CSS Object Model (CSSOM)

W3C Working Draft,

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CSSOM defines APIs (including generic parsing and serialization rules) for Media Queries, Selectors, and of course CSS itself.

CSSis a language for describing the rendering of structured documents (such as HTML and XML) on screen, on paper, etc.

Status of this document

This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication. Other documents may supersede this document. A list of current W3C publications and the latest revision of this technical report can be found in theW3C technical reports index at https://www.w3.org/TR/.

This document was published by theCSS Working Groupas aWorking Draft. Publication as a Working Draft does not imply endorsement by the W3C Membership.

This is a draft document and may be updated, replaced or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to cite this document as other than work in progress.

Please send feedback byfiling issues in GitHub(preferred), including the spec code “cssom” in the title, like this: “[cssom]…summary of comment…”. All issues and comments arearchived. Alternately, feedback can be sent to the (archived) public mailing list[email protected].

This document is governed by the15 September 2020 W3C Process Document.

This document was produced by a group operating under theW3C Patent Policy. W3C maintains apublic list of any patent disclosuresmade in connection with the deliverables of the group; that page also includes instructions for disclosing a patent. An individual who has actual knowledge of a patent which the individual believes containsEssential Claim(s)must disclose the information in accordance withsection 6 of the W3C Patent Policy.


This document formally specifies the core features of the CSS Object Model (CSSOM). Other documents in the CSSOM family of specifications as well as other CSS related specifications define extensions to these core features.

The core features of the CSSOM are oriented towards providing basic capabilities to author-defined scripts to permit access to and manipulation of style related state information and processes.

The features defined below are fundamentally based on prior specifications of the W3C DOM Working Group, primarily[DOM].The purposes of the present document are (1) to improve on that prior work by providing more technical specificity (so as to improve testability and interoperability), (2) to deprecate or remove certain less-widely implemented features no longer considered to be essential in this context, and (3) to newly specify certain extensions that have been or expected to be widely implemented.


This specification employs certain terminology from the following documents:DOM,HTML,CSS Syntax,Encoding,URL,Fetch,Associating Style Sheets with XML documentsandXML.[DOM][HTML][CSS3SYN][ENCODING][URL][FETCH][XML-STYLESHEET][XML]

When this specification talks about objectAwhereAis actually an interface, it generally means an object implementing interfaceA.

The termssetandunsetto refer to the true and false values of binary flags or variables, respectively. These terms are also used as verbs in which case they refer to mutating some value to make it true or false, respectively.

The termsupported styling languagerefers to CSS.

Note:If another styling language becomes supported in user agents, this specification is expected to be updated as necessary.

The termsupported CSS propertyrefers to a CSS property that the user agent implements, including any vendor-prefixed properties, but excludingcustom properties.Asupported CSS propertymust be in its lowercase form for the purpose of comparisons in this specification.

In this specification the::beforeand::afterpseudo-elements are assumed to exist for all elements even if no box is generated for them.

When a method or an attribute is said to call another method or attribute, the user agent must invoke its internal API for that attribute or method so that e.g. the author can’t change the behavior by overriding attributes or methods with custom properties or functions in ECMAScript.

Unless otherwise stated, string comparisons are done in acase-sensitivemanner.

2.1.Common Serializing Idioms

Toescape a charactermeans to create a string of "\"(U+005C), followed by the character.

Toescape a character as code pointmeans to create a string of "\"(U+005C), followed by the Unicode code point as the smallest possible number of hexadecimal digits in the range 0-9 a-f (U+0030 to U+0039 and U+0061 to U+0066) to represent the code point in base 16, followed by a single SPACE (U+0020).

Toserialize an identifiermeans to create a string represented by the concatenation of, for each character of the identifier:

Toserialize a stringmeans to create a string represented by ' "' (U+0022), followed by the result of applying the rules below to each character of the given string, followed by '" ' (U+0022):

Note:"'"(U+0027) is not escaped because strings are always serialized with '" ' (U+0022).

Toserialize a URLmeans to create a string represented by "url(",followed by theserializationof the URL as a string, followed by ")".

Toserialize a LOCALmeans to create a string represented by "local(",followed by theserializationof the LOCAL as a string, followed by ")".

Toserialize a comma-separated listconcatenate all items of the list in list order while separating them by ",",i.e., COMMA (U+002C) followed by a single SPACE (U+0020).

Toserialize a whitespace-separated listconcatenate all items of the list in list order while separating them by "",i.e., a single SPACE (U+0020).

Note:When serializing a list according to the above rules, extraneous whitespace is not inserted prior to the first item or subsequent to the last item. Unless otherwise specified, an empty list is serialized as the empty string.


Most strings in CSSOM interfaces use theCSSOMStringtype. Each implementation chooses to define it as eitherUSVStringorDOMString:


Or, alternatively:

The difference is only observable from web content whensurrogatecode units are involved.DOMStringwould preserve them, whereasUSVStringwould replace them with U+FFFD REPLACEMENT CHARACTER.

This choice effectively allows implementations to do this replacement, but does not require it.

UsingUSVStringenables an implementation to use UTF-8 internally to represent strings in memory. Since well-formed UTF-8 specifically disallowssurrogatecode points, it effectively requires this replacement.

On the other hand, implementations that internally represent strings as 16-bitcode unitsmight prefer to avoid the cost of doing this replacement.

4.Media Queries

Media queriesare defined by[MEDIAQUERIES].This section defines various concepts aroundmedia queries,including their API and serialization form.

4.1.Parsing Media Queries

Toparse a media query listfor a given stringsinto amedia query listis defined in the Media Queries specification. Return the list of media queries that the algorithm defined there gives.

Note:A media query that ends up being "ignored" will turn into "not all".

Toparse a media queryfor a given stringsmeans to follow theparse a media query liststeps and return null if more than one media query is returned or a media query if a single media query is returned.

Note:Again, a media query that ends up being "ignored" will turn into "not all".

4.2.Serializing Media Queries

Toserialize a media query listrun these steps:

  1. If themedia query listis empty, then return the empty string.
  2. Serializeeach media query in the list of media queries, in the same order as they appear in themedia query list,and thenserializethe list.

Toserialize a media queryletsbe the empty string, run the steps below:

  1. If themedia queryis negated append "not",followed by a single SPACE (U+0020), tos.
  2. Lettypebe theserialization as an identifierof themedia typeof themedia query,converted to ASCII lowercase.
  3. If themedia querydoes not containmedia featuresappendtype,tos, then returns.
  4. Iftypeis not "all"or if the media query is negated appendtype,followed by a single SPACE (U+0020), followed by "and",followed by a single SPACE (U+0020), tos.
  5. Then, for eachmedia feature:
    1. Append a "("(U+0028), followed by themedia featurename,converted to ASCII lowercase, tos.
    2. If a value is given append a ":"(U+003A), followed by a single SPACE (U+0020), followed by theserialized media feature value, tos.
    3. Append a ")"(U+0029) tos.
    4. If this is not the lastmedia featureappend a single SPACE (U+0020), followed by "and",followed by a single SPACE (U+0020), tos.
  6. Returns.
Here are some examples of input (first column) and output (second column):
Input Output
not screen and (min-WIDTH:5px) AND (max-width:40px)
not screen and (min-width: 5px) and (max-width: 40px)
all and (color) and (color)
(color) and (color)

4.2.1.Serializing Media Feature Values

This should probably be done in terms of mapping it to serializing CSS values as media features are defined in terms of CSS values after all.

Toserialize a media feature valuenamedvlocatevin the first column of the table below and use the serialization format described in the second column:

Media Feature Serialization
width ...
height ...
device-width ...
device-height ...
orientation If the value isportrait:"portrait". If the value islandscape:"landscape".
aspect-ratio ...
device-aspect-ratio ...
color ...
color-index ...
monochrome ...
resolution ...
scan If the value isprogressive:"progressive". If the value isinterlace:"interlace".
grid ...

Other specifications can extend this table and vendor-prefixed media features can have custom serialization formats as well.

4.3.Comparing Media Queries

Tocompare media queriesm1andm2means toserializethem both and return true if they are acase-sensitivematch and false if they are not.


An object that implements theMediaListinterface has an associatedcollection of media queries.


The object’ssupported property indicesare the numbers in the range zero to one less than the number of media queries in thecollection of media queriesrepresented by the collection. If there are no such media queries, then there are nosupported property indices.

Tocreate aMediaListobjectwith a stringtext,run the following steps:

  1. Create a newMediaListobject.
  2. Set itsmediaTextattribute totext.
  3. Return the newly createdMediaListobject.

ThemediaTextattribute, on getting, must return aserializationof thecollection of media queries. Setting themediaTextattribute must run these steps:

  1. Empty thecollection of media queries.
  2. If the given value is the empty string, then return.
  3. Append all the media queries as a result ofparsingthe given value to thecollection of media queries.

Theitem(index)method must return aserializationof the media query in thecollection of media queriesgiven byindex,or null, ifindexis greater than or equal to the number of media queries in thecollection of media queries.

Thelengthattribute must return the number of media queries in thecollection of media queries.

TheappendMedium(medium)method must run these steps:

  1. Letmbe the result ofparsingthe given value.
  2. Ifmis null, then return.
  3. Ifcomparingmwith any of the media queries in thecollection of media queriesreturns true, then return.
  4. Appendmto thecollection of media queries.

ThedeleteMedium(medium)method must run these steps:

  1. Letmbe the result ofparsingthe given value.
  2. Ifmis null, then return.
  3. Remove any media query from thecollection of media queriesfor whichcomparingthe media query withmreturns true. If nothing was removed, thenthrowaNotFoundErrorexception.


Selectors are defined in the Selectors specification. This section mainly defines how to serialize them.

5.1.Parsing Selectors

Toparse a group of selectorsmeans to parse the value using theselectors_groupproduction defined in the Selectors specification and return either a group of selectors if parsing did not fail or null if parsing did fail.

5.2.Serializing Selectors

Toserialize a group of selectorsserializeeach selector in the group of selectors and thenserializea comma-separated list of these serializations.

Toserialize a selectorletsbe the empty string, run the steps below for each part of the chain of the selector, and finally returns:

  1. If there is only onesimple selectorin thecompound selectorswhich is auniversal selector,append the result ofserializingtheuniversal selectortos.
  2. Otherwise, for eachsimple selectorin thecompound selectorsthat is not a universal selector of which thenamespace prefixmaps to a namespace that is not thedefault namespaceserializethesimple selectorand append the result tos.
  3. If this is not the last part of the chain of the selector append a single SPACE (U+0020), followed by the combinator ">", "+", "~", ">>", "||", as appropriate, followed by another single SPACE (U+0020) if the combinator was not whitespace, tos.
  4. If this is the last part of the chain of the selector and there is a pseudo-element, append "::"followed by the name of the pseudo-element, tos.

