hưởng nhân vật.
  • He is a very influential man in the government. Hắn ở chính phủ trung là cái rất có ảnh hưởng nhân vật.
18 economist AuhzVs
n. Kinh tế học gia, kinh tế chuyên gia, tiết kiệm người
Tham khảo câu ví dụ:
  • He cast a professional economist's eyes on the problem. Hắn lấy kinh tế học người thạo nghề ánh mắt xem kỹ vấn đề này.
  • He's an economist who thinks he knows all the answers. Hắn là cái kinh tế học gia, tự cho là cái gì đều hiểu.
19 adviser HznziU
n. Khuyên bảo giả, cố vấn
Tham khảo câu ví dụ:
  • They employed me as an adviser. Bọn họ mời ta đương cố vấn.
  • Our department has engaged a foreign teacher as phonetic adviser. Chúng ta hệ đã mời một vị ngoại tịch lão sư làm giọng nói cố vấn.
20 treasury 7GeyP
n. Bảo khố; quốc khố, kim khố; kho sách
Tham khảo câu ví dụ:
  • The Treasury was opposed in principle to the proposals. Tài chính bộ trên nguyên tắc phản đối này đó đề án.
  • This book is a treasury of useful information. Quyển sách này là có giá trị tin tức bảo khố.
21 consultant 2v0zp3
n. Cố vấn; hội chẩn y sư, chuyên khoa bác sĩ
Tham khảo câu ví dụ:
  • He is a consultant on law affairs to the mayor. Hắn là thị trưởng một cái pháp luật cố vấn.
  • Originally,Gar had agreed to come up as a consultant. Nguyên lai, thêm ngươi chỉ đáp ứng tới đảm đương chúng ta cố vấn.
22 treatise rpWyx
n. Chuyên tác; ( chuyên đề ) luận văn
Tham khảo câu ví dụ:
  • The doctor wrote a treatise on alcoholism. Vị kia bác sĩ viết một thiên về say rượu vấn đề luận văn.
  • This is not a treatise on statistical theory. Này không phải một thiên có quan hệ thống kê lý luận luận văn.
23 provincial Nt8ye
adj. Tỉnh, địa phương; n. tỉnh ngoài người, người nhà quê
Tham khảo câu ví dụ:
  • City dwellers think country folk have provincial attitudes. Người thành phố cho rằng người nhà quê tư tưởng cổ hủ.
  • Two leading cadres came down from the provincial capital yesterday. Ngày hôm qua từ tỉnh xuống dưới hai vị lãnh đạo cán bộ.
24 AIRWAYS 5a794ea66d6229951550b106ef7caa7a
Hàng không công ty
Tham khảo câu ví dụ:
  • The giant jets that increasingly dominate the world's airways. Càng ngày càng xưng hùng với thế giới đường hàng không to lớn phun khí cơ.
  • At one point the company bought from Nippon Airways a 727 jet. Có một lần công ty từ Nhật Bản hàng không công ty mua một trận 727 hình phun khí cơ.
25 brotherhood 1xfz3o
n. Huynh đệ quan hệ, trong tay tình nghĩa
Tham khảo câu ví dụ:
  • They broke up the brotherhood. Bọn họ đoạn tuyệt huynh đệ quan hệ.
  • They live and work together in complete equality and brotherhood. Bọn họ hoàn toàn bình đẳng cùng huynh đệ mà ở bên nhau sinh hoạt cùng công tác.
26 anthem vMRyj
n. Thánh ca, thánh ca, tán ca
Tham khảo câu ví dụ:
  • All those present were standing solemnly when the national anthem was played. Tấu quốc ca khi toàn trường đứng trang nghiêm.
  • As he stood on the winner's rostrum,he sang the words of the national anthem. Hắn đứng ở quán quân đài lãnh thưởng thượng, xướng nổi lên quốc ca.
27 fully Gfuzd
adv. Hoàn toàn mà, toàn bộ mà, hoàn toàn mà; đầy đủ mà
Tham khảo câu ví dụ:
  • The doctor asked me to breathe in,then to breathe out fully. Bác sĩ làm ta trước hút khí, sau đó toàn bộ thở ra.
  • They soon became fully integrated into the local community. Bọn họ thực mau liền hoàn toàn dung nhập địa phương người vòng.
28 tributary lJ1zW
n. Nhánh sông; tiến cống quốc; adj. Phụ thuộc; phụ trợ; nhánh sông
Tham khảo câu ví dụ:
  • There was a tributary road near the end of the village. Thôn cuối có điều ngã rẽ.
  • As the largest tributary of Jinsha river,Yalong river is abundant in hydropower resources. Nhã lung giang là Kim Sa giang lớn nhất nhánh sông, sức nước tài nguyên thập phần phong phú.
29 tributaries b4e105caf2ca2e0705dc8dc3ed061602
n. Nhánh sông
Tham khảo câu ví dụ:
  • In such areas small tributaries or gullies will not show. Ở này đó khu vực, tiểu nhân nhánh sông cùng hướng mương biểu hiện không ra.
  • These tributaries are subsequent streams which erode strike valley. Này đó nhánh sông hệ tức vì thực trốn đi hướng cốc tái sinh hà.
30 remarkable 8Vbx6
adj. Lộ rõ, dị thường, phi phàm, đáng giá chú ý
Tham khảo câu ví dụ:
  • She has made remarkable headway in her writing skills. Nàng ở viết làm kỹ xảo phương diện có nhảy vọt tiến bộ.
  • These cars are remarkable for the quietness of their engines. Này đó ô tô nhân động cơ không có tạp âm mà không giống bình thường.
31 originality JJJxm
n. Sức sáng tạo, sáng tạo độc đáo tính; mới mẻ độc đáo
Tham khảo câu ví dụ:
  • The name of the game in pop music is originality. Lưu hành âm nhạc bản chất là sáng tạo độc đáo tính.
  • He displayed an originality amounting almost to genius. Hắn biểu hiện ra gần như thiên tài sáng tạo tính.
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