




  • Rajae Belmlih,45歲,摩洛哥歌手,癌症。[9]
  • 安東尼·戴(Anthony Day),74歲,《洛杉磯時報》美國社論版編輯,肺氣腫。[10]
  • Robert Fidgeon,65歲,澳大利亞電視專欄作家和評論家,癌症。[11]
  • 薩菲特·伊索維奇,71歲,波士尼亞歌手。[12]
  • 瑪西婭·梅·鐘斯(Marcia Mae Jones),83歲,美國女演員(《海蒂》《這三個人》)。[13]
  • Max McNab,83歲,加拿大冰球運動員、教練和NHL總經理。[14]
  • 派特·諾頓(Pat Norton),88歲,澳大利亞奧運仰泳游泳運動員。[15]
  • 比爾·羅賓遜(Bill Robinson),88歲,澳大利亞足球運動員。[16]
  • Hannes Brewis,87歲,南非橄欖球聯盟球員。[76]
  • 安吉·布魯克斯(Angie Brooks),78歲,利比里亞外交官和法學家。[77]
  • 伊恩·坎贝尔(Ian Campbell),81歲,英國政治家,鄧巴頓郡西部(1970-1983)和敦巴頓(1983-1987)的議員。[78]
  • 韩鼎祥,71歲,中國羅馬天主教主教,因忠於梵蒂岡而被拘留。[79]
  • 阿什克·薩德克(ASHK Sadek),73歲,孟加拉國政治家。[80]
  • Helmut Senekowitsch,73歲,奧地利足球運動員和經理。[81]
  • 佐兰·塔利奇(Zoran Tadić),66歲,克羅埃西亞電影導演。[82]
  • 休吉·托馬森(Hughie Thomasson),55歲,美國吉他手(Outlaws),心臟病發作。[83]
  • 塔斯克·沃特金斯,88歲,英國法學家和商人,上訴大法官和前WRU主席,在短暫生病後。[84]
  • 徐四民,93歲,香港雜誌出版人,親北京支援者,器官衰竭。[85]
  • 洛雷塔·金·哈德勒(Loretta King Hadler),90歲,美國電影女演員,自然原因。[86]
  • James Leasor,83歲,英國小說家和傳記作家。[87]
  • 乔·兰茨(Joe Rantz),93歲,美國賽艇運動員,曾參加1936年夏季奧運會。[88]
  • 安妮塔·羅迪克夫人(Dame Anita Roddick),64歲,英國企業家,The Body Shop創始人,腦出血。[89]
  • 亞瑟·羅斯(Arthur Ross),96歲,美國商人和慈善家,以對中央公園的貢獻而聞名。[90]
  • 喬·夏洛克(Joe Sherlock),76歲,科克東的愛爾蘭Teachta Dála(1981-1982,1987-1992,2002-2007)。[91]
  • 泰德·斯蒂芬(Ted Stepien),82歲,美國商人,克利夫蘭騎士隊前老闆。[92]
  • 恩里克·托雷斯(Enrique Torres),85歲,美國職業摔跤手。[93]
  • 珍·惠曼(Jane Wyman),90歲,美國奧斯卡金像獎獲獎女演員(約翰尼·貝琳達),1984年金球獎得主(獵鷹紋章),羅納德·雷根(Ronald Reagan)的第一任妻子。[94]
  • 約翰·加勒特(John Garrett),76歲,英國政治家,1974-1983年和1987-1997年擔任諾維奇南部議員。[95]
  • 伊恩·波特菲爾德(Ian Porterfield),61歲,英國足球運動員和經理(1973年桑德蘭足總杯冠軍),結腸癌。[96]
  • 80歲的美國探險家和宗教神秘主義者吉恩·薩沃伊(Gene Savoy)聲稱在秘魯發現了40多個失落的城市,這是自然原因。[97]
  • 詹姆斯·F·史密斯(James F. Smith),84歲,美國政治家。[98]
  • Willie Tee,63歲,美國創作歌手和製作人,結腸癌。[99]
  • Joe Zawinul,75歲,奧地利爵士鍵盤手和作曲家,天氣報告創始人,癌症。[100]
  • Jean Balissat,71歲,瑞士音樂家。[128]
  • Peter Cleeland,69歲,澳大利亞政治家,麥克尤恩MHR(1984-1990,1993-1996),運動神經元疾病。[129]
  • 羅伯特·喬丹,58歲,美國奇幻小說家(《時間之輪》),心臟澱粉樣變性。[130][131]
  • 卡爾·蘭普頓,93歲,美國政治家,猶他州州長(1965-1977),癌症。[132]
  • Garrard “Buster” Ramsey,87歲,美式橄欖球運動員和教練,肺炎。[133]
  • 奧古斯都·阿金洛耶(Augustus Akinloye),91歲,奈及利亞政治家,伊巴丹人民黨創始人。[138]
