Wikidata:Acceso a los datos$24,358.20

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Wikidata For Developers: Data access

Wikidata currently contains over 100 million Items and over 650,000 Lexemes, and these numbers will keep on growing. There are many methods available to access all that data—this document lays them out and helps prospective users choose the best method to suit their needs.

It's crucial to choose an access method that gives you the data you need in the quickest, most efficient way while not putting unnecessary load on Wikidata; this page is here to help you do just that.

Before we begin

Using Wikidata's data

Nuestro logo

Wikidata ofrece un amplio abanico de datos sobre nuestro universo al tiempo que enlaza a otras bases de datos. Los datos se publican bajo la licencia de «Dedicación al dominio público»CC0.Cualquier persona puede editarla, y es la comunidad de editores de Wikidata la que la mantiene.

Los cambios en las API y en los formatos de datos empleados para acceder a Wikidata están sujetos a laPolítica de Interfaz Estable.Los cambios en las interfaces estables se anunciarán apropiadamente. Tenga en cuenta que no todas las fuentes de datos mencionadas en esta página se consideran interfaces estables.

Wikimedia projects

This document is about accessing data from outside Wikimedia projects. If you need to present data from Wikidata in another Wikimedia project, where you can employ parser functions, Lua and/or other internal-only methods, refer toHow to use data on Wikimedia projects.

Data best practices

Voluntarios como estas personas —y usted— hacen posible Wikidata.

Wikidata le ofrece sus datos de manera libre y sin requisitos de atribución, bajoCC-0.Sin embargo, apreciaríamos mucho si mencionara Wikidata como el origen de sus datos. Esto nos permitirá garantizar que el proyecto permanezca por mucho tiempo y le proporcione datos actualizados y de alta calidad. También promocionaremos los mejores proyectos utilizando los datos de Wikidata. Algunos ejemplos para atribuir Wikidata: "Proporcionado por Wikidata", "Proporcionado por Wikidata Tags", "Proporcionado por datos de Wikidata", "Proporcionado por la magia de Wikidata", "Utiliza datos de Wikidata", "Con datos de Wikidata", "Datos de Wikidata", "Fuente: Wikidata", "Incluye datos de Wikidata",... También puede usar uno de losarchivos prefabricados de nosotros.

Some examples for attributing Wikidata: "Powered by Wikidata", "Powered by Wikidata data", "Powered by the magic of Wikidata", "Using Wikidata data", "With data from Wikidata", "Data from Wikidata", "Source: Wikidata", "Including data from Wikidata" and so forth. You can also use one of ourready-made files.

Puede utilizar el logotipo de Wikidata (ver arriba), pero no debe hacerlo de ninguna manera que implique el respaldo de Wikidata o de la Fundación Wikimedia.

Por favor, ofrezca a sus usuarios una forma de reportar problemas en los datos y encuentre la forma de regresar esto a la comunidad de editores de Wikidata. Actualmente estamos trabajando en la racionalización de este proceso. Hasta entonces, anuncie dónde recopila los problemas en elchat del proyecto.

Access best practices

When accessing Wikidata's data, observe the following best practices:

  • Follow the User-Agent policy – send a good User-Agent header.
  • Follow the robot policy: sendAccept-Encoding: gzip,deflateand don’t make too many requests at once.
  • If you get a 429 Too Many Requests response, stop sending further requests for a while (see theRetry-Afterresponse header)
  • When available (such as with the Wikidata Query Service), set the lowest timeout that makes sense for your data.
  • When using the MediaWiki Action API, make liberal use of themaxlagparameter and consult the rest of the guidelines laid out inAPI:Etiquette.

What is it?

Wikidata offers anElasticsearchindex for traditional searches through its data:Special:Search

When to use it?

Use search when you need to look for a text string, or when you know the names of the entities you're looking for but not the exact entities themselves. It's also suitable for cases in which you can specify your search based on some very simple relations in the data.

Don't use search when the relations in your data are better described as complex.


You can make your search more powerful with these additional keywords specific to Wikidata:haswbstatement,inlabel,wbstatementquantity,hasdescription,haslabel.This search functionality is documentedon the CirrusSearch extension page.It also has its ownAPI action.

Linked Data Interface (URI)

What is it?

The Linked Data Interface provides access to individual entities via URI: URIs are called concept URIs. Note concept URIs use HTTP, not HTTPS.

When to use it?

