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Tham kiến:all around

Anh ngữ

[Biên tập]

Từ nguyên

[Biên tập]

Nguyên tựall-+‎around,Đối bỉall-round.

Hình dung từ

[Biên tập]

all-around( vôBỉ giác cấp)(Chủ yếu dụng ôMỹ quốc)

  1. Toàn năngĐích,Đa tài đa nghệĐích
    Cận nghĩa từ:versatile
    • 1909,Horace A. Taylor,Tales of Travel All Around the World[1],Hiệt hào149:
      He is said to be a greater hunter and anall aroundsport.
      ( thỉnh vi bổn dẫn văn thiêm gia trung văn phiên dịch )
    • 2004,David D. Busch,Digital Photography All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies[2],Hiệt hào15:
      If you want to polish your reputation as anall-arounddigital photographer, plan on developing at least a modicum of skill with a decent image editing program.
      ( thỉnh vi bổn dẫn văn thiêm gia trung văn phiên dịch )
    • 2005,Frank Zarnowski,All-around Men: Heroes of a Forgotten Sport[3],Hiệt hào98:
      But it was as anall-aroundperformer that Gill established his reputation.
      ( thỉnh vi bổn dẫn văn thiêm gia trung văn phiên dịch )
  2. Quảng phiếmĐích,Tổng hợpĐích
    Cận nghĩa từ:comprehensive
    • 1994,Larry Moffi,Crossing the Line: Black Major Leaguers, 1947-1959[4],Hiệt hào18:
      While Willie Mays's famous catch off the bat of Vic Wertz and Dusty Rhodes's clutch hitting are what fans remember most about the 1954 World Series, Thompson was easily theall-aroundbest in those four games.
      ( thỉnh vi bổn dẫn văn thiêm gia trung văn phiên dịch )
    • 2009,Ole Fredrik Lillemyr,Taking Play Seriously[5],Hiệt hào67:
      Children must be given the opportunity to communicate in anall-aroundway, using language, drawing, music, drama, play, etc. (hence the expression "a child has a hundred languages" ).
      ( thỉnh vi bổn dẫn văn thiêm gia trung văn phiên dịch )
    • 2014,Xueyuan Tian,The Hope of the Country with a Large Population[6]:
      As mentioned above, the construction of modern population culture is an important and difficult task toward realizing the goal of population development for building a well-off society in anall-aroundway.
      ( thỉnh vi bổn dẫn văn thiêm gia trung văn phiên dịch )

Phó từ

[Biên tập]

all-around( bấtKhả bỉ)

  1. Tại đa phương diện, tổng thể thượng
    anall-aroundbetter player than me
    Tổng thểKỹ thuật bỉ ngã hảo đích cầu viên
    • 1911,The Railroad Telegrapher[7],Quyển28,Hiệt hào1730:
      Vacation with pay, annual passes, andall aroundbetter working conditions.
      ( thỉnh vi bổn dẫn văn thiêm gia trung văn phiên dịch )
    • 2005,Christopher Bauer,Better Ethics Now: How to Avoid the Ethics Disaster You Never Saw Coming[8]:
      In addition, be sure to reinforce - as persistently as possible - that addressing questionable behavior makes for anall-aroundbetter organization.
      ( thỉnh vi bổn dẫn văn thiêm gia trung văn phiên dịch )
    • 2010,Anne T. Romano,Italian Americans in Law Enforcement[9],Hiệt hào84:
      He graduated from the Police Academy in 1957 winning the Police Commissioner's Trophy forall aroundhighest scores-academically, physically, and for firearm proficiency.
      ( thỉnh vi bổn dẫn văn thiêm gia trung văn phiên dịch )
    • 2013,Holland E. Bynam,On Being a Better You[10],Hiệt hào26:
      Collectively, the three sections in this chapter are intended to add to what has gone before regarding personal behavior and to serve as additional food for thought for those attempting to beall-aroundbetter people.
      ( thỉnh vi bổn dẫn văn thiêm gia trung văn phiên dịch )

Danh từ

[Biên tập]

all-around(Bất khả sổ)

  1. (Vận động)Đa hạng mụcThể thaoBỉ tái

Tương quan từ hối

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