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Isla Haddow-Flood
Isla Haddow-Flood
User:Islahaddow, Wiki In Africa
“I can hear the roar of women's silence” ― Thomas Sankara

About me

I live in Cape Town, South Africa and am a proudly African Wikipedian. Since 2011 I have initiate projects to further theWikiAfricamovement across Africa, and am the co-lead forWiki In Africathat facilitates projects across Africa galvanising and growing Wikimedia communities that adds African content to the Wikimedia and other Open platforms. I have been a member of theSimple APG committee(since May 2017) and was anAdvocacy Working Group memberduring the Movement Strategy 2030 process from 2018 until end of 2019.
View the grantsthat I have applied for and worked on.

My work

Here is a partial list of what I have helped to develop from co-conceptualisation and strategy, to ongoing management and communications. These initiatives are involved in that are part of Wiki In Africa initiatives in support of theWikiAfricamovement:

In addition to the above, in 2021, we implemented the following:

I have been previously involved in:

Contact me

User language
en-GB-N This user has anativeunderstanding ofBritish English.
Users by language

This user is one of the organizers ofWiki Loves Africa.

This user is a member ofWiki Loves Women.

This user is a member of theWiki Loves Women Focus Group

And for fun, here are just a few examples of designs, illustrations, publications and media I have submitted to Commons:

This video was selected as aFeatured media file(I am very proud)...

Here are some other videos I have created from scratch (script, collation, production, voice over, image and music selection, editing, etc.):

→Africa Portal