Toserialize a simple selectorletsbe the empty string, run the steps below, and finally returns:

type selector
universal selector
  1. If thenamespace prefixmaps to a namespace that is not thedefault namespaceand is not the null namespace (not in a namespace) append theserializationof thenamespace prefixas an identifier, followed by a "|"(U+007C) tos.
  2. If thenamespace prefixmaps to a namespace that is the null namespace (not in a namespace) append "|"(U+007C) tos.
  3. If this is a type selector append theserializationof the element name as an identifier tos.
  4. If this is a universal selector append "*"(U+002A) tos.
attribute selector
  1. Append "["(U+005B) tos.
  2. If thenamespace prefixmaps to a namespace that is not the null namespace (not in a namespace) append theserializationof thenamespace prefixas an identifier, followed by a "|"(U+007C) tos.
  3. Append theserializationof the attribute name as an identifier tos.
  4. If there is an attribute value specified, append "=", "~=", "|=", "^=", "$=",or "*=" as appropriate (depending on the type of attribute selector), followed by theserializationof the attribute value as a string, tos.
  5. If the attribute selector has the case-sensitivity flag present, append "i"(U+0020 U+0069) tos.
  6. Append "]"(U+005D) tos.
class selector
Append a "."(U+002E), followed by theserializationof the class name as an identifier tos.
ID selector
Append a "#"(U+0023), followed by theserializationof the ID as an identifier tos.
If the pseudo-class does not accept arguments append ":"(U+003A), followed by the name of the pseudo-class, tos.

Otherwise, append ":"(U+003A), followed by the name of the pseudo-class, followed by"("(U+0028), followed by the value of the pseudo-class argument(s) determined as per below, followed by ")"(U+0029), tos.

Theserialization of a comma-separated listof each argument’sserialization as a string,preserving relative order.
The result of serializing the value using the rules toserialize an <an+b> value.
The result of serializing the value using the rules forserializing a group of selectors.


6.1.CSS Style Sheets

ACSS style sheetis an abstract concept that represents a style sheet as defined by the CSS specification. In the CSSOM aCSS style sheetis represented as aCSSStyleSheetobject.

When called, execute the steps tocreate a constructed CSSStyleSheetgivenoptionsand return the result.
Tocreate a constructedCSSStyleSheet givenCSSStyleSheetInitoptions,run these steps:
  1. Construct a newCSSStyleSheetobjectsheet.
  2. Setsheet’slocationto thebase URLof theassociated Documentfor thecurrent global object.
  3. Setsheet’sstylesheet base URLto thebaseURLattribute value fromoptions.
  4. Setsheet’sparent CSS style sheetto null.
  5. Setsheet’sowner nodeto null.
  6. Setsheet’sowner CSS ruleto null.
  7. Setsheet’stitleto the the empty string.
  8. Unsetsheet’salternate flag.
  9. Setsheet’sorigin-clean flag.
  10. Setsheet’sconstructed flag.
  11. Setsheet’sConstructor documentto theassociated Documentfor thecurrent global object.
  12. If themediaattribute ofoptionsis a string,create a MediaList objectfrom the string and assign it assheet’smedia. Otherwise,serialize a media query listfrom the attribute and thencreate a MediaList objectfrom the resulting string and set it assheet’smedia.
  13. If thedisabledattribute ofoptionsis true, setsheet’sdisabled flag.
  14. Returnsheet.

ACSS style sheethas a number of associated state items:

The literal string "text/css".
Specified when created. Theabsolute-URL stringof the first request of theCSS style sheetor null if theCSS style sheetwas embedded. Does not change during the lifetime of theCSS style sheet.
parent CSS style sheet
Specified when created. TheCSS style sheetthat is the parent of theCSS style sheetor null if there is no associated parent.
owner node
Specified when created. The DOM node associated with theCSS style sheetor null if there is no associated DOM node.
owner CSS rule
Specified when created. TheCSS rulein theparent CSS style sheetthat caused the inclusion of theCSS style sheetor null if there is no associated rule.
Specified when created. TheMediaListobject associated with theCSS style sheet.

If this property is specified to a string, themediamust be set to the return value of invokingcreate aMediaListobjectsteps for that string.

If this property is specified to an attribute of theowner node,themediamust be set to the return value of invokingcreate aMediaListobjectsteps for the value of that attribute. Whenever the attribute is set, changed or removed, themedia’smediaTextattribute must be set to the new value of the attribute, or to null if the attribute is absent.

Note:Changing themedia’smediaTextattribute does not change the corresponding attribute on theowner node.

Note:Theowner nodeof aCSS style sheet,if non-null, is the node whoseassociated CSS style sheetis theCSS style sheetin question, when theCSS style sheetisadded.

Specified when created. The title of theCSS style sheet,which can be the empty string.
In the following, thetitleis non-empty for the first style sheet, but is empty for the second and third style sheets.
<style title= "papaya whip" >
body { background: #ffefd5; }
<style title= "" >
body { background: orange; }
body { background: brown; }

If this property is specified to an attribute of theowner node,thetitlemust be set to the value of that attribute. Whenever the attribute is set, changed or removed, thetitlemust be set to the new value of the attribute, or to the empty string if the attribute is absent.

Note:HTML onlyspecifiestitleto be an attribute of theowner nodeif the node is inin a document tree.

alternate flag
Specified when created. Either set or unset. Unset by default.
The followingCSS style sheetshave theiralternate flagset:
<?xml-stylesheet alternate= "yes" title= "x" href= "data:text/css,…"?>
<link rel= "alternate stylesheet" title= "x" href= "data:text/css,…" >
disabled flag
Either set or unset. Unset by default.

Note:Even when unset it does not necessarily mean that theCSS style sheetis actually used for rendering.

CSS rules
The CSS rules associated with theCSS style sheet.
origin-clean flag
Specified when created. Either set or unset. If it is set, the API allows reading and modifying of theCSS rules.
constructed flag
Specified when created. Either set or unset. Unset by default. Signifies whether this stylesheet was created by invoking the IDL-defined constructor.
disallow modification flag
Either set or unset. Unset by default. If set, modification of the stylesheet’s rules is not allowed.
constructor document
Specified when created. TheDocumenta constructed stylesheet is associated with. Null by default. Only non-null for stylesheets that haveconstructed flagset.
stylesheet base URL
The base URL to use when resolving relative URLs in the stylesheet. Null by default. Only non-null for stylesheets that haveconstructed flagset.


TheStyleSheetinterface represents an abstract, base style sheet.


Thetypeattribute must return thetype.

Thehrefattribute must return thelocation.

TheownerNodeattribute must return theowner node.

TheparentStyleSheetattribute must return theparent CSS style sheet.

Thetitleattribute must return thetitleor null iftitleis the empty string.

Themediaattribute must return themedia.

Thedisabledattribute, on getting, must return true if thedisabled flagis set, or false otherwise. On setting, thedisabledattribute must set thedisabled flagif the new value is true, or unset thedisabled flagotherwise.


TheCSSStyleSheetinterface represents aCSS style sheet.

constructor(optionalCSSStyleSheetInitoptions= {});

unsignedlonginsertRule(CSSOMStringrule,optionalunsignedlongindex= 0);


(MediaListorDOMString)media= "";

TheownerRuleattribute must return theowner CSS rule. If a value other than null is ever returned, then that same value must always be returned on each get access.

ThecssRulesattribute must follow these steps:

  1. If theorigin-clean flagis unset,throwaSecurityErrorexception.
  2. Return a read-only, liveCSSRuleListobject representing theCSS rules.

    Note:Even though the returnedCSSRuleListobject is read-only (from the perspective of client-authored script), it can nevertheless change over time due to its liveness status. For example, invoking theinsertRule()ordeleteRule()methods can result in mutations reflected in the returned object.

TheinsertRule(rule,index)method must run the following steps:

  1. If theorigin-clean flagis unset,throwaSecurityErrorexception.
  2. If thedisallow modification flagis set, throw aNotAllowedErrorDOMException.
  3. Letparsed rulebe the return value of invokingparse a rulewithrule.
  4. Ifparsed ruleis a syntax error, returnparsed rule.
  5. Ifparsed ruleis an@importrule, and theconstructed flagis set, throw aSyntaxErrorDOMException.
  6. Return the result of invokinginsert a CSS rulerulein theCSS rulesatindex.

ThedeleteRule(index)method must run the following steps:

  1. If theorigin-clean flagis unset,throwaSecurityErrorexception.
  2. If thedisallow modification flagis set, throw aNotAllowedErrorDOMException.
  3. Remove a CSS rulein theCSS rulesatindex.

Thereplace(text)method must run the following steps:

  1. Letpromisebe a promise.
  2. If theconstructed flagis not set, or thedisallow modification flagis set, rejectpromisewith aNotAllowedErrorDOMExceptionand returnpromise.
  3. Set thedisallow modification flag.
  4. In parallel,do these steps:
    1. Letrulesbe the result of runningparse a list of rulesfromtext.Ifrulesis not a list of rules (i.e. an error occurred during parsing), setrulesto an empty list.
    2. Ifrulescontains one or more@importrules,remove those rulesfromrules.
    3. Setsheet’sCSS rulestorules.
    4. Unsetsheet’sdisallow modification flag.
    5. Resolvepromisewithsheet.
  5. Returnpromise.

ThereplaceSync(text)method must run the steps tosynchronously replace the rules of a CSSStyleSheeton thisCSSStyleSheetgiventext.

Tosynchronously replace the rules of a CSSStyleSheetonsheetgiventext,run these steps:

  1. If theconstructed flagis not set, or thedisallow modification flagis set, throw aNotAllowedErrorDOMException.
  2. Letrulesbe the result of runningparse a list of rulesfromtext.Ifrulesis not a list of rules (i.e. an error occurred during parsing), setrulesto an empty list.
  3. Ifrulescontains one or more@importrules,remove those rulesfromrules.
  4. Setsheet’sCSS rulestorules. CSSStyleSheet members

Note:These members are required for compatibility with existing sites.

longaddRule(optionalDOMStringselector= "undefined",optionalDOMStringstyle= "undefined",optionalunsignedlongindex);
undefinedremoveRule(optionalunsignedlongindex= 0);

Therulesattribute must follow the same steps ascssRules,and return the same objectcssRuleswould return.

TheremoveRule(index)method must run the same steps asdeleteRule().

TheaddRule(selector,block,optionalIndex)method must run the following steps:

  1. Letrulebe an empty string.
  2. Appendselectortorule.
  3. Append"{"torule.
  4. Ifblockis not empty, appendblock,followed by a space, torule.
  5. Append"}"torule
  6. LetindexbeoptionalIndexif provided, or the number ofCSS rulesin the stylesheet otherwise.
  7. CallinsertRule(),withruleandindexas arguments.
  8. Return-1.

Authors should not use these members and should instead use and teach the standardCSSStyleSheetinterface defined earlier, which is consistent withCSSGroupingRule.

6.2.CSS Style Sheet Collections

Below various new concepts are defined that are associated with eachDocumentOrShadowRootobject.

EachDocumentOrShadowRoothas an associated list of zero or moreCSS style sheets,named thedocument or shadow root CSS style sheets.This is an ordered list that contains:

  1. AnyCSS style sheetscreated from HTTPLinkheaders, in header order
  2. AnyCSS style sheetsassociated with theDocumentOrShadowRoot,intree order

EachDocumentOrShadowRoothas an associated list of zero or moreCSS style sheets,named thefinal CSS style sheets.This is an ordered list that contains:

  1. Thedocument or shadow root CSS style sheets.
  2. The contents ofDocumentOrShadowRoot'sadoptedStyleSheets'backing list,in array order.

