China Today Arts Week_fororder_1200
  • TV cooperation opens China-Panama cultural activities, China-Panama High-level Culture Forum held in Panama City

    TV cooperation opens China-Panama cultural activities, China-Panama High-level Culture Forum held in Panama City

  • China Today Arts Week: China-Panama High-level Culture Forum held in Panama

    China Today Arts Week: China-Panama High-level Culture Forum held in Panama

  • The Sino-Mexican art exchange promotes peace and friendship_fororder_中墨美術交流1_副本

    The Sino-Mexican art exchange promotes peace and friendship

  • "Art and Peace" – China Contemporary Art Exhibition inaugurated at Mexico's National Museum of World Culture

    "Art and Peace" – China Contemporary Art Exhibition inaugurated at Mexico's National Museum of World Culture

  • 2019-09-16 16:07:38

    China Today Arts Week: China-Panama High-level Culture Forum held in Panama

    On September 10, 2019, as one of the activities of China Today Arts Week in Latin America, China-Panama High-level Culture Forum, co-hosted by China Federation of Literary and Art Circles (CFLAC) and Chinese Embassy in Panama, was held in Latin American Parliament Mansion in Panama City.

  • 2019-09-11 15:26:31

    The Sino-Mexican art exchange promotes peace and friendship

    On August 14, "Art and Peace" – China Contemporary Art Exhibition, sponsored by the Chinese Artists Association, kicked off in the National Museum of Cultures in Mexico, opening a new chapter of China-Mexico art exchanges.