英语Tiếng Anh 日语Tiếng Nhật 韩语Hàn ngữ 法语Tiếng Pháp 德语Tiếng Đức 西班牙语Tiếng Tây Ban Nha 意大利语Tiếng Ý 阿拉伯语Tiếng Ảrập 葡萄牙语Bồ Đào Nha ngữ 越南语Việt Nam ngữ 俄语Tiếng Nga 芬兰语Phần Lan ngữ 泰语Thái ngữ 泰语Tiếng Đan Mạch 泰语Đối ngoại Hán ngữ

Vương trường hỉ thính lực chỉ đạo đề hình thiên -c

Thời gian:2006-01-18 16:00Nơi phát ra:InternetCung cấp võng hữu:Biển cả một cá Tự thể: [ĐạiTrungTiểu]
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    ( từ đơn phiên dịch: Song kích hoặc kéo tuyển )

[00:04.55]you will have time to read questions related to it.
[00:08.12]While listening
[00:10.50]answer each question by choosing A.B.C or D.
[00:17.11]After listening,
[00:19.51]you will have time to check your answer.
[00:22.41]You will have each piece once only.
[00:26.02]Passage 1
[00:27.82]Friends play an important role in our lives,
[00:31.11]and although we may take the fact of friendship for granted,
[00:34.82]we often don't clearly understand how we make friends.
[00:38.90]While we may get on well with other people,
[00:41.69]we are only friends with a few.
[00:44.17]For example,
[00:45.95]the average among students is about six per person.
[00:51.23]much depends on how people meet and on favorable first impressions.
[00:56.42]As we get to know people,
[00:59.04]we take into account things like age,race,
[01:02.72]economic and social status and intelligence.
[01:06.51]Although these factors are not of prime importance,
[01:10.30]it is more difficult to relate to people
[01:13.17]when there is a marked difference in age and background.
[01:17.24]Some relationships thrive on argument and discussion,
[01:21.32]but it is usual for close friends to have similar ideas and beliefs,
[01:25.81]to have attitudes and interests in common
[01:29.10]they sometimes talk about "being on the samewavelength1".
[01:32.89]It generally takes time to reach this point,
[01:35.97]although sometimes people click immediately.
[01:38.87]The more intimately involved people become,
[01:42.27]the more they rely on each other.
[01:44.99]People want to do friends favors and hate to let them down.
[01:48.88]Equally,friends have to learn to make allowances for each other,
[01:53.19]to put up with irritating habits
[01:56.17]and to tolerate differences of opinion.
[02:41.85]Passage 2
[02:43.76]When it rains or snows,some of the water is retained by the soil,
[02:49.95]some is absorbed by vegetation,
[02:52.96]some evaporates,and the remainder,
[02:56.25]which reaches stream channels,is called runoff.
[03:00.35]Floods occur when soil and vegetation can not absorb all the water;
[03:05.76]water then runs off the land in quantities
[03:09.75]and can't be carried in stream channels
[03:13.25]or retained in natural ponds and constructed reservoirs.
[03:18.56]About 30% of all precipitation is runoff,
[03:23.15]and this amount is increased by melting snow masses.
[03:27.54]Periodic floods occur naturally on many rivers,
[03:32.32]forming an area known as the flood plain.
[03:35.93]These river floods often result from the heavy rain,
[03:39.74]sometimes combined with melting snow,
[03:43.03]which causes the rivers tooverflow2their banks;
[03:47.03]a flood that rises and falls rapidly
[03:50.74]with little or no advanced warning is called a flash flood.
[03:55.34]Flash floods usually result from intense rainfall over arelatively3small area.
[04:01.32]Coastal areas are occasionally flooded by unusually high tides
[04:06.91]induced by the winds over ocean surfaces,
[04:11.40]or by tidal waves caused by undersea earthquakes.
[04:17.10]Passage 3
[04:45.39]In his youth,Sam wanted to learn many languages,
[04:50.27]to know everything about human history,
[04:53.15]and to become wise by reading great books.
[04:56.72]When he first came from Europe to the state of North Dakota,
[05:00.72]he worked in a small mill and studied all evening.
[05:04.93]Then he met Lena Wesselius and married her at the age of eighteen.
[05:10.02]After that there was a farm to pay for,
[05:13.39]and there were children to feed.
[05:15.59]For many years,Sam had no time to study.
[05:18.98]Finally,he had a farm that was free from debt, with good soil and plenty of animals.