  • 本雅明·約瑟夫·布里亞,51歲,印尼羅馬天主教主教,登巴薩主教。[139]
  • 84歲的美國化學家諾曼·蓋洛德(Norman Gaylord)開發了滲透性隱形眼鏡。[140]
  • 內特·希爾,41歲,美式橄欖球運動員(綠灣包裝工隊、邁阿密海豚隊、華盛頓紅人隊)。[141]
  • Pepsi Tate,42歲,英國貝斯手(Tigertailz),胰腺癌。[142]
  • Len Thompson,60歲,澳大利亞足球運動員(1965-1980),心臟病發作。[143]
  • 34歲的伊拉克雕塑家巴塞姆·哈馬德·達維里(Bassem Hamad al-Dawiri)取代了在2003年入侵伊拉克期間被的薩達姆·侯賽因(Saddam Hussein)雕像,車禍。[144]
  • 安托萬·加內姆(Antoine Ghanem),64歲,黎巴嫩政治家,國會議員,汽車炸彈。[145]
  • 邁克·奧斯本(Mike Osborne),66歲,英國爵士音樂家。[146]
  • 弗拉特科·帕夫萊蒂奇,76歲,克羅埃西亞政治家,議會議長(1995-1999),代理總統(1999-2000)。[147]
  • H. Emory Widener, Jr.,83歲,美國法學家(美國第四巡迴上訴法院),肺癌。[148]
  • Hallgeir Brenden,78歲,挪威越野滑雪運動員,金牌得主(1952年和1956年冬季奧運會)。[156]
  • 鮑勃·柯林斯(Bob Collins),61歲,澳大利亞ALP參議員(1987-1998)和部長(1990-1996),因酒精和藥物過量自殺。[157]
  • 愛麗絲·古斯利(Alice Ghostley),84歲,美國女演員(《設計女性》《殺死一隻知更鳥》《油脂》),托尼獎得主(1965年),結腸癌。[158]
  • 伊恩·吉爾摩(Ian Gilmour),克雷格米勒男爵吉爾摩(Baron Gilmour),81歲,英國政治家。[159]
  • 雷克斯·漢巴德(Rex Humbard),88歲,美國電視佈道家,充血性心力衰竭。[160]
  • 保羅·康斯勒,94歲,法國奧運射擊運動員。[161]
  • 弗洛里亞·拉斯基(Floria Lasky),84歲,美國娛樂律師和訴訟律師,癌症。[162]
  • 安赫爾·羅梅羅(Ángel Romero),75歲,墨西哥奧運自行車運動員。[163]
  • 佩塔尔·斯坦鲍利奇,95歲,塞爾維亞社會主義共和國塞爾維亞總理(1978-1982),南斯拉夫總統(1982-1983)。[164]
  • Coral Watts,53歲,美國連環殺手,前列腺癌併發症。[165]
  • 吳相湘,92歲,中國歷史學家。[166]
  • 內納德·波格丹諾維奇,53歲,塞爾維亞政治家,貝爾格萊德市長(2004-2007),淋巴瘤。[202]
  • 戴爾·休斯頓(Dale Houston),67歲,美國音樂家(戴爾和格蕾絲)。[203]
  • 長井健司,50歲,日本視頻記者,被槍殺。[204]
  • 比爾·佩里(Bill Perry),77歲,南非出生的英國足球運動員,癌症。[205]
  • Marjatta Raita,63歲,芬蘭女演員,癌症。[206]
  • George Rieveschl,91歲,美國發明家(Benadryl),肺炎。[207]
  • Israel Segal,63歲,以色列作家和記者,心力衰竭。[208]
  • Avraham Shapira,93歲,以色列拉比,以色列德系猶太人首席拉比(1983-1993)。[209]
  • Al Chang,85歲,美國兩次獲得普利策獎提名的軍事攝影師,白血病。[224]
  • 約翰·亨內布里,89歲,美國空軍少將,心力衰竭。[225]
  • Milan Jelić,51歲,波士尼亞政治家,塞族共和國實體主席(2006-2007),心臟病發作。[226]
  • 喬·米蒂(Joe Mitty),88歲,英國樂施會慈善商店的創始人。[227]
  • C. F. D. Moule,98歲,英國神學家和牧師。[228]
  • 尤金·桑格(Eugene Saenger),90歲,美國放射科醫生和大學教授。[229]
  • 奧斯瓦爾德·馬蒂亞斯·昂格斯(Oswald Mathias Ungers),81歲,德國建築師,肺炎。[230]


  1. ^ Robert H. Ahmanson dies. Los Angeles Daily News. 2007-09-04 [2018-07-09]. 
  2. ^ Colombian military: Key rebel and drug trafficker killed. CNN. 2007-09-03 [2018-07-09]. 