Tocreate a CSS style sheet,run these steps:

  1. Create a newCSS style sheetobject and set its properties as specified.
  2. Then run theadd a CSS style sheetsteps for the newly createdCSS style sheet.

    If theorigin-clean flagis unset, this can expose information from the user’s intranet.

Toadd a CSS style sheet,run these steps:

  1. Add theCSS style sheetto the list ofdocument or shadow root CSS style sheetsat the appropriate location. The remainder of these steps deal with thedisabled flag.
  2. If thedisabled flagis set, then return.
  3. If thetitleis not the empty string, thealternate flagis unset, andpreferred CSS style sheet set nameis the empty stringchange the preferred CSS style sheet set nameto thetitle.
  4. If any of the following is true, then unset thedisabled flagand return:
  5. Set thedisabled flag.

Toremove a CSS style sheet,run these steps:

  1. Remove theCSS style sheetfrom the list ofdocument or shadow root CSS style sheets.
  2. Set theCSS style sheet’sparent CSS style sheet,owner nodeandowner CSS ruleto null.

Apersistent CSS style sheetis aCSS style sheetfrom thedocument or shadow root CSS style sheetswhosetitleis the empty string and whosealternate flagis unset.

ACSS style sheet setis an ordered collection of one or moreCSS style sheetsfrom thedocument or shadow root CSS style sheetswhich have an identicaltitlethat is not the empty string.

ACSS style sheet set nameis thetitletheCSS style sheet sethas in common.

Anenabled CSS style sheet setis aCSS style sheet setof which eachCSS style sheethas itsdisabled flagunset.

Toenable a CSS style sheet setwith namename,run these steps:

  1. Ifnameis the empty string, set thedisabled flagfor eachCSS style sheetthat is in aCSS style sheet setand return.
  2. Unset thedisabled flagfor eachCSS style sheetin aCSS style sheet setwhoseCSS style sheet set nameis acase-sensitivematch fornameand set it for all otherCSS style sheetsin aCSS style sheet set.

Toselect a CSS style sheet setwith namename,run these steps:

  1. enable a CSS style sheet setwith namename.
  2. Setlast CSS style sheet set nametoname.

Alast CSS style sheet set nameis a concept to determine whatCSS style sheet setwas lastselected.Initially its value is null.

Apreferred CSS style sheet set nameis a concept to determine whichCSS style sheetsneed to have theirdisabled flagunset. Initially its value is the empty string.

Tochange the preferred CSS style sheet set namewith namename,run these steps:

  1. Letcurrentbe thepreferred CSS style sheet set name.
  2. Setpreferred CSS style sheet set nametoname.
  3. Ifnameis not acase-sensitivematch forcurrentandlast CSS style sheet set nameis nullenable a CSS style sheet setwith namename.

6.2.1.The HTTP Default-Style Header

The HTTPDefault-Styleheader can be used to set thepreferred CSS style sheet set nameinfluencing whichCSS style sheet setis (initially) theenabled CSS style sheet set.

For each HTTPDefault-Styleheader, in header order, the user agent mustchange the preferred CSS style sheet set namewith name being the value of the header.


TheStyleSheetListinterface represents an ordered collection ofCSS style sheets.


The object’ssupported property indicesare the numbers in the range zero to one less than the number ofCSS style sheetsrepresented by the collection. If there are no suchCSS style sheets, then there are nosupported property indices.

Theitem(index)method must return theindexthCSS style sheetin the collection. If there is noindexth object in the collection, then the method must return null.

Thelengthattribute must return the number ofCSS style sheetsrepresented by the collection.

6.2.3.Extensions to theDocumentOrShadowRootInterface Mixin


ThestyleSheetsattribute must return aStyleSheetListcollection representing thedocument or shadow root CSS style sheets.

Theset an indexed valuealgorithm foradoptedStyleSheets,givenvalueandindex, is the following:

  1. Ifvalue’sconstructed flagis not set, or itsconstructor documentis not equal to thisDocumentOrShadowRoot'snode document,throw a "NotAllowedError"DOMException.

6.3.Style Sheet Association

This section defines the interface anowner nodeof aCSS style sheethas to implement and defines the requirements forxml-stylesheet processing instructionsand HTTPLinkheaders when the link relation type is anASCII case-insensitivematch for "stylesheet".

6.3.1.Fetching CSS style sheets

Tofetch a CSS style sheetwith parsed URLparsed URL,referrerreferrer,documentdocument,optionally a set of parametersparameters(used as input to creating arequest), follow these steps:

  1. Letoriginbedocument’sorigin.
  2. Letrequestbe a newrequest,with theurlparsed URL,originorigin,referrerreferrer,and if specified the set of parametersparameters.
  3. Letresponsebe the result offetchingrequest.
  4. Wait untilresponseis available.
  5. Ifresponseis anetwork error,return an error.
  6. Ifdocumentis inquirks mode,responseisCORS-same-originand theContent-Type metadataofresponseis not asupported styling languagechange theContent-Type metadataofresponsetotext/css.
  7. Ifresponseis not in asupported styling languagereturn an error.
  8. Returnresponse.


Theassociated CSS style sheetof a node is theCSS style sheetin the list ofdocument or shadow root CSS style sheetsof which theowner nodeis said node. This node must also implement theLinkStyleinterface.


Thesheetattribute must return theassociated CSS style sheetfor the node or null if there is noassociated CSS style sheet.

In the following fragment, the firststyleelement has asheetattribute that returns aStyleSheetobject representing the style sheet, but for the secondstyleelement, thesheetattribute returns null, assuming the user agent supports CSS (text/css), but does not support the (hypothetical) ExampleSheets (text/example-sheets).
<style type= "text/css" >
body { background:lime }
<style type= "text/example-sheets" >
$(body).background:= lime

Note:Whether or not the node refers to a style sheet is defined by the specification that defines the semantics of said node.

6.3.3.Requirements on specifications

Specifications introducing new ways of associating style sheets through the DOM should define which nodes implement theLinkStyleinterface. When doing so, they must also define when aCSS style sheetiscreated.

6.3.4.Requirements on user agents Implementing the xml-stylesheet processing instruction


Theprologrefers tonodesthat are children of thedocumentand are notfollowingtheElementchild of thedocument,if any.

When aProcessingInstructionnodenodebecomes part of theprolog,is no longer part of theprolog,or has itsdatachanged, these steps must be run:

  1. If an instance of this algorithm is currently running fornode,abort that instance, and stop the associatedfetchingif applicable.
  2. Ifnodehas anassociated CSS style sheet,removeit.
  3. Ifnodeis not anxml-stylesheet processing instruction,then return.
  4. Ifnodedoes not have anhrefpseudo-attribute,then return.
  5. Lettitlebe the value of thetitlepseudo-attributeor the empty string if thetitlepseudo-attributeis not specified.
  6. If there is analternatepseudo-attributewhose value is acase-sensitivematch for "yes"andtitleis the empty string, then return.
  7. If there is atypepseudo-attributewhose value is not asupported styling languagethe user agent may return.
  8. Letinput URLbe the value specified by thehrefpseudo-attribute.
  9. Letdocumentbenode’snode document
  10. Letbase URLbedocument’sdocument base URL.
  11. Letreferrerbedocument’saddress.
  12. Letparsed URLbe the return value of invoking theURL parserwith the stringinput URLand the base URLbase URL.
  13. Ifparsed URLis failure, then return.
  14. Letresponsebe the result offetching a CSS style sheetwith parsed URLparsed URL, referrerreferrerand documentdocument.
  15. Ifresponseis an error, then return.
  16. Create a CSS style sheetwith the following properties:
    The result of invoking theURL serializerwithparsed URL.
    parent CSS style sheet
    owner node
    owner CSS rule
    The value of themediapseudo-attributeif any, or the empty string otherwise.
    alternate flag
    Set if thealternatepseudo-attributevalue is acase-sensitivematch for "yes",or unset otherwise.
    origin-clean flag
    Set ifresponseisCORS-same-origin,or unset otherwise.

    The CSSenvironment encodingis the result of running the following steps:

    1. If the element has acharsetpseudo-attribute,get an encodingfrom that pseudo-attribute’s value. If that succeeds, return the resulting encoding and abort these steps.
    2. Otherwise, return thedocument’s character encoding.[DOM]

A style sheet referenced by anxml-stylesheet processing instructionusing the rules in this section, in the context of theDocumentof anXML parseris said to bea style sheet that is blocking scriptsif theProcessingInstructionnodewas created by thatDocument's parser, and the style sheet was enabled when the node was created by the parser, the last time theevent loopreached step 1, the node was in that Document, and the user agent hasn’t given up on loading that particular style sheet yet. A user agent may give up on such a style sheet at any time.

For each HTTPLinkheader of which one of the link relation types is anASCII case-insensitivematch for "stylesheet"these steps must be run:

  1. Lettitlebe the value of the first of all thetitleparameters. If there are no such parameters it is the empty string.
  2. If one of the (other) link relation types is anASCII case-insensitivematch for "alternate"andtitleis the empty string, then return.
  3. Letinput URLbe the value specified.

    Be more specific

  4. Letbase URLbe the document’sdocument base URL.

    Is there a document at this point?

  5. Letreferrerbe the document’saddress.
  6. Letoriginbe the document’sorigin.
  7. Letparsed URLbe the return value of invoking theURL parserwith the stringinput URLand the base URLbase URL.
  8. Ifparsed URLis failure, then return.
  9. Letresponsebe the result offetching a CSS style sheetwith parsed URLparsed URL, referrerreferrerand document being the document.

    What if the HTML parser hasn’t decided on quirks/non-quirks yet?

  10. Create a CSS style sheetwith the following properties:
    The result of invoking theURL serializerwithparsed URL.
    owner node
    parent CSS style sheet
    owner CSS rule
    The value of the firstmediaparameter.
    alternate flag
    Set if one of the specified link relation type for this HTTPLinkheader is anASCII case-insensitivematch for "alternate",or false otherwise.
    origin-clean flag
    Set ifresponseisCORS-same-origin,or unset otherwise.

A style sheet referenced by a HTTPLinkheader using the rules in this section is said to bea style sheet that is blocking scriptsif the style sheet was enabled when created, and the user agent hasn’t given up on that particular style sheet yet. A user agent may give up on such a style sheet at any time.

6.4.CSS Rules

ACSS ruleis an abstract concept that denotes a rule as defined by the CSS specification. ACSS ruleis represented as an object that implements a subclass of theCSSRuleinterface, and which has the following associated state items:

A non-negative integer associated with a particular type of rule. This item is initialized when a rule is created and cannot change.
A text representation of the rule suitable for direct use in a style sheet. This item is initialized when a rule is created and can be changed.
parent CSS rule
A reference to an enclosingCSS ruleor null. If the rule has an enclosing rule when it is created, then this item is initialized to the enclosing rule; otherwise it is null. It can be changed to null.
parent CSS style sheet
A reference to a parentCSS style sheetor null. This item is initialized to reference an associated style sheet when the rule is created. It can be changed to null.
child CSS rules
A list of childCSS rules.The list can be mutated.