[05:25.59]But by then he was sixty-three years old and ready to die.
[05:29.59]His wife was dead.
[05:31.57]His sons had grown up and gone away.
[05:34.18]His work was done and he was unneeded and alone.
[05:38.18]Sam's daughter and son-in-law begged him to live with them,
[05:42.78]but he refused.
[05:44.87] "No",he said, "You must learn to be independent.
[05:48.94]You will come and live here on my farm,
[05:51.82]and you will pay me four hundred dollars a year for the use of it.
[05:56.21]But I will not live here with you.
[05:58.71]I will watch you from my hill.
[06:01.09]He built himself a small house on the hill,
[06:05.09]where he cooked his meals,made his bed and read many books from public library.
[06:10.57]He began to feel that he was more free than ever before in his life.
[07:03.47]Passage 4
[07:06.19]It is my honor to introduce today's guest lecturer,
[07:10.29]Dr.C.Henry Taylor,
[07:12.88]a colleague who is so well-known to all of us
[07:16.69]for his manyaccomplishments4
[07:19.77]and contributions to the field of architecture and planning
[07:24.29]that it hardly seems necessary to recount them here.
[07:28.37]Nevertheless,as custom,
[07:31.34]I will summarize his long experience as aprelude5to his address.
[07:36.33]Dr.Taylor received his B.A.degree
[07:39.62]in urban history at Yale University in 1955.
[07:44.72]Five years later, he was awarded a master's degree in architecture
[07:49.89]and a Ph.D. in urban design from Cornell University.
[07:54.88]Upon graduation,
[07:57.39]he accepted a teaching position in the Department of Architecture
[08:02.38]and Fine Arts at Illinois University
[08:06.27]where he was promoted to chairman of the Department in 1969.
[08:12.49]Last year Dr.Taylor resigned from the university
[08:17.27]in order to accept a research position
[08:20.85]with the Department of Housing and Urban Development in Washington
[08:25.55]as Director of Planning.
[08:28.16]Today,Dr.Taylor will speak to us about federal regulations
[08:33.65]for urban development,
[08:36.36]and frankly,I know of no one who is morequalified6to address the subject.
[08:42.24]Ladies and gentlemen,let's welcome Dr.Henry Taylor,
[08:46.84]a well-known scholar and designer.
[09:20.33]Passage 5
[09:23.23]If you have been on campus for very long,
[09:27.12]I am certain that you have heard about this course.
[09:30.70]You may know that last semester,
[09:34.09]about 50% of the students whoenrolled7in my class failed.
[09:38.59]Let me explain how this came about
[09:41.56]before you jump to any conclusions.
[09:44.54]In the first place,
[09:46.55]since this is a composition class,
[09:49.45]I expect my students to follow certain rules of formality.
[09:53.84]Unfortunately, students today don't like to follow any rules of formality,
[09:59.12]especially those they may feel to be unnecessary.
[10:02.62]For example,
[10:04.63]I asked that each of your papers be typed and centered on thepaper correctly.
[10:09.83]I count off points for various kinds of mistakes.
[10:13.33]A misspelled word will cost you five points.
[10:16.72]You have lost 25 points if you misspelled five words.
[10:21.04]If you write an incomplete sentence,you have lost 10 points.
[10:25.14]If you give me two complete sentences as one
[10:28.82]without adequate punctuation,you have lost 15 points.
[10:33.23]I don't accept late papers.
[10:36.03]You will receive zero for any theme you fail to submit on time.
[10:40.52]I expect you to read any assignment.
[10:43.63]To make certain you have read the assignment,
[10:46.71]I will give unannounced quiz from time to time.
[10:50.29]This class meets on Mondays,Wednesdays and Fridays.
[10:54.47]You will have a total of six tests through the semester.
[10:58.18]Your final grade will be based on an average of these major tests,
[11:02.88]the pop tests,and eighteen written themes.
[11:06.67]If you have any question at any time,
[11:09.57]you can see me on Tuesdays.
[11:12.37]My office is on second floor of the building.
[11:16.05]Your assignment for Wednesday
[11:18.56]is to read Hemingway's short story on page 55.
[11:22.84]Friday will be the last class day of the week,
[11:26.73]so you can be expected to write a short in-class theme for me then.
[11:31.02]That's all for today.
[11:32.82]I'II see you on Wednesday.
[12:03.33]Passage 6
[12:08.74]Animals perform many useful and entertaining jobs.