  3. ^ Former Globetrotters Coach Dead At 69. WGCL-TV. 2007-09-02 [2018-07-09]. (原始内容存档于2007-09-27). 
  4. ^ Sir Abraham Goldberg. The Herald. 2007-10-09 [2018-07-09]. 
  5. ^ Glanville, Kathleen. Sally Haley, famous Northwest painter, dies in Portland at 99. The Oregonian. 2007-09-02 [2018-07-09]. 
  6. ^ Harness racing's Sir Roy McKenzie dies. Horsetalk. 2010-03-11 [2018-07-09]. 
  7. ^ Slovakian goalkeeping legend dies. SuperSoccer. 2007-09-02 [2018-07-09]. (原始内容存档于2007-09-30). 
  8. ^ New Orleans Native Sculptor John T. Scott Dies. NPR. 2007-09-04 [2018-07-09]. 
  9. ^ Décès de l'artiste marocaine Rajae Belmlih une des plus célèbres voix de la chanson marocaine. AtlasVista Maroc. 2007-09-02 [2018-07-09] (法语). 
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  12. ^ Lemo, Selma. Preminuo Safet Isović. Nezavisne novine. 2007-09-02 [2018-07-09]. (原始内容存档于2007-09-06) (波斯尼亚语). 
  13. ^ Actress Marcia Mae Jones dies. Los Angeles Daily News. 2007-09-05 [2018-07-09]. 
  14. ^ McNab - coach, GM, exec of early Gulls - dies at 83. The San Diego Union-Tribune. 2007-09-05 [2018-07-09]. (原始内容存档于2007-10-11). 
  15. ^ Patricia "Pat" Norton. Sports Reference. [2018-07-09]. (原始内容存档于2020-04-18). 
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  17. ^ Edie Brickell & New Bohemians Keyboard Player Shot to Death by Girlfriend's Neighbor After Domestic Spat. Fox News. 2007-09-03 [2018-07-09]. 
  18. ^ Former Clemson Basketball Player Clarke Bynum Passes. TigerNet. 2007-09-04 [2018-07-09]. 
  19. ^ Young Argentine soccer goalkeeper dies. Xinhua News Agency. 2007-09-04 [2018-07-09]. (原始内容存档于2012-10-10). 
  20. ^ Major Sir Hamish Forbes, Bt. The Daily Telegraph. 2007-09-28 [2018-07-09]. 
  21. ^ Bones are Fossett's, DNA testing shows. CNN. 2008-11-03 [2018-07-09]. 
  22. ^ Pickmere, Arnold. Obituary: Syd Jackson. The New Zealand Herald. 2007-09-07 [2018-07-09]. 
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  24. ^ Zaloudek, Mark. Former Holmes Beach commissioner was known for wit. Sarasota Herald-Tribune. 2007-09-07 [2018-07-09]. 
  25. ^ Janis Martin, Singer Billed as the Female Elvis, Dies at 67. The New York Times. 2007-09-05 [2018-07-09]. 
  26. ^ Lord Michael Pratt. The Daily Telegraph. 2007-09-08 [2018-07-09]. 
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  29. ^ Jane Tomlinson loses cancer fight. BBC News. 2007-09-04 [2018-07-09]. 
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  31. ^ Bhamidipati no more. The Hindu. 2007-09-05 [2018-07-09]. 
  32. ^ Yesteryear actor Rukmani dies
  33. ^ Italian presenter Gigi Sabani passes away. Times of Malta. 2007-09-06 [2018-07-09]. 
  34. ^ Landowner duke dies at age of 83. BBC News. 2007-09-04 [2018-07-09]. 
  35. ^ Itochu chief Sejima, ex-war strategist, dead at 95. The Japan Times. 2007-09-05 [2018-07-09]. 
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  37. ^ The Week in Mexico: Campos dies. The San Diego Union-Tribune. 2007-09-09 [2018-07-09]. (原始内容存档于2007-10-11). 
  38. ^ Macartney, Jane. Leader who blew up mistress is executed. The Times. 2007-09-06 [2018-07-09]. (原始内容存档于2007-09-14). 
  39. ^ Stout, David. Jennifer Dunn, 66, Former Washington Representative, Is Dead. The New York Times. 2007-09-06 [2018-07-09]. 
  40. ^ Stout, David. Paul E. Gillmor, 68, Ohio Lawmaker, Dies. The New York Times. 2007-09-06 [2018-07-09]. 
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  47. ^ Eva Crane. The Daily Telegraph. 2007-09-22 [2018-06-25]. 
  48. ^ Martin, Douglas. Eva Crane, English Expert on World's Bees, Dies at 95. The New York Times. 2007-09-16 [2018-07-09]. 
  49. ^ Feeney, Mark. Allan Rohan Crite, 97, dean of N.E. African-American artists. The Boston Globe. 2007-09-08 [2018-07-09]. 
