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The grand live-action performance of Wu Zetian

|ChinaNews|2019-01-18 17:52:45

The famous artist Zhang Rensheng is the general scriptwriter and director of the grand live-action performance of Wu Zetian. It is a masterpiece in Zhang Rensheng’s carrer and presents a brand new perspective on Wu Zetian, the only empress in China’s history. The performance was presented by a great many top artists its completion took 3 years in total. Luoyang Shundi Cutural Promotion Corporation Ltd.has invested heavily to create the first live-action epic play in China.

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InWu Zetian,The grand Vairocana Buddha, the towering steps and the huge palaces have recreated the prosperity of the mysterious city of Luoyang.

The performance was made much more exciting by the perfect stage machines and special effects and the multimedia effects that could obscure the differences between the real and the virtual.

The large-scale live-action performance of Wu Zetian includes 10 scenes:

No.1: The Hell and the Paradise

No.2: The Glory and the Setbacks

No.3: The Love at Difficult Times

No.4: The Jewelry Symbolizes Love

No.5: The Rising Sun

No.6: The Water in Spring

No.7: The Sun and the Moon

NO.8: The Buddha of Light

No.9: The Legacy of Zhenguan Period

The Epilogue: The Stele with No Letters

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