How to fetch the list of Python Repos in Bitbucket using API Search Query String?

krishna murali
krishna murali
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August 19, 2024

Hi Team,

We are from SonarQube Code Quality Team and we are using the below Bitbucket version.

Atlassian Bitbcuket v8.9.7

As part of the Python Code Coverage, we are trying to identify only thelist of Python Reposin our Bitbucket Repository using anAPI Search String Querywhich will list out only repos.


Murali Sulam

1 answer

Aman Shrivastava
Aman Shrivastava
Atlassian Team
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August 31, 2024


Welcome to the Atlassian community.

You may try the following query to list the repositories whose name ending this way of querying is not listed in the doc, it may work in your scenario.

curl -u <Admin-User> --request GET --url 'http://{baseurl}/rest/api/latest/repos?limit=1000&' --header 'Accept: application/json'


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