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  51. ^ Liew, Foon Ming. Wolfgang Franke 1912–2007. Ming Studies. 2008, 2008: 1–23. ISSN 0147-037X. doi:10.1179/014703708788762354可免费查阅. 
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  53. ^ Plimmer, Martin. Ian Gray. The Independent. 2007-10-27 [2018-07-09]. 
  54. ^ Professor Jack Hawkes
  55. ^ Former IRA leader Kelly dies. The Irish Times. 2007-09-06 [2018-07-09]. (原始内容存档于2013-01-26). 
  56. ^ Martin, Douglas. Madeleine L'Engle, Writer of Children's Classics, Is Dead at 88. The New York Times. 2007-09-08 [2018-07-09]. 
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  58. ^ Ronald Magill. The Daily Telegraph. 2007-09-08 [2018-06-25]. 
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  60. ^ Bill Muller. The Arizona Republic. 2007-09-06 [2018-07-09]. 
  61. ^ Holland, Bernard. Luciano Pavarotti Is Dead at 71. The New York Times. 2007-09-06 [2018-07-09]. 
  62. ^ Nelson, Valerie J. Percy Rodrigues, 89; black actor fought for authority figure roles. Los Angeles Times. 2007-09-14 [2018-07-09]. 
  63. ^ Ex-Wales defender Stevenson dies. BBC News. 2007-09-06 [2018-07-09]. 
  64. ^ Sir John Compton. The Daily Telegraph. 2007-09-10 [2018-07-09]. 
  65. ^ Wolves FA Cup hero dies, 73. Express & Star. 2007-09-08 [2018-07-09]. 
  66. ^ General Dougherty, former SAC commander, dies. Air Force Link. 2007-09-12 [2018-07-09]. (原始内容存档于2007-09-15). 
  67. ^ Pearce, Jeremy. J. W. Eschbach, 74, Dies; Developed Anemia Drug. The New York Times. 2007-09-15 [2018-07-09]. 
  68. ^ J. Rudolph Grimes Is Dead. Liberian Observer. 2007-09-08 [2018-07-09]. (原始内容存档于2007-10-11). 
  69. ^ Paid Notice: Deaths: Leviss, Sidney. The New York Times. 2007-09-09 [2018-07-09]. 
  70. ^ Gabriel Bacchus Matthews is Dead. Liberian Observer. 2007-10-11 [2018-07-09]. (原始内容存档于2007-10-11). 
  71. ^ Kisselgoff, Anna. Mark Weil, Tashkent Theater Director, Dies at 55. The New York Times. 2007-09-08 [2018-07-09]. 
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  78. ^ Dalyell, Tam. Ian Campbell: Loyal Labour MP for Dumbarton. The Independent. 2007-09-21 [2018-07-09]. 
  79. ^ Olesen, Alexa. Chinese Catholic Bishop Dies in Custody. The Oklahoman. 2007-09-11 [2018-07-09]. 
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  83. ^ Fox, Geoff. Guitarist Remembered For Generosity. Tampa Bay Times. 2007-09-11 [2018-07-09]. (原始内容存档于2016-09-16). 
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  87. ^ James Leasor: Journalist and prolific writer. The Times. 2007-09-22 [2018-07-09]. (原始内容存档于2011-05-24). 
  88. ^ Huskies - Undefeated UW rower Rantz earned gold. The Seattle Times. 2007-09-12 [2018-07-09]. 
  89. ^ Dame Anita Roddick dies aged 64. BBC News. 2007-09-10 [2018-07-09]. 
  90. ^ Martin, Douglas. Arthur Ross, Investor and Philanthropist Who Left Mark on the Park, Dies at 96. The New York Times. 2007-09-11 [2018-07-09]. 
  91. ^ Former Labour TD Joe Sherlock dies aged 71. Belfast Telegraph. 2007-09-10 [2018-07-09]. 
  92. ^ Campbell, David. Former Cavaliers owner Ted Stepien passes away at 82. The Plain Dealer. 2007-09-10 [2018-07-09]. 
  93. ^ Johnson, Steven. Bond to wrestling's past is lost with Torres' passing: Last Torres brother, Enrique, dead at 85. SLAM! Wrestling. [2018-07-09]. (原始内容存档于2018-09-03). 
  94. ^ Jane Wyman dead at 93. CNN. 2007-09-11 [2007-10-01]. (原始内容存档于2007-09-17). 
  95. ^ John Garrett. The Daily Telegraph. 2007-09-14 [2018-07-09]. 
  96. ^ Cup hero Porterfield dies at 61. BBC News. 2007-09-11 [2018-07-09]. 
  97. ^ Gene Savoy. The Daily Telegraph. 2007-09-20 [2018-07-09]. 
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  100. ^ Joe Zawinul. The Daily Telegraph. 2007-09-12 [2018-07-09]. 