Use the Linked Data Interface when you need to obtain individual, complete entities that are already known to you.

Don't use it when you're not clear on which entities you need – first try searching or querying. It's also not suitable for requesting large quantities of data.



Cada elemento o propiedad posee unURIpersistente que se obtiene al añadir su ID (tales comoQ42oP12) al espacio de nombres de conceptos de Wikidata:

The namespace for Wikidata's data about entities is

Agregar el ID de una entidad a este prefijo crea la forma "abstracta" (formato neutral) de la URL de datos de la entidad. Cuando solicita la URL Special:EntityData, la página especial aplicanegociación de contenidopara determinar el formato de salida de Wikidata. Lo más probable es que haya abierto la URL en un navegador web normal, y se mostrará una página HTML de los datos de Wikidata sobre la entidad, porque un navegador web prefiere HTML sobre otros formatos. Los clientes de datos vinculados recibirían los datos de Wikidata sobre la entidad en un formato diferente como JSON o RDF, dependiendo del encabezado HTTP $accept-field de su solicitud.

For example, take thisconcept URIfor Douglas Adams – that's a reference to the real-world person, not to Wikidata's concrete description:
As a human being with eyes and a browser, you will likely want to access dataaboutDouglas Adams by using the concept URI as aURL.Doing so triggers an HTTP redirect and forwards the client to the data URL that contains Wikidata's dataaboutDouglas Adams:

Cuando necesita evitar la negociación de contenido, por ejemplo, para ver contenido no HTML en un navegador web, puede especificar el formato de los datos de la entidad añadiendo la extensión correspondiente a la URL de datos; algunos ejemplos son.json,.rdf,.ttl,.nto.jsonld.Por ejemplo, el elemento Q42 en formato JSON.

Less verbose RDF output

By default, the RDF data that the Linked Data interface returns is meant to be complete in itself, so it includes descriptions of other entities it refers to. If you want to exclude that information, you can append the query parameter?flavor=dumpto the URL(s) you request.

By appending&flavorto the URL, you can control exactly what kind of data gets returned.

  • ?flavor=dump:Excludes descriptions of entities referred to in the data.
  • ?flavor=simple:Provides only truthy statements (best-ranked statements withoutqualifiersorreferences), along with sitelinks and version information.
  • ?flavor=full(default):An argument of "full" returns all data. (You don't need to specify this because it's the default.)

If you want a deeper insight into exactly what each option entails, you can take a peek into thesource code.

Revisions and caching

You can request specific revisions of an entity with therevisionquery parameter:

The following URL formats are used by the user interface and by the query service updater, respectively, so if you use one of the same URL formats there’s a good chance you’ll get faster (cached) responses:

Wikidata Query Service

What is it?

The Wikidata Query Service (WDQS) is Wikidata's own SPARQL endpoint. It returns the results of queries made in the SPARQL query language:

When to use it?

Use WDQS when you know only the characteristics of your desired data.

Don't use WDQS for performing text or fuzzy search – FILTER(REGEX(...)) is an antipattern. (Usesearchin such cases.)

WDQS is also not suitable when your desired data is likely to be large, a substantial percentage of all Wikidata's data. (Consider using adumpin such cases.)


Puede consultar los datos en Wikidata a través de nuestro punto final SPARQL, elServicio de consultas de Wikidata.El servicio se puede utilizar como una interfaz web interactiva, o programáticamente al enviar las solicitudesGEToPOSTa datos RDF pueden ser alternativamente accesos a través de una interfaz de Fragmentos de Datos Vinculados[1]en elmanual de usuarioy laspáginas de la comunidadlocales para más información.

The query service is best used when your intended result set is scoped narrowly, i.e., when you have a query you're pretty sure already specifies your resulting data set accurately. If your idea of the result set is less well defined, then the kind of work you'll be doing against the query service will more resemble a search; frequently you'll first need to do this kind of search-related work to sharpen up your query. See theSearchsection.

Linked Data Fragments endpoint

What is it?

The Linked Data Fragments (LDF) endpoint is a more experimental method of accessing Wikidata's data by specifying patterns in triples: occurs primarily on the client side.

When to use it?

Use the LDF endpoint when you can define the data you're looking for using triple patterns, and when your result set is likely to be fairly large. The endpoint is good to use when you have significant computational power at your disposal.