In addition to the above state, eachCSS rulemay be associated with other state in accordance with itstype.

Toparse a CSS rulefrom a stringstring,run the following steps:

  1. Letrulebe the return value of invokingparse a rulewithstring.
  2. Ifruleis a syntax error, returnrule.
  3. Letparsed rulebe the result of parsingruleaccording to the appropriate CSS specifications, dropping parts that are said to be ignored. If the whole style rule is dropped, return a syntax error.
  4. Returnparsed rule.

Toserialize a CSS rule,perform one of the following in accordance with theCSS rule’stype:

Return the result of the following steps:
  1. Letsinitially be the result of performingserialize a group of selectorson the rule’s associated selectors, followed by the string "{",i.e., a single SPACE (U+0020), followed by LEFT CURLY BRACKET (U+007B).
  2. Letdeclsbe the result of performingserialize a CSS declaration blockon the rule’s associated declarations, or null if there are no such declarations.
  3. Letrulesbe the result of performingserialize a CSS ruleon each rule in the rule’scssRuleslist, or null if there are no such rules.
  4. Ifdeclsandrulesare both null, append "}" tos(i.e. a single SPACE (U+0020) followed by RIGHT CURLY BRACKET (U+007D)) and returns.
  5. Ifrulesis null:
    1. Append a single SPACE (U+0020) tos
    2. Appenddeclstos
    3. Append "}" tos(i.e. a single SPACE (U+0020) followed by RIGHT CURLY BRACKET (U+007D)).
    4. Returns.
  6. Otherwise:
    1. Ifdeclsis not null, prepend it torules.
    2. For eachruleinrules:
      1. Append a newline followed by two spaces tos.
      2. Appendruletos.
    3. Append a newline followed by RIGHT CURLY BRACKET (U+007D) tos.
    4. Returns.
The result of concatenating the following:
  1. The string "@import"followed by a single SPACE (U+0020).
  2. The result of performingserialize a URLon the rule’s location.
  3. If the rule’s associated media list is not empty, a single SPACE (U+0020) followed by the result of performingserialize a media query liston the media list.
  4. The string ";",i.e., SEMICOLON (U+003B).
@import url( "import.css" );
@import url( "print.css" ) print;
The result of concatenating the following:
  1. The string "@media",followed by a single SPACE (U+0020).
  2. The result of performingserialize a media query liston rule’s media query list.
  3. A single SPACE (U+0020), followed by the string "{", i.e., LEFT CURLY BRACKET (U+007B), followed by a newline.
  4. The result of performingserialize a CSS ruleon each rule in the rule’scssRuleslist, separated by a newline and indented by two spaces.
  5. A newline, followed by the string "}", i.e., RIGHT CURLY BRACKET (U+007D)
The result of concatenating the following:
  1. The string "@font-face {",followed by a single SPACE (U+0020).
  2. The string "font-family:",followed by a single SPACE (U+0020).
  3. The result of performingserialize a stringon the rule’s font family name.
  4. The string ";",i.e., SEMICOLON (U+003B).
  5. If the rule’s associated source list is not empty, follow these substeps:
    1. A single SPACE (U+0020), followed by the string "src:",followed by a single SPACE (U+0020).
    2. The result of invokingserialize a comma-separated liston performingserialize a URLorserialize a LOCALfor each source on the source list.
    3. The string ";",i.e., SEMICOLON (U+003B).
  6. If rule’s associatedunicode-rangedescriptor is present, a single SPACE (U+0020), followed by the string "unicode-range:",followed by a single SPACE (U+0020), followed by the result of performing serialize a<'unicode-range'>,followed by the string ";",i.e., SEMICOLON (U+003B).
  7. If rule’s associatedfont-variantdescriptor is present, a single SPACE (U+0020), followed by the string "font-variant:",followed by a single SPACE (U+0020), followed by the result of performing serialize a<'font-variant'>,followed by the string ";",i.e., SEMICOLON (U+003B).
  8. If rule’s associatedfont-feature-settingsdescriptor is present, a single SPACE (U+0020), followed by the string "font-feature-settings:",followed by a single SPACE (U+0020), followed by the result of performing serialize a<'font-feature-settings'>,followed by the string ";",i.e., SEMICOLON (U+003B).
  9. If rule’s associatedfont-stretchdescriptor is present, a single SPACE (U+0020), followed by the string "font-stretch:",followed by a single SPACE (U+0020), followed by the result of performing serialize a<'font-stretch'>,followed by the string ";",i.e., SEMICOLON (U+003B).
  10. If rule’s associatedfont-weightdescriptor is present, a single SPACE (U+0020), followed by the string "font-weight:",followed by a single SPACE (U+0020), followed by the result of performing serialize a<'font-weight'>,followed by the string ";",i.e., SEMICOLON (U+003B).
  11. If rule’s associatedfont-styledescriptor is present, a single SPACE (U+0020), followed by the string "font-style:",followed by a single SPACE (U+0020), followed by the result of performing serialize a<'font-style'>,followed by the string ";",i.e., SEMICOLON (U+003B).
  12. A single SPACE (U+0020), followed by the string "}", i.e., RIGHT CURLY BRACKET (U+007D).

Need to define how theCSSFontFaceRuledescriptors' values are serialized.


Need to define howCSSPageRuleis serialized.

The literal string "@namespace",followed by a single SPACE (U+0020), followed by theserialization as an identifierof theprefixattribute (if any), followed by a single SPACE (U+0020) if there is a prefix, followed by theserialization as URLof thenamespaceURIattribute, followed the character ";"(U+003B).
The result of concatenating the following:
  1. The literal string "@keyframes",followed by a single SPACE (U+0020).
  2. Theserialization as an identifierof thenameattribute.
  3. The result of performingserialize a CSS ruleon each rule in the rule’scssRuleslist, separated by a newline and indented by two spaces.
  4. A newline, followed by the string "}", i.e., RIGHT CURLY BRACKET (U+007D)
The result of concatenating the following:
  1. ThekeyText.
  2. The string "{",i.e., a single SPACE (U+0020), followed by LEFT CURLY BRACKET (U+007B),
  3. The result of performingserialize a CSS declaration blockon the rule’s associated declarations.
  4. If the rule is associated with one or more declarations, the string "",i.e., a single SPACE (U+0020).
  5. The string "}",RIGHT CURLY BRACKET (U+007D).

The "indented by two spaces" bit matches browsers, but needs work, see#5494

Toinsert a CSS rulerulein a CSS rule listlistat indexindex,follow these steps:

  1. Setlengthto the number of items inlist.
  2. Ifindexis greater thanlength,thenthrowanIndexSizeErrorexception.
  3. Setnew ruleto the results of performingparse a CSS ruleon argumentrule.
  4. Ifnew ruleis a syntax error,throwaSyntaxErrorexception.
  5. Ifnew rulecannot be inserted intolistat the zero-index positionindexdue to constraints specified by CSS, thenthrowaHierarchyRequestErrorexception.[CSS21]

    Note:For example, a CSS style sheet cannot contain an@importat-rule after a style rule.

  6. Ifnew ruleis an@namespaceat-rule, andlistcontains anything other than@importat-rules, and@namespaceat-rules,throwanInvalidStateErrorexception.
  7. Insertnew ruleintolistat the zero-indexed positionindex.
  8. Returnindex.

Toremove a CSS rulefrom a CSS rule listlistat indexindex,follow these steps:

  1. Setlengthto the number of items inlist.
  2. Ifindexis greater than or equal tolength,thenthrowanIndexSizeErrorexception.
  3. Setold ruleto theindexth item inlist.
  4. Ifold ruleis an@namespaceat-rule, andlistcontains anything other than@importat-rules, and@namespaceat-rules,throwanInvalidStateErrorexception.
  5. Remove ruleold rulefromlistat the zero-indexed positionindex.
  6. Setold rule’sparent CSS ruleandparent CSS style sheetto null.


TheCSSRuleListinterface represents an ordered collection of CSS style rules.


The object’ssupported property indicesare the numbers in the range zero to one less than the number ofCSSRuleobjects represented by the collection. If there are no suchCSSRuleobjects, then there are nosupported property indices.

Theitem(index)method must return theindexthCSSRuleobject in the collection. If there is noindexth object in the collection, then the method must return null.

Thelengthattribute must return the number ofCSSRuleobjects represented by the collection.


TheCSSRuleinterface represents an abstract, base CSS style rule. Each distinct CSS style rule type is represented by a distinct interface that inherits from this interface.


// the following attribute and constants are historical
constunsignedshortSTYLE_RULE= 1;
constunsignedshortCHARSET_RULE= 2;
constunsignedshortIMPORT_RULE= 3;
constunsignedshortMEDIA_RULE= 4;
constunsignedshortFONT_FACE_RULE= 5;
constunsignedshortPAGE_RULE= 6;
constunsignedshortMARGIN_RULE= 9;
constunsignedshortNAMESPACE_RULE= 10;

ThecssTextattribute must return aserializationof theCSS rule. On setting thecssTextattribute must do nothing.

TheparentRuleattribute must return theparent CSS rule.

Note:For example,@mediacan enclose a rule, in which caseparentRulewould be non-null; in cases where there is no enclosing rule,parentRulewill be null.

TheparentStyleSheetattribute must return theparent CSS style sheet.

Note:The only circumstance where null is returned when a rule has beenremoved.

Note:Removing aNodethat implements theLinkStyleinterface from aDocumentinstance does not (by itself) cause theCSSStyleSheetreferenced by aCSSRuleto be unreachable.

Thetypeattribute is deprecated. It must return an integer, as follows:

If the object is aCSSStyleRule
Return 1.
If the object is aCSSImportRule
Return 3.
If the object is aCSSMediaRule
Return 4.
If the object is aCSSFontFaceRule
Return 5.
If the object is aCSSPageRule
Return 6.
If the object is aCSSKeyframesRule
Return 7.
If the object is aCSSKeyframeRule
Return 8.
If the object is aCSSMarginRule
Return 9.
If the object is aCSSNamespaceRule
Return 10.
If the object is aCSSCounterStyleRule
Return 11.
If the object is aCSSSupportsRule
Return 12.
If the object is aCSSFontFeatureValuesRule
Return 14.
If the object is aCSSViewportRule
Return 15.
Return 0.

Note:The practice of using an integer enumeration and several constants toidentifythe integers is a legacy design practice that is no longer used in Web APIs. Instead, to tell what type of rule a given object is, it is recommended to checkrule.constructor.name, which will return a string like"CSSStyleRule".


TheCSSStyleRuleinterface represents a style rule.


TheselectorTextattribute, on getting, must return the result ofserializingthe associatedgroup of selectors. On setting theselectorTextattribute these steps must be run:

  1. Run theparse a group of selectorsalgorithm on the given value.
  2. If the algorithm returns a non-null value replace the associatedgroup of selectorswith the returned value.
  3. Otherwise, if the algorithm returns a null value, do nothing.