  101. ^ Bobby Byrd, James Brown collaborator, dead at 73. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. 2007-09-14 [2018-07-09]. (原始内容存档于2018-07-09). 
  102. ^ Tennessee executes child killer in electric chair. Reuters. 2016-09-12 [2018-07-09]. 
  103. ^ Nolte, Carl. Phil Frank dies - cartoonist who captured spirit of Bay Area. San Francisco Chronicle. 2007-09-14 [2024-04-02]. (原始内容存档于2010-11-13). 
  104. ^ Lou Kretlow Stats - Baseball-Reference.com. baseball-reference.com. [2024-04-02]. 
  105. ^ Obituary: Abdul Sattar Abu Risha. BBC News. 2007-09-13 [2018-07-09]. 
  106. ^ MEPs: Gaetano Arfé. European Parliament. [2018-07-09]. 
  107. ^ Obituary: Robert Hicks Bates. Brewitt Funeral Home.com. [2018-07-09]. 
  108. ^ Martin, Douglas. Laurel Burch, Artist, Dies at 61. The New York Times. 2007-09-20 [2018-07-09]. 
  109. ^ Nolte, Carl. Phil Frank dies - cartoonist who captured spirit of Bay Area. San Francisco Chronicle. 2007-09-14 [2018-07-09]. (原始内容存档于2010-11-13). 
  110. ^ Johnson, Nicholas. Bill Griffiths: Prolific, experimental poet. The Independent. 2007-09-20 [2018-07-09]. 
  111. ^ Augie Hiebert, 90; broadcaster built first Alaska TV station. Los Angeles Times. 2007-09-17 [2018-07-09]. 
  112. ^ Media Monitors founder Jeffress dies. The Sydney Morning Herald. 2007-09-14 [2018-07-09]. 
  113. ^ Colin Gerald Mitchell需要付费订阅. CricketArchive. [2018-07-09]. 
  114. ^ Collins, Sara-Jane. Solarium victim Clare dies at 26. The Sydney Morning Herald. 2007-09-13 [2018-07-09]. 
  115. ^ Rising, David. Police: Bomb kills sheik working with US. Yahoo! News. 2007-09-13 [2018-07-09]. (原始内容存档于2007-09-13). 
  116. ^ Marks, Kathy. The Right Rev Whakahuihui Vercoe. The Independent. 2007-09-20 [2018-07-09]. 
  117. ^ Tributes paid to Professor Sir Robert Honeycombe (1921–2007). University of Cambridge. 2007-09-19 [2018-07-09]. 
  118. ^ Lichfield, John. Jacques Martin: Cécilia Sarkozy's first husband. The Independent. 2007-09-18 [2018-07-09]. 
  119. ^ Film Set Director Ruiz Del Rio Dies. Associated Press. 2007-09-16 [2018-07-09]. (原始内容存档于2018-07-09) –通过HighBeam Research. 
  120. ^ Duathlete dies aged 30. Vlaamse Radio- en Televisieomroeporganisatie. 2007-09-14 [2018-07-09]. (原始内容存档于2007-09-26). 
  121. ^ National footballer Leslie 'Fatman' Holligan dies at 29. Guyana Chronicle. 2007-09-17 [2018-07-09]. (原始内容存档于2008-04-16). 
  122. ^ Family tribute to McRae and son. BBC News. 2007-09-16 [2018-07-09]. 
  123. ^ Major-General Sir Jeremy Moore. The Times. 2007-09-17 [2018-07-09]. (原始内容存档于2008-10-12). 
  124. ^ Specs Powell, Swing Era Drummer, Dies at 85. The New York Times. 2007-09-21 [2018-07-09]. 
  125. ^ Lundstrom, Mack; Patel, Julie. 'Father' of San Jose airport Renzel dies. The Mercury News. 2007-09-17 [2018-07-09]. 
  126. ^ Macías, Basyl. Hoy hace 89 años nació en Valencia Aldemaro Romero. El Carabobeño. 2017-03-12 [2018-07-09] (西班牙语). 
  127. ^ Brett Somers, 'Match Game' Wit, Dies at 83. The New York Times. 2007-09-18 [2018-07-09]. 
  128. ^ Komponist und Dirigent Jean Balissat gestorben. Basler Zeitung. 2007-09-17 [2008-03-11]. (原始内容存档于2007-09-30) (德语). 
  129. ^ Peter Robert Cleeland. Cleeland.org. [2018-07-09]. 
  130. ^ Thompson, Bill. Robert Jordan dies at age 58; Charleston writer had international fame. The Post and Courier. 2007-09-17 [2009-04-17]. (原始内容存档于2008-10-28). 
  131. ^ Fantasy novelist Robert Jordan dies. Stuff.co.nz. 2007-09-18 [2018-07-09]. 
  132. ^ Rolly, Paul. Cal Rampton: Former three-term governor dies at 93. The Salt Lake Tribune. 2007-09-17 [2018-07-09]. (原始内容存档于2013-02-02). 