[12:13.13]Dogs are particularly valuable in guiding the blind,
[12:17.33]protecting property, fining lost people, and hunting criminals.
[12:23.42]Horses are used in guardingherds8,
[12:26.63]carrying men in lands
[12:29.32]when there are no roads andhelping9farmers work their lands.
[12:34.13]Pigeons have long been used to carry messages.
[12:37.73]Dogs are extremely useful as companions for blind people.
[12:42.62]When a dog has been properly trained,
[12:46.30]he will always lead its blind master in the right direction
[12:51.00]and keep him out of danger.
[12:53.90]For example,
[12:55.99]seeing-eye dogs learn never to cross a busy road
[12:59.91]when cars are coming,even if their masters command them to do so.
[13:05.11]Horses are also able to learn a lot of things.
[13:09.39]Horses that are used for guards or police duty
[13:13.60]must learn never to be frightened of noises,traffic and otherdisturbances10.
[13:22.19]Racing horses are able to learn much faster than other horses.
[13:27.29]Therefore it is necessary for those who train them
[13:31.39]to be very patient and understanding.
[13:34.58]Pigeons have a natural instinct to return home,
[13:39.77]even if they are far away and the trip is very hard and dangerous.
[13:45.08]Menutilize this instinct to send messages on small pieces of paper
[13:50.88]which are fastened to the pigeon's back or legs.
[13:55.27]In wartime,pigeons have been known to fly as fast as 75 miles an hour
[14:02.16]and to cover distance of 500 to 600 miles.
[14:06.76]People have realized
[14:09.95]that although animals may not have the intelligence as human beings,
[14:15.56]they are smart enough to left many things.
[15:16.85]Passage 7
[15:19.22]N:You know,Brian,
[15:21.34]it doesn't look like you have vacuumed the living room
[15:24.92]or cleaned the bathroom.
[15:27.19]B:No,I haven't.Ugh, I had a worst day. I am so tired.
[15:33.49]Look,I promise I'll do it this weekend.
[15:36.99]N:Listen,I know the feeling.I am tired,too.
[15:41.17]But I came home and did my share of the housework.
[15:44.85]I mean,that's "the agreement", right?
[15:48.66]B:All right,we agreed.I'll do it in a minute. N:Come on.
[15:53.55]Don't be that way.You know,I should not have to ask you to do anything.
[15:58.96]I mean,we both work,we both live in the house,
[16:03.06]we agreed that housework is both of our responsibilities.
[16:07.05]I don't like to have to keep reminding you about it.
[16:10.95]It makes me feels like an oldnag11or something.
[16:14.76]B:Sometimes you are an old nag. N:Oh,great!
[16:18.26]B:No,it's just that I don't notice when things get dirty as you do.
[16:23.46]Look,all you have to do is tell me,and I'll do it.
[16:27.06]N:No,I don't want to be put in that position.
[16:30.85]I mean,you can see dirt as well as I can.
[16:34.25]Otherwise I mean, that put all the responsibility on me.
[16:38.16]B:It's just that cleanliness is not a high priority with me.
[16:42.34]There are other things I would much rather do.
[16:45.32]Besides,the living room floor does not look that dirty. N:Brian.
[16:50.42]B:Just a couplecrumbs12.
[17:19.60]Passage 8
[17:21.69]The need for birth control methods has developed fairly recently,
[17:26.28]with the desire among many women
[17:28.97]to be able to decide when they want to have a baby.
[17:32.47]At the same time,
[17:34.48]there's a growingawareness13of the problem of a rapidly increasing world population
[17:40.68]This problem of a rising world population
[17:44.78]is largely the result of improved medical skills,
[17:48.38]which have lowered the death rate
[17:51.18]and the same time raised the birth rate by increasing live births
[17:55.88]and the number of babies who survive early childhood.
[17:59.67]There is a growingrealization14that food production
[18:03.25]can not keep pace with these increases,
[18:06.46]the result of which is that in some countries
[18:09.75]people are already starving to death
[18:12.86]while many millions more suffer frommalnutrition15.
[18:16.54]This problem is further complicated by the fact that places like America and Europe
[18:22.42]obtain by trade
[18:24.80]and consume far more food and resources like oil than say theaverage Indian,
[18:30.70]thus leaving even less for the people in the underdeveloped area to survive on.
[18:35.69]World population is rising at a rate of 2% a year;
[18:40.29]this means an addition of 70 million people a year
[18:44.18] to the present population of more than 3,500 million.