Thestyleattribute must return aCSSStyleDeclarationobject for the style rule, with the following properties:

computed flag
The declared declarations in the rule, inspecified order.
parent CSS rule
Thecontext object.
owner node

Thespecified orderfor declarations is the same as specified, but with shorthand properties expanded into their longhand properties, in canonical order. If a property is specified more than once (after shorthand expansion), only the one with greatest cascading order must be represented, at the same relative position as it was specified.[CSS3CASCADE]


TheCSSImportRuleinterface represents an@importat-rule.


Thehrefattribute must return theURLspecified by the@importat-rule.

Note:To get the resolvedURLuse thehrefattribute of the associatedCSS style sheet.

Themediaattribute must return the value of themediaattribute of the associatedCSS style sheet.

ThestyleSheetattribute must return the associatedCSS style sheet.

Note:An@importat-rule always has an associatedCSS style sheet.


TheCSSGroupingRuleinterface represents an at-rule that contains other rules nested inside itself.

unsignedlonginsertRule(CSSOMStringrule,optionalunsignedlongindex= 0);

ThecssRulesattribute must return aCSSRuleListobject for thechild CSS rules.

TheinsertRule(rule,index)method must return the result of invokinginsert a CSS ruleruleinto thechild CSS rulesatindex.

ThedeleteRule(index)method mustremove a CSS rulefrom thechild CSS rulesatindex.


TheCSSMediaRuleinterface is defined inCSS Conditional Rules.[CSS3-CONDITIONAL]


TheCSSPageRuleinterface represents an@pageat-rule.

Need to define the rules forparse a list of CSS page selectorsandserialize a list of CSS page selectors.


TheselectorTextattribute, on getting, must return the result ofserializingthe associatedlist of CSS page selectors. On setting theselectorTextattribute these steps must be run:

  1. Run theparse a list of CSS page selectorsalgorithm on the given value.
  2. If the algorithm returns a non-null value replace the associatedlist of CSS page selectorswith the returned value.
  3. Otherwise, if the algorithm returns a null value, do nothing.

Thestyleattribute must return aCSSStyleDeclarationobject for the@pageat-rule, with the following properties:

computed flag
The declared declarations in the rule, inspecified order.
parent CSS rule
Thecontext object.
owner node


TheCSSMarginRuleinterface represents a margin at-rule (e.g.@top-left) in an@pageat-rule.[CSS3PAGE]


Thenameattribute must return the name of the margin at-rule. The@character is not included in the name.[CSS3SYN]

Thestyleattribute must return aCSSStyleDeclarationobject for the margin at-rule, with the following properties:

computed flag
The declared declarations in the rule, inspecified order.
parent CSS rule
Thecontext object.
owner node


TheCSSNamespaceRuleinterface represents an@namespaceat-rule.


ThenamespaceURIattribute must return the namespace of the@namespaceat-rule.

Theprefixattribute must return the prefix of the@namespaceat-rule or the empty string if there is no prefix.

6.5.CSS Declarations

ACSS declarationis an abstract concept that is not exposed as an object in the DOM. ACSS declarationhas the following associated properties:

property name
The property name of the declaration.
The value of the declaration represented as a list of component values.
important flag
Either set or unset. Can be changed.
case-sensitive flag
Set if theproperty nameis defined to be case-sensitive according to its specification, otherwise unset.

6.6.CSS Declaration Blocks

ACSS declaration blockis an ordered collection of CSS properties with their associated values, also namedCSS declarations.In the DOM aCSS declaration blockis aCSSStyleDeclarationobject. ACSS declaration blockhas the following associated properties:

computed flag
Set if the object is a computed style declaration, rather than a specified style. Unless otherwise stated it is unset.
TheCSS declarationsassociated with the object.
parent CSS rule
TheCSS rulethat theCSS declaration blockis associated with, if any, or null otherwise.
owner node
TheElementthat theCSS declaration blockis associated with, if any, or null otherwise.
updating flag
Unset by default. Set when theCSS declaration blockis updating theowner node’sstyleattribute.

Toparse a CSS declaration blockfrom a stringstring,follow these steps:

  1. Letdeclarationsbe the return value of invokingparse a list of declarationswithstring.
  2. Letparsed declarationsbe a new empty list.
  3. For each itemdeclarationindeclarations,follow these substeps:
    1. Letparsed declarationbe the result of parsingdeclarationaccording to the appropriate CSS specifications, dropping parts that are said to be ignored. If the whole declaration is dropped, letparsed declarationbe null.
    2. Ifparsed declarationis not null, append it toparsed declarations.
  4. Returnparsed declarations.

Toserialize a CSS declarationwith property nameproperty,valuevalueand optionally animportantflag set, follow these steps:

  1. Letsbe the empty string.
  2. Appendpropertytos.
  3. Append ":"(U+003A U+0020) tos.
  4. Appendvaluetos.
  5. If theimportantflag is set, append "!important"(U+0020 U+0021 U+0069 U+006D U+0070 U+006F U+0072 U+0074 U+0061 U+006E U+0074) tos.
  6. Append ";"(U+003B) tos.
  7. Returns.

Toserialize a CSS declaration blockdeclaration blockmeans to run the steps below:

  1. Letlistbe an empty array.
  2. Letalready serializedbe an empty array.
  3. Declaration loop:For eachCSS declarationdeclarationindeclaration block’sdeclarations,follow these substeps:
    1. Letpropertybedeclaration’sproperty name.
    2. Ifpropertyis inalready serialized,continue with the steps labeleddeclaration loop.
    3. Ifpropertymaps to one or more shorthand properties, letshorthandsbe an array of those shorthand properties, inpreferred order.
    4. Shorthand loop:For eachshorthandinshorthands,follow these substeps:
      1. Letlonghandsbe an array consisting of allCSS declarationsindeclaration block’sdeclarationsthat that are not inalready serializedand have aproperty namethat maps to one of the shorthand properties inshorthands.
      2. If all properties that map toshorthandare not present inlonghands,continue with the steps labeledshorthand loop.
      3. Letcurrent longhandsbe an empty array.
      4. Append allCSS declarationsinlonghandsthat have aproperty namethat maps toshorthandtocurrent longhands.
      5. If there is one or moreCSS declarationsincurrent longhandshave theirimportant flagset and one or more with it unset, continue with the steps labeledshorthand loop.
      6. If there’s any declaration indeclaration blockin between the first and the last longhand incurrent longhandswhich belongs to the samelogical property group,but has a differentmapping logicas any of the longhands incurrent longhands, and is not incurrent longhands,continue with the steps labeledshorthand loop.
      7. Letvaluebe the result of invokingserialize a CSS valueofcurrent longhands.
      8. Ifvalueis the empty string, continue with the steps labeledshorthand loop.
      9. Letserialized declarationbe the result of invokingserialize a CSS declarationwith property nameshorthand,valuevalue,and theimportantflag set if theCSS declarationsincurrent longhandshave theirimportant flagset.
      10. Appendserialized declarationtolist.
      11. Append the property names of all items ofcurrent longhandstoalready serialized.
      12. Continue with the steps labeleddeclaration loop.
    5. Letvaluebe the result of invokingserialize a CSS valueofdeclaration.
    6. Letserialized declarationbe the result of invokingserialize a CSS declarationwith property nameproperty,valuevalue,and theimportantflag set ifdeclarationhas itsimportant flagset.
    7. Appendserialized declarationtolist.
    8. Appendpropertytoalready serialized.
  4. Returnlistjoined with ""(U+0020).

Note:The serialization of an empty CSS declaration block is the empty string.

Note:The serialization of a non-empty CSS declaration block does not include any surrounding whitespace, i.e., no whitespace appears before the first property name and no whitespace appears after the final semicolon delimiter that follows the last property value.

ACSS declaration blockhas theseattribute change stepsfor itsowner nodewithlocalName,value,andnamespace:

  1. If thecomputed flagis set, then return.
  2. If theupdating flagis set, then return.
  3. IflocalNameis not "style",ornamespaceis not null, then return.
  4. Ifvalueis null, empty thedeclarations.
  5. Otherwise, let thedeclarationsbe the result ofparse a CSS declaration blockfrom a stringvalue.

When aCSS declaration blockobject is created, then:

  1. Letowner nodebe theowner node.
  2. Ifowner nodeis null, or thecomputed flagis set, then return.
  3. Letvaluebe the result ofgetting an attributegiven null, "style",andowner node.
  4. Ifvalueis not null, let thedeclarationsbe the result ofparse a CSS declaration blockfrom a stringvalue.

Toupdate style attribute fordeclaration blockmeans to run the steps below:

  1. Assert:declaration block’scomputed flagis unset.
  2. Letowner nodebedeclaration block’sowner node.
  3. Ifowner nodeis null, then return.
  4. Setdeclaration block’supdating flag.
  5. Set an attribute valueforowner nodeusing "style"and the result ofserializingdeclaration block.
  6. Unsetdeclaration block’supdating flag.

Thepreferred orderof a list of shorthand propertiesshorthandsis as follows:

  1. Ordershorthandslexicographically.
  2. Move all items inshorthandsthat begin with "-"(U+002D) last in the list, retaining their relative order.
  3. Move all items inshorthandsthat begin with "-"(U+002D) but do not begin with"-webkit-"last in the list, retaining their relative order.
  4. Ordershorthandsby the number of longhand properties that map to it, with the greatest number first.


TheCSSStyleDeclarationinterface represents aCSS declaration block,including its underlying state, where this underlying state depends upon the source of theCSSStyleDeclarationinstance.

[CEReactions]undefinedsetProperty(CSSOMStringproperty,[LegacyNullToEmptyString]CSSOMStringvalue,optional[LegacyNullToEmptyString]CSSOMStringpriority= "" );

The object’ssupported property indicesare the numbers in the range zero to one less than the number ofCSS declarationsin thedeclarations.If there are no suchCSS declarations,then there are nosupported property indices.

Getting thecssTextattribute must run these steps:

  1. If thecomputed flagis set, then return the empty string.

  2. Return the result ofserializingthedeclarations.

Setting thecssTextattribute must run these steps:

  1. If thecomputed flagis set, thenthrowaNoModificationAllowedErrorexception.
  2. Empty thedeclarations.
  3. Parsethe given value and, if the return value is not the empty list, insert the items in the list into thedeclarations,inspecified order.
  4. Update style attribute fortheCSS declaration block.

Thelengthattribute must return the number ofCSS declarationsin thedeclarations.

Theitem(index)method must return theproperty nameof theCSS declarationat positionindex.

ThegetPropertyValue(property)method must run these steps:

  1. Ifpropertyis not acustom property,follow these substeps:
    1. Letpropertybepropertyconverted to ASCII lowercase.
    2. Ifpropertyis a shorthand property, then follow these substeps:
      1. Letlistbe a new empty array.
      2. For each longhand propertylonghandthatpropertymaps to, in canonical order, follow these substeps:
        1. Iflonghandis acase-sensitivematch for aproperty nameof aCSS declarationin thedeclarations,letdeclarationbe thatCSS declaration,or null otherwise.
        2. Ifdeclarationis null, then return the empty string.
        3. Append thedeclarationtolist.
      3. Ifimportant flagsof all declarations inlistare same, then return theserializationoflist.
      4. Return the empty string.
  2. Ifpropertyis acase-sensitivematch for aproperty nameof aCSS declarationin thedeclarations,then return the result of invokingserialize a CSS valueof that declaration.
  3. Return the empty string.