  133. ^ Garrard Ramsey, 87: First Bills coach. Toronto Star. 2007-09-18 [2018-07-09]. 
  134. ^ Vale Brigadier James Osmond Furner, AO, CBE, DSM (Retd) (PDF). Defender. Spring 2007: 35 [2018-07-09]. 
  135. ^ Stephen Medcalf: English scholar at Sussex. The Independent. 2007-09-28 [2018-07-09]. 
  136. ^ Maurice King Stats - Basketball-Reference.com. basketball-reference.com. [2024-04-02]. 
  137. ^ Olympedia – Charlotte Lewis. olympedia.org. OlyMADMen. [2024-04-02]. 
  138. ^ Bajulaiye, Olumide. Nigeria: Former NPN Boss Akinloye Dies. Daily Trust. 2007-09-20 [2018-07-09]. 
  139. ^ Cheney, David M. Bishop Benyamin Yosef Bria. Catholic Hierarchy. [2018-07-09]. 
  140. ^ Pearce, Jeremy. Norman Gaylord, 84; helped develop type of contact lens. The Boston Globe. 2007-09-23 [2018-07-09]. 
  141. ^ Former Auburn player and Green Bay draft pick Hill dies at 41. The Birmingham News. 2007-09-18 [2018-07-09]. 
  142. ^ Tigertailz Bassist Pepsi Tate Dead at 42. Roadrunner Records. 2007-09-18 [2018-07-09]. (原始内容存档于2007-10-11). 
  143. ^ Baum, Greg. 'Pies mourn Len Thompson. Brisbane Times. 2007-09-19 [2018-06-25]. 
  144. ^ Bassem Hamad al-Dawiri. Legacy.com. [2007-09-25]. (原始内容存档于2011-06-11). 
  145. ^ Lebanese MP killed in car bombing. BBC News. 2007-09-19 [2018-07-09]. 
  146. ^ Williams, Richard. Mike Osborne. The Guardian. 2007-09-21 [2018-07-09]. 
  147. ^ Mlinaric, Lajla. Academician Vlatko Pavletic Dies. Javno.com. 2007-09-19 [2007-10-01]. (原始内容存档于2007-10-13). 
  148. ^ Emory Widener, appellate judge for 35 years. The Boston Globe. 2007-09-21 [2018-07-09]. 
  149. ^ Stewart, Jocelyn Y. Mahlon Clark, 84; clarinetist played with Welk, Sinatra and Madonna. Los Angeles Times. 2007-10-03 [2018-07-09]. 
  150. ^ Helen Freeman, 1932–2007: 'Jane Goodall' of snow leopards. Seattle Post-Intelligencer. 2007-09-21 [2018-07-09]. 
  151. ^ Club Record Goalscorer Dies. Norwich City Football Club. 2007-09-20 [2018-07-09]. (原始内容存档于2011-08-07). 
  152. ^ Kaljo Kiisk. British Film Institute. [2018-07-09]. (原始内容存档于2017-08-10). 
  153. ^ Russian governor dies in car crash. Sydney Morning Herald. 2007-09-20 [2021-04-08]. 
  154. ^ Child, John. Laba Sosseh 1943–2007: Master of Salsa Africana. Descarga.com. 2007-10-03 [2018-07-09]. (原始内容存档于2013-05-21). 
  155. ^ Sir Edward Tomkins. The Daily Telegraph. 2007-09-25 [2018-07-09]. 
  156. ^ Athlete: Brenden, Hallgeir. International Ski Federation. [2018-07-09]. 
  157. ^ Collins killed himself, says coroner. The Sydney Morning Herald. 2008-02-14 [2018-07-09]. 
  158. ^ Lavietes, Stuart. Alice Ghostley, Comic TV and Stage Actress, Is Dead. The New York Times. 2007-09-22 [2018-07-09]. 
  159. ^ Former minister Lord Gilmour dies. BBC News. 2007-09-21 [2018-07-09]. 
  160. ^ Broadcast Pioneer and First Televangelist Rex Humbard Dies at Age 88. Business Wire. 2007-09-22 [2018-07-09]. (原始内容存档于2018-07-09) –通过The Free Library. 
  161. ^ Paul Konsler. Sports Reference. [2018-07-09]. (原始内容存档于2014-11-13). 
  162. ^ Floria Lasky, Lawyer for Broadway Stars, Dies at 84. The New York Times. 2007-09-27 [2018-07-09]. 
  163. ^ Ángel Romero. Sports Reference.com. [2018-07-09]. (原始内容存档于2012-12-17). 
  164. ^ September 2007. Rulers.org. [2018-07-09]. 
  165. ^ Coral E. Watts, Imprisoned Serial Killer, Dies at 53. The New York Times. 2007-09-22 [2018-07-09]. 