[18:49.17]There are striking regional differences in the population growth trends.
[18:53.69]The fastest growing region is Latin America
[18:57.08]which includes South and Central America and the Caribbean,
[19:01.18]while Africa and Asia closely follow Latin America.
[19:05.29]However the largest absolute addition to the world population is in Asia
[19:10.59]which at present contains about three-fifths of the people of the world.
[19:48.88] Passage 9
[19:51.29]In 1626,Manhattan Island was purchased from the Indians by Peter Minuit.
[19:57.69]It cost about $2,400.
[20:01.87]At first,it was called New Amsterdam by the Dutch settlers.
[20:07.25]Later it was renamed New York by the English.
[20:11.35]The city grew rapidly.
[20:13.96]There were several reasons for this,
[20:16.86]but the most important one is its location.
[20:20.54]New York issituated16on the best American harbor on the Atlantic Ocean.
[20:26.42]It also lies on the Hudson River
[20:29.64]which allows water transportation into the middle of the United States.
[20:34.62]Today New York has a population of approximately eight million.
[20:39.43]The city has groups from many races.
[20:43.14]It is famous for its Chinatown.
[20:46.22]It also has the largest Jewish population of any city outside Israel.
[20:51.84]After the blacks were released from slavery,
[20:55.63]a large number of them moved into cities like New York,
[20:59.94]Philadelphia,and Washington.
[21:02.84]More recently,people from Puerto Rico have done the same thing.
[21:07.83]New York is made up of fiveboroughs17.
[21:12.03]The Bronx is the only one located on the mainland,
[21:16.34]with Brooklyn, Richmond,and Queensbeing on islands.
[21:20.94]It is a large manufacturing center
[21:24.44]because factories can be located near good water transportation.
[21:29.14]Two of the main businesses
[21:32.04]are the clothing industry and the printing industry.
[21:35.83]Most large publishing companies have their headquarters there.
[21:40.14]The city is oftenlauded18for its large number of cultural attractions
[21:45.94]Among them are the Broadway theaters,
[21:49.44]the opera,the art museum and historic sites.
[21:54.04]Of course,
[21:55.73]it also offers sports fans a chance to sit and tensely watch a live game.
[22:01.14]One of the most famouslandmarks19is the Empire State Building.
[22:06.03]More 15,000 people work here every year.
[22:09.63]At 1,250 feet it is one of the tallest buildings in the world.
[22:15.93]But New York is a constantly changing city
[22:19.43]and this building is no longer the tallest one in the city.
[22:23.32]The 1,350-foot World Trade Center has taken itsplace.
[22:52.32]Passage 10
[22:54.80]M:You have been in a university before,haven't you?
[22:58.69]W:Yes,in Britain.
[23:00.78]M:How do students go about getting jobs when they graduate?
[23:05.19]W:Well,most universities have a Careers Advice Service.
[23:10.18]I used to know the people in the Careers Service in Newcastle University
[23:15.38]and they seem fairly successfully in finding jobs for students.
[23:19.77]They are able to get jobs for 30-40% of new graduates.
[23:25.05]M:That seems a fairly low percentage.
[23:28.34]W:It is not if you consider the various other options which they take up.
[23:33.22]For example,there are a fair number of people
[23:37.19]who go into further study for master's degree,
[23:40.98]either at the same university or other university.
[23:45.29]Then a second group of people,
[23:47.88]who,instead of taking a career job immediately after university,
[23:53.39]decide to take time off,maybe see the world.
[23:57.78]Well,there is a third group,
[24:00.68]who can not actually get the jobs they want,
[24:03.97]and who maybe take something else in the meanwhile.
[24:07.76]So when I say 30-40% find jobs through the Careers Service,
[24:13.06]that doesn't mean only that number find jobs.
[24:17.27]A lot of other people find jobs through the newspapers.
[24:21.65]M:So it is quite really high.
[24:24.45]W:Oh,I think so.
[24:26.64]And quite a lot of other people of course
[24:30.33]look in newspapersand other particularjournals or magazines
[24:35.13]which advertise jobs in the fields they are interested in.

Điểm đánh收听单词发音Nghe đài từ đơn phát âm

1 wavelength 8gHwn
n. Bước sóng
Tham khảo câu ví dụ:
  • The authorities were unable to jam this wavelength. Đương cục vô pháp quấy nhiễu này một đợt trường.
  • Radio One has broadcast on this wavelength for years. Quảng bá 1 đài đã dùng cái này bước sóng quảng bá nhiều năm.