ThegetPropertyPriority(property)method must run these steps:

  1. Ifpropertyis not acustom property,follow these substeps:
    1. Letpropertybepropertyconverted to ASCII lowercase.
    2. Ifpropertyis a shorthand property, follow these substeps:
      1. Letlistbe a new array.
      2. For each longhand propertylonghandthatpropertymaps to, append the result of invokinggetPropertyPriority()withlonghandas argument tolist.
      3. If all items inlistare the string "important",then return the string"important".
  2. Ifpropertyis acase-sensitivematch for aproperty nameof aCSS declarationin thedeclarationsthat has theimportant flagset, return the string "important".
  3. Return the empty string.
E.g. forbackground-color:lime!IMPORTANTthe return value would be "important".

ThesetProperty(property,value,priority)method must run these steps:

  1. If thecomputed flagis set, thenthrowaNoModificationAllowedErrorexception.
  2. Ifpropertyis not acustom property,follow these substeps:
    1. Letpropertybepropertyconverted to ASCII lowercase.
    2. Ifpropertyis not acase-sensitivematch for asupported CSS property,then return.
  3. Ifvalueis the empty string, invokeremoveProperty()withpropertyas argument and return.
  4. Ifpriorityis not the empty string and is not anASCII case-insensitivematch for the string "important",then return.
  5. Letcomponent value listbe the result ofparsingvaluefor propertyproperty.

    Note:valuecan not include "!important".

  6. Ifcomponent value listis null, then return.
  7. Letupdatedbe false.
  8. Ifpropertyis a shorthand property, then for each longhand propertylonghandthatpropertymaps to, in canonical order, follow these substeps:
    1. Letlonghand resultbe the result ofset the CSS declarationlonghandwith the appropriate value(s) fromcomponent value list,with theimportantflag set ifpriorityis not the empty string, and unset otherwise, and with the list of declarations being thedeclarations.
    2. Iflonghand resultis true, letupdatedbe true.
  9. Otherwise, letupdatedbe the result ofset the CSS declarationpropertywith valuecomponent value list,with theimportantflag set ifpriorityis not the empty string, and unset otherwise, and with the list of declarations being thedeclarations.
  10. Ifupdatedis true,update style attribute fortheCSS declaration block.

Toset a CSS declarationpropertywith a valuecomponent value listand optionally with animportantflag set, in a list of declarationsdeclarations,the user agent must ensure the following constraints hold after its steps:

Should we add something like "Any observable side effect must not be made outsidedeclarations"?The current constraints sound like a hole for undefined behavior.

Note:The steps ofset a CSS declarationare not defined in this level of CSSOM. User agents may use different algorithms as long as the constraints above hold.

The simplest way to conform with the constraints would be to always remove any existing declaration matchingproperty,and append the new declaration to the end. But based on implementation feedback, this approach would likely regress performance.

Another possible algorithm is:

  1. Ifpropertyis acase-sensitivematch for aproperty nameof aCSS declarationindeclarations,follow these substeps:
    1. Lettarget declarationbe suchCSS declaration.
    2. Letneeds appendbe false.
    3. For eachdeclarationindeclarationsaftertarget declaration:
      1. Ifdeclaration’sproperty nameis not in the samelogical property groupasproperty,thencontinue.
      2. Ifdeclarationproperty namehas the samemapping logicasproperty,thencontinue.
      3. Letneeds appendbe true.
      4. Break.
    4. Ifneeds appendis false, then:
      1. Letneeds updatebe false.
      2. Iftarget declaration’svalueis not equal tocomponent value list,then letneeds updatebe true.
      3. Iftarget declaration’simportant flagis not equal to whetherimportantflag is set, then letneeds updatebe true.
      4. Ifneeds updateis false, then return false.
      5. Settarget declaration’svaluetocomponent value list.
      6. Ifimportantflag is set, then settarget declaration’simportant flag,otherwise unset it.
      7. Return true.
    5. Otherwise, removetarget declarationfromdeclarations.
  2. Append a newCSS declarationwithproperty nameproperty,valuecomponent value list,andimportant flagset ifimportantflag is set todeclarations.
  3. Return true.

TheremoveProperty(property)method must run these steps:

  1. If thecomputed flagis set, thenthrowaNoModificationAllowedErrorexception.
  2. Ifpropertyis not acustom property, letpropertybepropertyconverted to ASCII lowercase.
  3. Letvaluebe the return value of invokinggetPropertyValue()withpropertyas argument.
  4. Letremovedbe false.
  5. Ifpropertyis a shorthand property, for each longhand propertylonghandthatpropertymaps to:
    1. Iflonghandis not aproperty nameof aCSS declarationin thedeclarations,continue.
    2. Remove thatCSS declarationand letremovedbe true.
  6. Otherwise, ifpropertyis acase-sensitivematch for aproperty nameof aCSS declarationin thedeclarations,remove thatCSS declarationand letremovedbe true.
  7. Ifremovedis true,Update style attribute fortheCSS declaration block.
  8. Returnvalue.

TheparentRuleattribute must return theparent CSS rule.

ThecssFloatattribute, on getting, must return the result of invokinggetPropertyValue()withfloatas argument. On setting, the attribute must invokesetProperty()withfloatas first argument, as second argument the given value, and no third argument. Any exceptions thrown must be re-thrown.

For each CSS propertypropertythat is asupported CSS property, the following partial interface applies wherecamel-cased attributeis obtained by running theCSS property to IDL attributealgorithm forproperty.


Thecamel-cased attributeattribute, on getting, must return the result of invokinggetPropertyValue()with the argument being the result of running theIDL attribute to CSS propertyalgorithm forcamel-cased attribute.

Setting thecamel-cased attributeattribute must invokesetProperty()with the first argument being the result of running theIDL attribute to CSS propertyalgorithm forcamel-cased attribute,as second argument the given value, and no third argument. Any exceptions thrown must be re-thrown.

For example, for thefont-sizeproperty there would be afontSizeIDL attribute.

For each CSS propertypropertythat is asupported CSS propertyand that begins with the string-webkit-,the following partial interface applies wherewebkit-cased attributeis obtained by running theCSS property to IDL attributealgorithm forproperty,with thelowercase firstflag set.


Thewebkit-cased attributeattribute, on getting, must return the result of invokinggetPropertyValue()with the argument being the result of running theIDL attribute to CSS propertyalgorithm forwebkit-cased attribute,with thedash prefixflag set.

Setting thewebkit-cased attributeattribute must invokesetProperty()with the first argument being the result of running theIDL attribute to CSS propertyalgorithm forwebkit-cased attribute, with thedash prefixflag set, as second argument the given value, and no third argument. Any exceptions thrown must be re-thrown.

For example, if the user agent supports the-webkit-transformproperty, there would be awebkitTransformIDL attribute. There would also be aWebkitTransformIDL attribute because of the rules for camel-cased attributes.

For each CSS propertypropertythat is asupported CSS property, except for properties that have no "-"(U+002D) in the property name, the following partial interface applies wheredashed attributeisproperty.


Thedashed attributeattribute, on getting, must return the result of invokinggetPropertyValue()with the argument beingdashed attribute.

Setting thedashed attributeattribute must invokesetProperty()with the first argument beingdashed attribute,as second argument the given value, and no third argument. Any exceptions thrown must be re-thrown.

For example, for thefont-sizeproperty there would be afont-sizeIDL attribute. In JavaScript, the property can be accessed as follows, assumingelementis anHTML element:

TheCSS property to IDL attributealgorithm forproperty,optionally with alowercase firstflag set, is as follows:

  1. Letoutputbe the empty string.
  2. Letuppercase nextbe unset.
  3. If thelowercase firstflag is set, remove the first character fromproperty.
  4. For each charactercinproperty:
    1. Ifcis "-"(U+002D), letuppercase nextbe set.
    2. Otherwise, ifuppercase nextis set, letuppercase nextbe unset and appendcconverted to ASCII uppercasetooutput.
    3. Otherwise, appendctooutput.
  5. Returnoutput.

TheIDL attribute to CSS propertyalgorithm forattribute,optionally with adash prefixflag set, is as follows:

  1. Letoutputbe the empty string.
  2. If thedash prefixflag is set, append "-"(U+002D) tooutput.
  3. For each charactercinattribute:
    1. Ifcis in the range U+0041 to U+005A (ASCII uppercase), append "-"(U+002D) followed bycconverted to ASCII lowercasetooutput.
    2. Otherwise, appendctooutput.
  4. Returnoutput.

6.7.CSS Values

6.7.1.Parsing CSS Values

Toparse a CSS valuevaluefor a givenpropertymeans to follow these steps:

  1. Letlistbe the value returned by invokingparse a list of component valuesfromvalue.
  2. Matchlistagainst the grammar for the propertypropertyin the CSS specification.
  3. If the above step failed, return null.
  4. Returnlist.

Note:"!important"declarations are not part of the property value space and will therefore causeparse a CSS valueto return null.

6.7.2.Serializing CSS Values

Toserialize a CSS valueof aCSS declarationdeclarationor a list of longhandCSS declarationslist, follow these rules:

  1. If this algorithm is invoked with alistlist:

    1. Letshorthandbe the first shorthand property, inpreferred order, that exactly maps to all of the longhand properties inlist.

    2. If there is no such shorthand orshorthandcannot exactly represent the values of all the properties inlist, return the empty string.

    3. Otherwise,serialize a CSS valuefrom a hypothetical declaration of the propertyshorthandwith its value representing the combined values of the declarations inlist.

  2. Represent the value of thedeclarationas alistof CSS component valuescomponentsthat, whenparsedaccording to the property’s grammar, would represent that value. Additionally:

    • If certain component values can appear in any order without changing the meaning of the value (a pattern typically represented by a double bar||in the value syntax), reorder the component values to use the canonical order of component values as given in the property definition table.

    • If component values can be omitted or replaced with a shorter representation without changing the meaning of the value, omit/replace them.

    • If either of the above syntactic translations would be less backwards-compatible, do not perform them.

    Note:The rules described here outlines thegeneral principlesof serialization. For legacy reasons, some properties serialize in a different manner, which is intentionally undefined here due to lack of resources. Please consult your local reverse-engineer for details.

  3. Remove any<whitespace-token>s fromcomponents.

  4. Replace each component value incomponentswith the result of invokingserialize a CSS component value.

  5. Join the items ofcomponentsinto a single string, inserting "" (U+0020 SPACE) between each pair of items unless the second item is a "," (U+002C COMMA) Return the result.

Toserialize a CSS component valuedepends on the component, as follows:

The keywordconverted to ASCII lowercase.
The <number> component serialized as per <number> followed by the unit in canonical form as defined in its respective specification.