  166. ^ 台著名史学家吴相湘病逝 曾对历史普及化有贡献
  167. ^ Kozinn, Allan. Albert Fuller, Conductor and Champion of Early Music, Dies at 81. The New York Times. 25 September 2007 [9 July 2018]. 
  168. ^ Herbert Gallen. The New York Times. 23 September 2007 [9 July 2018] –通过Legacy.com. 
  169. ^ Karl Hardman Schon. Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. 23 September 2007 [9 July 2018] –通过Legacy.com. 
  170. ^ Richard Hornby. The Daily Telegraph. 28 September 2007 [9 July 2018]. 
  171. ^ French mime artist Marceau dies. BBC News. 23 September 2007 [9 July 2018]. 
  172. ^ Bernstein, Adam. William D. Rogers, 80; Adviser to Kissinger. The Washington Post. 27 September 2007 [9 July 2018]. 
  173. ^ Baha'i (sic) world loses most distinguished member. Baháʼí World News Service. 24 September 2007 [9 July 2018]. 
  174. ^ Renzo Barbieri - Pioniere del fumetto erotico-pornografico italiano. Slumberland. 1 December 2008 [9 July 2018] (意大利语). 
  175. ^ Goodman, Lee-Anne. Ken Danby, 67: Realist painter. Toronto Star. 24 September 2007 [9 July 2018]. 
  176. ^ Kelly, David. Ivan Hinderaker, 91; was UC Riverside chancellor during Vietnam War era. Los Angeles Times. 25 September 2007 [9 July 2018]. 
  177. ^ John Klier. data.bnf.fr. Bibliothèque nationale de France. [2 April 2024] (法语). 
  178. ^ Watterson, John. Voice of Isle of Man TT Geoff Cannell dies suddenly. Motor Cycle News. 26 September 2007 [9 July 2018]. 
  179. ^ Supreme Court judge Connolly dies at 49. Australian Broadcasting Corporation. 25 September 2007 [9 July 2018]. 
  180. ^ Holocaust survivor, activist Kurt Julius Goldstein dies at 93. The Jerusalem Post. 25 September 2007 [9 July 2018]. 
  181. ^ French philosopher commits suicide with wife. Agence France-Presse. 3 July 2013 [9 July 2018]. (原始内容存档于3 July 2013) –通过Google News. 
  182. ^ Chesterton, Ray. Vale Frank Hyde. The Daily Telegraph. 24 September 2007 [25 June 2018]. 
  183. ^ Bones Co-Founder Hiroshi Ōsaka Passes Away at 44. Anime News Network. 24 September 2007 [9 July 2018]. 
  184. ^ Wolfgang Panofsky, Renowned Stanford Physicist and Arms Control Advocate, Dead at 88. SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. 25 September 2007 [9 July 2018]. 
  185. ^ Frank Sherring. Calgary Herald. 6 November 2012 [9 July 2018]. (原始内容存档于6 November 2012). 
  186. ^ Otto Spacek: Wartime Czech fighter pilot. The Times. 22 October 2007 [9 July 2018]. (原始内容存档于24 May 2011). 
  187. ^ Art and Literature: Lenore Tawney. Life In Legacy. 29 September 2007 [9 July 2018]. (原始内容存档于11 June 2011). 
  188. ^ Kershner, Isabel. Haidar Abdel Shafi, Who Led P.L.O. and Red Crescent, Dies at 88. The New York Times. 26 September 2007 [9 July 2018]. 
  189. ^ Emerson Drive's Former Bassist Dies. Country Music Television. 26 September 2007 [9 July 2018]. (原始内容存档于14 December 2007). 
  190. ^ Hans Colberg. Boldklubben Frem. [9 July 2018]. (原始内容存档于10 June 2012) (丹麦语). 
  191. ^ Glueck, Grace. André Emmerich, Eminent Art Dealer, Dies at 82. The New York Times. 26 September 2007 [9 July 2018]. 
  192. ^ Jana Krishnamurthy dead. Hindustan Times. 25 September 2007 [9 July 2018]. 
  193. ^ Tolson, Mike. Man who killed Harris County nurse executed. Houston Chronicle. September 25, 2007. 
  194. ^ Bill Waller. Billings Gazette. 26 September 2007 [December 2, 2010]. (原始内容存档于March 13, 2020) –通过Legacy.com. 
  195. ^ Davies, Christie. Professor Stanislav Andreski. The Independent. 9 October 2007 [9 July 2018]. 
  196. ^ Bernstein, Adam. Robert Bruss; 'Real Estate Mailbag' Columnist. The Washington Post. 28 September 2007 [9 July 2018]. 
  197. ^ Mitchell, Michelle. Howdy Doody puppet creator dies. The Desert Sun. 26 September 2007 [9 July 2018]. (原始内容存档于12 October 2007).  已忽略未知参数|df= (帮助)
  198. ^ Angela Lambert. The Daily Telegraph. 27 September 2007 [9 July 2018]. 