2 overflow fJOxZ
v.( sử ) ngoại dật, ( sử ) tràn ra; tràn ra, chảy ra, tràn ra
Tham khảo câu ví dụ:
  • The overflow from the bath ran on to the floor. Bồn tắm thủy dật tới rồi trên sàn nhà.
  • After a long period of rain,the river may overflow its banks. Thời gian dài ngày mưa sau, nước sông khả năng tràn ra ngạn tới.
3 relatively bkqzS3
adv. Tương đối... Mà, tương đối mà
Tham khảo câu ví dụ:
  • The rabbit is a relatively recent introduction in Australia. Con thỏ là tương đối so tân dẫn vào Australia giống loài.
  • The operation was relatively painless. Giải phẫu tương đối tới nói không đau.
4 accomplishments 1c15077db46e4d6425b6f78720939d54
n. Tạo nghệ; hoàn thành ( accomplishment danh từ số nhiều ); kỹ năng; thành tích; thành tựu
Tham khảo câu ví dụ:
  • It was one of the President's greatest accomplishments. Đó là tổng thống vĩ đại nhất thành tựu chi nhất.
  • Among her accomplishments were sewing,cooking,playing the piano and dancing. Nàng tài năng bao gồm may, chế biến thức ăn, đàn dương cầm cùng khiêu vũ. Đến từ 《 hiện đại anh hán tổng hợp đại từ điển 》
5 prelude 61Fz6
n. Bài tựa, điềm báo, nhạc dạo
Tham khảo câu ví dụ:
  • The prelude to the musical composition is very long. Này đầu nhạc khúc nhạc dạo rất dài.
  • The German invasion of Poland was a prelude to World War II. Nước Đức xâm lấn Ba Lan là thế chiến thứ hai mở màn.
6 qualified DCPyj
adj. Đủ tư cách, có tư cách, đảm nhiệm, có hạn chế
Tham khảo câu ví dụ:
  • He is qualified as a complete man of letters. Hắn có tư cách đương chân chính văn học gia.
  • We must note that we still lack qualified specialists. Chúng ta cần thiết nhìn đến chúng ta còn khuyết thiếu có tư chất chuyên gia.
7 enrolled ff7af27948b380bff5d583359796d3c8
adj. Nhập học đăng ký v.[ cũng làm enrol]( enroll quá khứ thức cùng qua đi phân từ ); đăng ký, tuyển nhận, sử nhập ngũ ( hoặc nhập hội, nhập học chờ ), tham gia, trở thành thành viên; nhớ nhập danh sách; cuốn lên, bao khởi
Tham khảo câu ví dụ:
  • They have been studying hard from the moment they enrolled. Từ nhập học khi khởi, bọn họ liền vẫn luôn nỗ lực học tập. Đến từ 《 đơn giản rõ ràng anh hán từ điển 》
  • He enrolled with an employment agency for a teaching position. Hắn tại chức nghiệp giới thiệu sở đăng ký xong lấy mưu cầu một cái giáo viên chức vị. Đến từ 《 đơn giản rõ ràng anh hán từ điển 》
8 herds 0a162615f6eafc3312659a54a8cdac0f
Thú đàn ( herd danh từ số nhiều ); mục đàn; đám người; quần chúng
Tham khảo câu ví dụ:
  • Regularly at daybreak they drive their herds to the pasture. Mỗi ngày thiên sáng ngời bọn họ liền đem súc vật đuổi tới đồng cỏ đi lên.
  • There we saw herds of cows grazing on the pasture. Chúng ta ở nơi đó nhìn đến từng bầy ngưu ở trên cỏ ăn cỏ.
9 helping 2rGzDc
n. Đồ ăn một phần &adj. Trợ giúp người, phụ trợ
Tham khảo câu ví dụ:
  • The poor children regularly pony up for a second helping of my hamburger. Những cái đó đáng thương bọn nhỏ luôn là yêu cầu ta đem ta hamburger lại cho bọn hắn một phần.
  • By doing this, they may at times be helping to restore competition. Cứ như vậy, hắn ở nào đó thời điểm, có trợ giúp cạnh tranh tăng mạnh.
10 disturbances a0726bd74d4516cd6fbe05e362bc74af
n. Rối loạn ( disturbance danh từ số nhiều ); quấy rầy; bối rối; chướng ngại
Tham khảo câu ví dụ:
  • The government has set up a commission of inquiry into the disturbances at the prison. Chính phủ thành lập một cái ủy ban tới điều tra ngục giam rối loạn sự kiện.
