Currently working on semi-automatically addingP150 (contains administrative territorial entity)claims where the target of the claim is aQ484170 (commune of France),built from theP131 (located in the administrative territorial entity)claims ofeach commune of France.Donewith Quick Statements, fi xing a few mistakes while working on the next thing.
List ofcommune of France(Q484170)directlyplacedin aregion of France(Q36784):WDQ API•WDQ editor•Autolist 1Trying to get rid of those, work in progress
/!\List ofcommune of France(Q484170)NOTplacedat all.This is to be fixed urgently:WDQ API•WDQ editor•Autolist 1
List ofcommune of France(Q484170)NOTdirectlyplacedin adepartment of France(Q6465):WDQ API•WDQ editor•Autolist 1Would make things a lot easier for everyone to be able to fetch allcommune of France(Q484170)of adepartment of France(Q6465)directly (without performing queries on allarrondissement of France(Q194203)and/orcanton of France(Q184188)/canton of France(Q18524218)- and that time distinction makes things even crappier to query), that's what I'll be doing next. Wish me luck, 21292 of them...