

WHO works closely with countries, partners, and local institutions to help communities prevent, prepare for, respond to, and recover from health emergencies of all kinds, from disease outbreaks to conflicts to disasters.

No country, institution, or organization can achieve this alone. WHO relies on partners through networks, such as the Global Health Cluster, Standby Partners, Emergency Medical Teams and the Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network.

The challenge is to bring these together so they are connected and interoperable, and achieve a shared vision of a strengthened health emergency workforce centered in countries and coordinated regionally and globally.

The Global Health Emergency Corps (GHEC)is a core component of the efforts led by WHO with partners and together with Member States to strengthen the global health emergency preparedness and response architecture. It is a framework for enhancing health emergency workforce capacity and a collaboration platform for countries and health emergency networks, adapted to the context in each country and region.

Together, we are committed to:

  • saving lives and reducing suffering in times of crisis;
  • building efficient partnerships for emergency management and ensuring these are properly coordinated;
  • advocating for political support and consistent resources for health emergency preparedness, response, and recovery;
  • developing evidence-based guidelines for all phases of emergency work in the health sector;
  • strengthening capacity and resilience of health systems and countries to mitigate and manage health emergencies;
  • ensuring international capacity is available to support countries for emergency response through training and establishment of surge capacity; and
  • facilitating regional and global coordination in the prevention, preparedness and response to health emergencies, in particular when faced with transnational threats such as a potential pandemic.


Teams from WHO, deployed in the provinces highly affected by the earthquake, gather information for a rapid field assessment.

Global Health Cluster

Effective response to the world’s health crises would be impossible without the coordinated teamwork of the Global Health Cluster. Over 900 partners combine their technical and operational abilities to support the national health response in crisis-affected countries to ensure that people in need receive essential health care.

A WHO Officer is walking next to a convoy of cars on a rural unpaved road.

Standby Partners

In emergencies, extra personnel must quickly be in place to support WHO’s work. Through Standby Partners, WHO rapidly mobilizes qualified and experienced professionals to respond to the health consequences of acute and protracted emergencies and disease outbreaks

Wounded people lie on the floor while others care for them to the best of their ability without essential medical supplies or infrastructure.

Emergency medical teams

The Emergency Medical Teams (EMT) network has leading expertise in building, strengthening, deploying, and coordinating national and international EMTs when emergencies strike. We focus on clinical care in health emergency response and strengthening national health systems for coordinated action in rapid response care.

A woman receives care from a health worker in Sudan

Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network

During public health emergencies, the Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN) ensures that the right technical expertise and skills are on the ground where and when they are needed most.

Partner types

Inter-agency collaboration

Read moreabout WHO's inter-agency agreements and collaboration.