  199. ^ Lum, Curtis. Hazelhoff-Roelfzema, Barnwell exec, 90. The Honolulu Advertiser. 28 September 2007 [9 July 2018]. 
  200. ^ Randy Van Horne; sang TV themes. The Boston Globe. 3 October 2007 [9 July 2018]. 
  201. ^ Bill Wirtz: 1929–2007. Chicago Tribune. 27 September 2007 [9 July 2018]. 
  202. ^ Belgrade mayor dies. B92. 27 September 2007 [1 October 2007]. (原始内容存档于3 January 2008). 
  203. ^ Dale Houston. The Advocate. 30 September 2007 [9 July 2018]. 
  204. ^ Tran, Mark; MacKinnon, Ian; Batty, David. Burma video shows shooting of Japanese journalist. The Guardian. 28 September 2007 [9 July 2018]. 
  205. ^ Blackpool legend dies. BBC News. 28 September 2007 [9 July 2018]. 
  206. ^ Näyttelijä Marjatta Raita on kuollut. Ilta-Sanomat. 27 September 2007 [9 July 2018] (芬兰语). 
  207. ^ Ritchie, James. UC prof, Benadryl inventor dies. Cincinnati Business Courier. 27 September 2007 [9 July 2018]. 
  208. ^ Journalist, author Israel Segal dies at 63. The Jerusalem Post. 27 September 2007 [9 July 2018]. 
  209. ^ Shragai, Nadav. Thousands attend funeral of ex-chief Ashkenazi rabbi Shapira. Haaretz. 28 September 2007 [28 September 2007]. (原始内容存档于11 October 2007). 
  210. ^ L'alpiniste René Desmaison est mort. Le Monde. 28 September 2007 [9 July 2018] (法语). 
  211. ^ Charles B. Griffith, 77, screenwriter. Variety. 1 October 2007 [9 July 2018]. [永久失效連結]
  212. ^ Schudel, Matt. Evelyn Knight, 89; singer had string of hits in late 1940s. The Boston Globe. 29 October 2007 [9 July 2018]. 
  213. ^ Corley, Felix. Cardinal Adam Kozlowiecki: Energetic missionary in Africa. The Independent. 26 October 2007 [9 July 2018]. 
  214. ^ Schauspieler Peter Kuiper im Alter von 78 Jahren gestorben. Deutschlandfunk. 28 September 2007 [9 July 2018]. (原始内容存档于11 October 2007) (德语). 
  215. ^ Martin, Douglas. Martin Manulis, TV Pioneer, Dies at 92. The New York Times. 2 October 2007 [9 July 2018]. 
  216. ^ Goldstein, Richard. Wally Parks, Drag Racing Pioneer, Dies at 94. The New York Times. 4 October 2007 [9 July 2018]. 
  217. ^ Hampshire mourn legend Shackleton. BBC News. 28 September 2007 [9 July 2018]. 
  218. ^ Iranian footballer Shirzadegan dies of lung cancer. Tehran Times. 29 September 2007 [9 July 2018]. 
  219. ^ Olympedia – Cyril Martin. olympedia.org. OlyMADMen. [2 April 2024]. 
  220. ^ Bond star Lois Maxwell dies at 80. BBC News. 30 September 2007 [9 July 2018]. 
  221. ^ Wolfgang Preisendanz. data.bnf.fr. Bibliothèque nationale de France. [2 April 2024] (法语). 
  222. ^ Robson, Steve. Google Doodle honours ground-breaking woman scientist Katsuko Saruhashi on her 98th birthday. Daily Mirror (Trinity Mirror). 22 March 2018 [8 April 2021]. 
  223. ^ Hungarian hammer throw great Zsivotzky dies. Reuters. 29 September 2007 [9 July 2018]. 
  224. ^ Al Chang, combat photographer. The Honolulu Advertiser. 3 October 2007 [9 July 2018]. 
  225. ^ Jensen, Trevor. John Philip "Jock" Henebry: 1918–2007. Chicago Tribune. 3 October 2007 [9 July 2018]. 
  226. ^ Bosnian Serb republic leader dies. BBC News. 30 September 2007 [9 July 2018]. 
  227. ^ Oxfam shop founder dies aged 88. BBC News. 2 October 2007 [9 July 2018]. 
  228. ^ Morgan, Robert. The Rev CFD Moule. The Guardian. 24 October 2007 [9 July 2018]. 
  229. ^ Maugh II, Thomas H. Eugene Saenger, 90; physician conducted pivotal studies on effects of radiation exposure. Los Angeles Times. 6 October 2007 [9 July 2018]. 
  230. ^ Glancey, Jonathan. OM Ungers: German architect in the classical tradition. The Guardian. 18 October 2007 [9 July 2018].