Probably should distinguish between specified and computed / resolved values.

If <color> is a component of a resolved value, seeCSS Color 4§ 4.6 Resolving <color> Values.

If <color> is a component of a computed value, seeCSS Color 4§ 4.7 Serializing <color> Values.

If<color>is a component of a specified value, then return the color as follows:

  1. If the color was explicitly specified by the author, then return the original, author specified color value.
  2. Otherwise, return the value that would be returned if the color were a component of a computed value.

Should author specified values be normalized for case, the same as computed values? Or should original case be preserved?

If the value is internally represented as an integer between 0 and 255 inclusive (i.e. 8-bit unsigned integer), follow these steps:
  1. Letalphabe the given integer.
  2. If there exists an integer between 0 and 100 inclusive that, when multiplied with 2.55 and rounded to the closest integer (rounding up if two values are equally close), equalsalpha, letroundedbe that integer divided by 100.
  3. Otherwise, letroundedbealphadivided by 0.255 and rounded to the closest integer (rounding up if two values are equally close), divided by 1000.
  4. Return the result of serializingroundedas a <number>.

Otherwise, return the result of serializing the given value as a <number>.

The return value of the following algorithm:
  1. Letsbe the empty string.
  2. If <counter> has three CSS component values append the string "counters("tos.
  3. If <counter> has two CSS component values append the string "counter("tos.
  4. Letlistbe a list of CSS component values belonging to <counter>, omitting the last CSS component value if it is "decimal".
  5. Let each item inlistbe the result of invokingserialize a CSS component valueon that item.
  6. Append the result of invokingserialize a comma-separated listonlisttos.
  7. Append ")"(U+0029) tos.
  8. Returns.
The <number> component serialized as per <number> followed by the unit in its canonical form as defined in its respective specification.

Probably should distinguish between specified and computed / resolved values.

The identifierserialized as an identifier.
A base-ten integer using digits 0-9 (U+0030 to U+0039) in the shortest form possible, preceded by "-"(U+002D) if it is negative.
The <number> component serialized as per <number> followed by the unit in its canonical form as defined in its respective specification.

Probably should distinguish between specified and computed / resolved values.

A base-ten number using digits 0-9 (U+0030 to U+0039) in the shortest form possible, using "."to separate decimals (if any), rounding the value if necessary to not produce more than 6 decimals, preceded by"-"(U+002D) if it is negative.

Note:scientific notation is not used.

The <number> component serialized as per <number> followed by the literal string "%"(U+0025).
The resolution in dots perCSS pixelserialized as per <number> followed by the literal string "dppx".
The numerator serialized as per <number> followed by the literal string "/", followed by the denominator serialized as per <number>.
The return value of the following algorithm:
  1. Letsbe the string "rect(".
  2. Letlistbe a list of the CSS component values belonging to <shape>.
  3. Let each item inlistbe the result of invokingserialize a CSS component valueof that item.
  4. Append the result of invokingserialize a comma-separated listonlisttos.
  5. Append ")"(U+0029) tos.
  6. Returns.
The stringserialized as a string.
The time in seconds serialized as per <number> followed by the literal string "s".
Theabsolute-URL stringserialized as URL.

This should differentiate specified and computed<url>values, see#3195.

<absolute-size>, <border-width>, <border-style>, <bottom>, <generic-family>, <generic-voice>, <left>, <margin-width>, <padding-width>, <relative-size>, <right>, and <top>, are considered macros by this specification. They all represent instances of components outlined above.

One idea is that we can remove this section somewhere in the CSS3/CSS4 timeline by moving the above definitions to the drafts that define the CSS components.

Here are some examples of before and after results on specified values. The before column could be what the author wrote in a style sheet, while the after column shows what querying the DOM would return.

Before After
background: none background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)
outline: none outline: invert
border: none border: medium
list-style: none list-style: disc
margin: 0 1px 1px 1px margin: 0px 1px 1px
azimuth: behind left azimuth: 220deg
font-family: a, 'b "', serif font-family: "a", "b\" ", serif
content: url('h)i') '\[\]' content: url( "h)i" ) "[]"
azimuth: leftwards azimuth: leftwards
color: rgb(18, 52, 86) color: #123456
color: rgba(000001, 0, 0, 1) color: #000000

Some of these need to be updated per the new rules.

7.DOM Access to CSS Declaration Blocks


TheElementCSSInlineStylemixin provides access to inline style properties of an element.


Thestyleattribute must return aCSS declaration blockobject whosecomputed flagis unset, whoseparent CSS ruleis null, and whoseowner nodeis thecontext object.

If the user agent supports HTML, the following IDL applies:[HTML]


If the user agent supports SVG, the following IDL applies:[SVG11]


If the user agent supports MathML, the following IDL applies:[MathML-Core]


7.2.Extensions to theWindowInterface


ThegetComputedStyle(elt,pseudoElt)method must run these steps:

  1. Letdocbeelt’snode document.
  2. Letobjbeelt.
  3. IfpseudoEltis provided, and it’s not the empty string, then:
    1. ParsepseudoEltas a<pseudo-element-selector>,and lettypebe the result.
    2. Iftypeis failure, or is an::slotted()or::part()pseudo-element,throwaTypeErrorexception.
    3. Otherwise letobjbe the given pseudo-element ofelt.

    Note:CSS2 pseudo-elements should match both the double and single-colon versions. That is, both:beforeand::beforeshould match above.

  4. Letdeclsbe an empty list ofCSS declarations.
  5. Ifeltisconnected,part of theflat tree, and itsshadow-including roothas abrowsing contextwhich either doesn’t have abrowsing context container,or whosebrowsing context containerisbeing rendered, setdeclsto a list of all longhand properties that aresupported CSS properties,in lexicographical order, with the value being theresolved valuecomputed forobjusing the style rules associated withdoc.Additionally, append todeclsall thecustom propertieswhosecomputed valueforobjis not theguaranteed-invalid value.

    There are UAs that handle shorthands, and all UAs handle shorthands that used to be longhands likeoverflow,see#2529.

    Order of custom properties is currently undefined, see#4947.

  6. Return a liveCSS declaration blockwith the following properties:
    computed flag
    parent CSS rule
    owner node

ThegetComputedStyle()method exposes information fromCSS style sheetswith theorigin-clean flagunset.

Should getComputedStyle() provide a useful serialization? See#1033

8.Utility APIs


TheCSSnamespace holds useful CSS-related functions that do not belong elsewhere.


This was previously specified as an IDL interface that only held static methods. Switching to an IDL namespace is *nearly* identical, so it’s expected that there won’t be any compat concerns. If any are discovered, please report so we can consider reverting this change.

Theescape(ident)operation must return the result of invokingserialize an identifierofident.

For example, to serialize a string for use as part of a selector, theescape()method can be used:
var element = document.querySelector('#' + CSS.escape(id) + ' > img');
Theescape()method can also be used for escaping strings, although it escapes characters that don’t strictly need to be escaped:
var element = document.querySelector('a[href= "#' + CSS.escape(fragment) + '" ]');

Specifications that define operations on theCSSnamespace and want to store some state should store the state on thecurrent global object’sassociatedDocument.

9.Resolved Values

getComputedStyle()was historically defined to return the "computed value" of an element or pseudo-element. However, the concept of "computed value" changed between revisions of CSS while the implementation ofgetComputedStyle()had to remain the same for compatibility with deployed scripts. To address this issue this specification introduces the concept of aresolved value.

Theresolved valuefor a given longhand property can be determined as follows:

Aresolved value special case property likecolordefined in another specification
Theresolved valueis theused value.
Theresolved valueisnormalif thecomputed valueisnormal,or theused valueotherwise.
Aresolved value special case property likeheightdefined in another specification
If the property applies to the element or pseudo-element and theresolved valueof thedisplayproperty is notnoneorcontents,then theresolved valueis theused value.Otherwise theresolved valueis thecomputed value.
Aresolved value special case property liketopdefined in another specification
If the property applies to a positioned element and theresolved valueof thedisplayproperty is notnoneorcontents,and the property is not over-constrained, then theresolved valueis theused value.Otherwise theresolved valueis thecomputed value.
Aresolved value special case propertydefined in another specification
As defined in the relevant specification.
Any other property
Theresolved valueis thecomputed value.

10.IANA Considerations


This section describes a header field for registration in the Permanent Message Header Field Registry.

Header field name
Applicable protocol
Author/Change controller
Specification document(s)
This document is the relevant specification.
Related information

11.Change History

This section documents some of the changes between publications of this specification. This section is not exhaustive. Bug fixes and editorial changes are generally not listed.

11.1.Changes From 17 March 2016

11.2.Changes From 5 December 2013

11.3.Changes From 12 July 2011 To 5 December 2013

12.Security and Privacy Considerations

No new security or privacy considerations have been reported on this specification.


The editors would like to thank Alexey Feldgendler, Benjamin Poulain, Björn Höhrmann, Boris Zbasky, Brian Kardell, Chris Dumez, Christian Krebs, Daniel Glazman, David Baron, Domenic Denicola, Dominique Hazael-Massieux,fantasai, Hallvord R. M. Steen, Ian Hickson, John Daggett, Lachlan Hunt, Mike Sherov, Myles C. Maxfield, Morten Stenshorne, Ms2ger, Nazım Can Altınova, Øyvind Stenhaug, Peter Sloetjes, Philip Jägenstedt, Philip Taylor, Richard Gibson, Robert O’Callahan, Simon Sapin, Sjoerd Visscher, Sylvain Galineau, Tarquin Wilton-Jones, Xidorn Quan, and Zack Weinberg for contributing to this specification.

Additional thanks to Ian Hickson for writing the initial version of the alternative style sheets API and canonicalization (now serialization) rules for CSS values.


Document conventions

Conformance requirements are expressed with a combination of descriptive assertions and RFC 2119 terminology. The key words “MUST”, “MUST NOT”, “REQUIRED”, “SHALL”, “SHALL NOT”, “SHOULD”, “SHOULD NOT”, “RECOMMENDED”, “MAY”, and “OPTIONAL” in the normative parts of this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119. However, for readability, these words do not appear in all uppercase letters in this specification.

All of the text of this specification is normative except sections explicitly marked as non-normative, examples, and notes.[RFC2119]

Examples in this specification are introduced with the words “for example” or are set apart from the normative text withclass= "example", like this:

This is an example of an informative example.

Informative notes begin with the word “Note” and are set apart from the normative text withclass= "note",like this:

Note, this is an informative note.

Advisements are normative sections styled to evoke special attention and are set apart from other normative text with<strong class= "advisement" >,like this:UAs MUST provide an accessible alternative.

Conformance classes

Conformance to this specification is defined for three conformance classes:

style sheet
ACSS style sheet.
AUAthat interprets the semantics of a style sheet and renders documents that use them.
authoring tool
AUAthat writes a style sheet.

A style sheet is conformant to this specification if all of its statements that use syntax defined in this module are valid according to the generic CSS grammar and the individual grammars of each feature defined in this module.

