20 March 2024


2024 digital media trends


This year’sDigital Media Trendspoint to continued industry disruption—not just from streaming, social, and gaming, but also from how these media and technologies combine. As these disruptions mature, their convergence sets up the next revolutions. Companies need to lead these advancements—or risk living in another’s vision.

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The authors would like to thank Akash Rawat for his work in analyzing survey data and highlighting insights, as well as his contributions to shaping the direction of the overall study. They would also like to thank Sathiya S. and Ankit Dhameja for their contributions to survey development and secondary research and Gautham Dutt for his design and visualization support.

The authors would like to thank Akash Rawat for his work in analyzing survey data and highlighting insights, as well as his contributions to shaping the direction of the overall study. They would also like to thank Sathiya S. and Ankit Dhameja for their contributions to survey development and secondary research and Gautham Dutt for his design and visualization support. Additionally, the authors would like to thank Andy Bayiates and Molly Piersol for their partnership, along with their editorial and design contributions. Lastly, they would like to extend their sincere thanks to Kevin Downs and Amy Booth for their support and guidance throughout the process.