Since it's experimental, don't use the LDF endpoint if you need an absolutely stable endpoint or a rigorously complete result set. And as mentioned before, only use it if you have sufficient computational power, as the LDF endpoint offloads computation to the client side.


If you have partial information about what you're looking for, such as when you have two out of three components of your triple(s), you may find what you're looking for by using theLinked Data Fragmentsinterface at theuser manualandcommunity pagesfor more information.

Wikibase REST API

What is it?

The Wikibase REST API is an OpenAPI-based interface that allows users to interact with, retrieve and edit items and statements on Wikibase instances – including of course Wikidata:Wikidata REST API

When to use it?

The Wikibase REST API is still under development, but for Wikidata it's intended to functionally replace theAction APIas it's a dedicated interface made just for Wikibase/Wikidata.

The use cases for the Action API apply to the Wikibase REST API as well. Use it when your work involves:

  • Editing Wikidata
  • Getting direct data about entities themselves

Don't use the Wikibase REST API when your result set is likely to be large. (Consider using adumpin such cases.)

It's better not to use the Wikibase REST API when you'll need to further narrow the result of your API request. In such cases it's better to frame your work as asearch(for Elasticsearch) or aquery(for WDQS).


The Wikibase REST API hasOpenAPI documentationusingSwagger.You can also review thedeveloper documentation.

MediaWiki Action API

What is it?

The Wikidata API is MediaWiki's own Action API, extended to include some Wikibase-specific actions:

When to use it?

Use the API when your work involves:

  • Editing Wikidata
  • Getting data about entities themselves such as their revision history
  • Getting all of the data of an entity in JSON format, in small groups of entities (up to 50 entities per request).

Don't use the API when your result set is likely to be large. (Consider using adumpin such cases.)

The API is also poorly suited to situations in which you want to request the current state of entities in JSON. (For such cases consider using theLinked Data Interface,which is likelier to provide faster responses.)

Finally, it's probably a bad idea to use the API when you'll need to further narrow the result of your API request. In such cases it's better to frame your work as asearch(for Elasticsearch) or aquery(for WDQS).


The MediaWiki Action API used for Wikidata is meticulously documentedon Wikidata's API page.You can explore and experiment with it using theAPI Sandbox.


Damos la bienvenida a los bots que se comporten bien

También es posible acceder a la API mediante el uso de un bot. ConsulteWikidata:Botspara más información.

Recent Changes stream

What is it?

Se pueden usar los [[|streamsde eventos de cambios recientes de Wikimedia]] para ver los cambios de entidades en tiempo real. También está disponible laAPI de cambios recientes,pero no se recomienda para nuevas herramientas ya que no publica los cambios, y sobrecarga más los servidores debido a que cada cambio en una entidad debe ser consultado por separado.

When to use it?

Use the Recent Changes stream when your project requires you to react to changes in real time or when you need all the latest changes coming from Wikidata – for example, when running your own query service.


The Recent Changes stream contains all updates from all wikis using theserver-sent eventsprotocol. You'll need to filter Wikidata's updates out on the client side.

You can find the web interfaceat stream.wikimedia.organd read all about it on theEventStreamspage.


What are they?

Wikidata dumps are complete exports of all the Entities in Wikidata:

When to use them?

Use a dump when your result set is likely to be very large. You'll also find a dump important when setting up your own query service.

Don't use a dump if you need current data: the dumps take a very long time to export and even longer to sync to your own query service. Dumps are also unsuitable when you have significant limits on your available bandwidth, storage space and/or computing power.


If the records you need to traverse are many, or if your result set is likely to be very large, it's time to consider working with a database dump: (link to the latest complete dump).

You'll find detailed documentation about all Wikimedia dumpson the "Data dumps" page on Metaand about Wikidata dumps in particular on thedatabase downloadpage. See alsoFlavored dumpsabove.


  • JsonDumpReaderis a PHP library for reading dumps.
  • At[2]you'll find a Go library for processing Wikipedia and Wikidata dumps.
  • You can usewdumperto get partial custom RDF dumps.

Local query service

It's no small task to procure a Wikidata dump and implement the above tools for working with it, but you can take a further step. If you have the capacity and resources to do so, you can host your own instance of the Wikidata Query Service and query it as much as you like, out of contention with any others.

To set up your own query service, followthese instructionsfrom the query service team, which include procuring your own local copy of the data. You may also find useful information in Adam Shorland'sblog poston the topic.