A renderer is conformant to this specification if, in addition to interpreting the style sheet as defined by the appropriate specifications, it supports all the features defined by this specification by parsing them correctly and rendering the document accordingly. However, the inability of a UA to correctly render a document due to limitations of the device does not make the UA non-conformant. (For example, a UA is not required to render color on a monochrome monitor.)

An authoring tool is conformant to this specification if it writes style sheets that are syntactically correct according to the generic CSS grammar and the individual grammars of each feature in this module, and meet all other conformance requirements of style sheets as described in this module.

Partial implementations

So that authors can exploit the forward-compatible parsing rules to assign fallback values, CSS renderersmusttreat as invalid (andignore as appropriate) any at-rules, properties, property values, keywords, and other syntactic constructs for which they have no usable level of support. In particular, user agentsmust notselectively ignore unsupported component values and honor supported values in a single multi-value property declaration: if any value is considered invalid (as unsupported values must be), CSS requires that the entire declaration be ignored.

Implementations of Unstable and Proprietary Features

To avoid clashes with future stable CSS features, the CSSWG recommendsfollowing best practicesfor the implementation ofunstablefeatures andproprietary extensionsto CSS.

Non-experimental implementations

Once a specification reaches the Candidate Recommendation stage, non-experimental implementations are possible, and implementors should release an unprefixed implementation of any CR-level feature they can demonstrate to be correctly implemented according to spec.

To establish and maintain the interoperability of CSS across implementations, the CSS Working Group requests that non-experimental CSS renderers submit an implementation report (and, if necessary, the testcases used for that implementation report) to the W3C before releasing an unprefixed implementation of any CSS features. Testcases submitted to W3C are subject to review and correction by the CSS Working Group.

Further information on submitting testcases and implementation reports can be found from on the CSS Working Group’s website athttps://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/Test/. Questions should be directed to the[email protected]mailing list.


Terms defined by this specification

Terms defined by reference


Normative References

Dean Jackson; et al.CSS Animations Level 1.11 October 2018. WD. URL:https://www.w3.org/TR/css-animations-1/
Bert Bos; Elika Etemad; Brad Kemper.CSS Backgrounds and Borders Module Level 3.26 July 2021. CR. URL:https://www.w3.org/TR/css-backgrounds-3/
Elika Etemad.CSS Box Model Module Level 4.21 April 2020. WD. URL:https://www.w3.org/TR/css-box-4/
Elika Etemad; Miriam Suzanne; Tab Atkins Jr..CSS Cascading and Inheritance Level 5.8 June 2021. WD. URL:https://www.w3.org/TR/css-cascade-5/
Tantek Çelik; Chris Lilley; David Baron.CSS Color Module Level 3.19 June 2018. REC. URL:https://www.w3.org/TR/css-color-3/
Tab Atkins Jr.; Chris Lilley.CSS Color Module Level 4.1 June 2021. WD. URL:https://www.w3.org/TR/css-color-4/
Tab Atkins Jr..CSS Counter Styles Level 3.27 July 2021. CR. URL:https://www.w3.org/TR/css-counter-styles-3/
Rune Lillesveen; Florian Rivoal; Matt Rakow.CSS Device Adaptation Module Level 1.29 March 2016. WD. URL:https://www.w3.org/TR/css-device-adapt-1/
Tab Atkins Jr.; Elika Etemad.CSS Display Module Level 3.18 December 2020. CR. URL:https://www.w3.org/TR/css-display-3/
John Daggett; Myles Maxfield; Chris Lilley.CSS Fonts Module Level 4.29 July 2021. WD. URL:https://www.w3.org/TR/css-fonts-4/
Elika Etemad; Tab Atkins Jr..CSS Lists and Counters Module Level 3.17 November 2020. WD. URL:https://www.w3.org/TR/css-lists-3/
Rossen Atanassov; Elika Etemad.CSS Logical Properties and Values Level 1.27 August 2018. WD. URL:https://www.w3.org/TR/css-logical-1/
Elika Etemad.CSS Namespaces Module Level 3.20 March 2014. REC. URL:https://www.w3.org/TR/css-namespaces-3/
CSS Nesting Module Level 1 URL:https://www.w3.org/TR/css-nesting-1/
David Baron; Elika Etemad; Florian Rivoal.CSS Overflow Module Level 3.3 June 2020. WD. URL:https://www.w3.org/TR/css-overflow-3/
Elika Etemad; et al.CSS Positioned Layout Module Level 3.19 May 2020. WD. URL:https://www.w3.org/TR/css-position-3/
Tab Atkins Jr.; Elika Etemad.CSS Scoping Module Level 1.3 April 2014. WD. URL:https://www.w3.org/TR/css-scoping-1/
Tab Atkins Jr.; Fergal Daly.CSS Shadow Parts.15 November 2018. WD. URL:https://www.w3.org/TR/css-shadow-parts-1/
Tab Atkins Jr.; Elika Etemad.CSS Box Sizing Module Level 3.17 March 2021. WD. URL:https://www.w3.org/TR/css-sizing-3/
Tantek Çelik; Florian Rivoal.CSS Basic User Interface Module Level 3 (CSS3 UI).21 June 2018. REC. URL:https://www.w3.org/TR/css-ui-3/
Tab Atkins Jr.; Elika Etemad.CSS Values and Units Module Level 4.15 July 2021. WD. URL:https://www.w3.org/TR/css-values-4/
Tab Atkins Jr..CSS Custom Properties for Cascading Variables Module Level 1.3 December 2015. CR. URL:https://www.w3.org/TR/css-variables-1/
Bert Bos; et al.Cascading Style Sheets Level 2 Revision 1 (CSS 2.1) Specification.7 June 2011. REC. URL:https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/
David Baron; Elika Etemad; Chris Lilley.CSS Conditional Rules Module Level 3.8 December 2020. CR. URL:https://www.w3.org/TR/css-conditional-3/
Elika Etemad; Tab Atkins Jr..CSS Cascading and Inheritance Level 3.11 February 2021. REC. URL:https://www.w3.org/TR/css-cascade-3/
Elika Etemad; Simon Sapin.CSS Paged Media Module Level 3.18 October 2018. WD. URL:https://www.w3.org/TR/css-page-3/
Tab Atkins Jr.; Simon Sapin.CSS Syntax Module Level 3.16 July 2019. CR. URL:https://www.w3.org/TR/css-syntax-3/
Anne van Kesteren.DOM Standard.Living Standard. URL:https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/
Anne van Kesteren.Encoding Standard.Living Standard. URL:https://encoding.spec.whatwg.org/
Anne van Kesteren.Fetch Standard.Living Standard. URL:https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/
Anne van Kesteren; et al.HTML Standard.Living Standard. URL:https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/
Anne van Kesteren; Domenic Denicola.Infra Standard.Living Standard. URL:https://infra.spec.whatwg.org/
Florian Rivoal; Tab Atkins Jr..Media Queries Level 4.21 July 2020. CR. URL:https://www.w3.org/TR/mediaqueries-4/
Dean Jackson; Florian Rivoal; Tab Atkins Jr..Media Queries Level 5.31 July 2020. WD. URL:https://www.w3.org/TR/mediaqueries-5/
S. Bradner.Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels.March 1997. Best Current Practice. URL:https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc2119
Tantek Çelik; et al.Selectors Level 3.6 November 2018. REC. URL:https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors-3/
Elika Etemad; Tab Atkins Jr..Selectors Level 4.21 November 2018. WD. URL:https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors-4/
Amelia Bellamy-Royds; et al.Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 2.4 October 2018. CR. URL:https://www.w3.org/TR/SVG2/
Anne van Kesteren.URL Standard.Living Standard. URL:https://url.spec.whatwg.org/
Boris Zbarsky.Web IDL.15 December 2016. ED. URL:https://heycam.github.io/webidl/
Tim Bray; et al.Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Fifth Edition).26 November 2008. REC. URL:https://www.w3.org/TR/xml/
James Clark; Simon Pieters; Henry Thompson.Associating Style Sheets with XML documents 1.0 (Second Edition).28 October 2010. REC. URL:https://www.w3.org/TR/xml-stylesheet/

Informative References

Mike Taylor.Compatibility Standard.Living Standard. URL:https://compat.spec.whatwg.org/
Myles Maxfield; Chris Lilley.CSS Fonts Module Level 5.29 July 2021. WD. URL:https://www.w3.org/TR/css-fonts-5/
David Carlisle; Frédéric Wang.MathML Core.2021. ED. URL:https://w3c.github.io/mathml-core/
Erik Dahlström; et al.Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.1 (Second Edition).16 August 2011. REC. URL:https://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/

IDL Index



constructor(optionalCSSStyleSheetInitoptions= {});

unsignedlonginsertRule(CSSOMStringrule,optionalunsignedlongindex= 0);


(MediaListorDOMString)media= "";

longaddRule(optionalDOMStringselector= "undefined",optionalDOMStringstyle= "undefined",optionalunsignedlongindex);
undefinedremoveRule(optionalunsignedlongindex= 0);






// the following attribute and constants are historical
constunsignedshortSTYLE_RULE= 1;
constunsignedshortCHARSET_RULE= 2;
constunsignedshortIMPORT_RULE= 3;
constunsignedshortMEDIA_RULE= 4;
constunsignedshortFONT_FACE_RULE= 5;
constunsignedshortPAGE_RULE= 6;
constunsignedshortMARGIN_RULE= 9;
constunsignedshortNAMESPACE_RULE= 10;



unsignedlonginsertRule(CSSOMStringrule,optionalunsignedlongindex= 0);




[CEReactions]undefinedsetProperty(CSSOMStringproperty,[LegacyNullToEmptyString]CSSOMStringvalue,optional[LegacyNullToEmptyString]CSSOMStringpriority= "" );







Issues Index

This should probably be done in terms of mapping it to serializing CSS values as media features are defined in terms of CSS values after all.
Be more specific
Is there a document at this point?
What if the HTML parser hasn’t decided on quirks/non-quirks yet?
Need to define how theCSSFontFaceRuledescriptors' values are serialized.
Need to define howCSSPageRuleis serialized.
The "indented by two spaces" bit matches browsers, but needs work, see#5494
Need to define the rules forparse a list of CSS page selectorsandserialize a list of CSS page selectors.
Should we add something like "Any observable side effect must not be made outsidedeclarations"?The current constraints sound like a hole for undefined behavior.
Probably should distinguish between specified and computed / resolved values.
Should author specified values be normalized for case, the same as computed values? Or should original case be preserved?
Probably should distinguish between specified and computed / resolved values.
Probably should distinguish between specified and computed / resolved values.
This should differentiate specified and computed<url>values, see#3195.
One idea is that we can remove this section somewhere in the CSS3/CSS4 timeline by moving the above definitions to the drafts that define the CSS components.
Some of these need to be updated per the new rules.
There are UAs that handle shorthands, and all UAs handle shorthands that used to be longhands likeoverflow,see#2529.
Order of custom properties is currently undefined, see#4947.
Should getComputedStyle() provide a useful serialization? See#1033
This was previously specified as an IDL interface that only held static methods. Switching to an IDL namespace is *nearly* identical, so it’s expected that there won’t be any compat concerns. If any are discovered, please report so we can consider reverting this change.