
This is the {{pipe}} meta-template. It looks like this: |

This template uses the|decimal codefor thevertical bar(or pipe character) so that its usage doesn't cause problems when it is used inside atemplate.This situation most commonly arises when the title of a cited reference contains a pipe character instead of a hyphen or dash (e.g.Xbox.com | Xbox.com Home).{{Pipe}}is easier to remember and clearer than an unadorned|.

Please do not use the Unicodeǀ(which produces ǀ) since that does not work in all web browsers. It is also slightly smaller than |.

Alternative names

The following names redirect here and can be used as alternative names for this template:

See also

Mô bản điều dụng
(mVi ma thuật tự )
Thâu xuất
( diên trì giải tích vi duy cơ đại mã )
HTML thế đại
( bất hội giải tích vi duy cơ đại mã )
{{!}}(m) | | hoặc {{pipe}}
{{=}}(m) = =
{{!!}} || ||
{{!(}} [ [
{{)!}} ] ]
{{!((}} [[ [[
{{))!}} ]] ]]
{{(}} { {
{{)}} } }
{{((}} {{ {{
{{))}} }} }}
{{(((}} {{{ {{{
{{)))}} }}} }}}
{{(!}} {| {|
{{!-}} |- |-
{{!)}} |} |}
  • {{!}}- Used to encode "|" within template parameters or wikitables. Note that this one looks the same but has a very different meaning for the MediaWiki parser and thus has different functionality.
  • {{'}}- Used to encode apostrophe to keep it separate from''and'''markup.