  • Extra police were called in to quell the disturbances. Đã triệu tập tiếp viện cảnh lực tới bình định rối loạn.
11 nag i63zW
v.( đối…) không ngừng lải nhải; n. Ái lải nhải người
Tham khảo câu ví dụ:
  • Nobody likes to work with a nag. Ai cũng không muốn cùng hảo lải nhải người cùng nhau cộng sự.
  • Don't nag me like an old woman. Đừng giống cái lão thái bà dường như lải nhải phiền ta.
12 crumbs crumbs
int. ( tỏ vẻ kinh ngạc ) ai nha n. Mảnh vụn Danh từ crumb số nhiều hình thức
Tham khảo câu ví dụ:
  • She stood up and brushed the crumbs from her sweater. Nàng đứng lên phủi rớt áo lông thượng bánh mì tiết.
  • Oh crumbs! Is that the time? A, trời ạ! Đều lúc này lạp?
13 awareness 4yWzdW
n. Ý thức, giác ngộ, hiểu chuyện, sáng suốt
Tham khảo câu ví dụ:
  • There is a general awareness that smoking is harmful. Mọi người phổ biến nhận thức đến hút thuốc có hại khỏe mạnh.
  • Environmental awareness has increased over the years. Những năm gần đây mọi người hoàn cảnh ý thức tăng cường.
14 realization nTwxS
n. Thực hiện; nhận thức đến, khắc sâu hiểu biết
Tham khảo câu ví dụ:
  • We shall gladly lend every effort in our power toward its realization. Chúng ta đem vui vì nó thực hiện mà đem hết toàn lực.
  • He came to the realization that he would never make a good teacher. Hắn dần dần nhận thức đến chính mình vĩnh viễn sẽ không trở thành hảo lão sư.
15 malnutrition kAhxX
n. Dinh dưỡng bất lương
Tham khảo câu ví dụ:
  • In Africa, there are a lot of children suffering from severe malnutrition. Ở Châu Phi có rất nhiều nghiêm trọng dinh dưỡng bất lương hài tử.
  • It is a classic case of malnutrition. Đây là dinh dưỡng bất lương điển hình ca bệnh.
16 situated JiYzBH
adj. Tọa lạc ở..., Ở vào nào đó hoàn cảnh
Tham khảo câu ví dụ:
  • The village is situated at the margin of a forest. Thôn ở vào rừng rậm bên cạnh.
  • She is awkwardly situated. Nàng tình cảnh khó khăn.
17 boroughs 26e1dcec7122379b4ccbdae7d6030dba
( vưu chỉ đại luân đôn ) khu hành chính ( borough danh từ số nhiều ); hội nghị trung có đại biểu thị trấn
Tham khảo câu ví dụ:
  • London is made up of 32 boroughs. Luân Đôn từ 32 cái khu hành chính tạo thành.
  • Brooklyn is one of the five boroughs of New York City. Brooklyn khu là thành phố New York năm cái khu hành chính chi nhất.
18 lauded b67508c0ca90664fe666700495cd0226
v. Khen ngợi, ca ngợi ( laud quá khứ thức cùng qua đi phân từ )
Tham khảo câu ví dụ:
  • They lauded the former president as a hero. Bọn họ khen ngợi trước tổng thống vì anh hùng. Đến từ từ điển câu ví dụ
  • The nervy feats of the mountaineers were lauded. Lên núi giả có dũng khí hành động vĩ đại đã chịu ca ngợi. Đến từ từ điển câu ví dụ
19 landmarks 746a744ae0fc201cc2f97ab777d21b8c
n. Lục tiêu ( landmark danh từ số nhiều ); mục tiêu; ( tiêu chí quan trọng giai đoạn ) cột mốc lịch sử ~ (in sth); có lịch sử ý nghĩa vật kiến trúc ( hoặc di chỉ )
Tham khảo câu ví dụ:
  • The book stands out as one of the notable landmarks in the progress of modern science. Này bộ làm là hiện đại khoa học phát triển sử thượng trứ danh cột mốc lịch sử chi nhất. Đến từ 《 hiện đại hán anh tổng hợp đại từ điển 》
  • The baby was one of the big landmarks in our relationship. Hài tử xuất thế là hai chúng ta quan hệ trung một cái quan trọng bước ngoặt. Đến từ từ điển câu ví dụ
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