What we do

We are a funding initiative supporting direct early warning action where it’s most needed.  

At a glance

32% of all LDCS/SIDS being supported by CREWS through country programmes 

88% of CREWS supported countries in fragile/conflict situations 

A minimum of 30% women participation in CREWS supported meetings and trainings

High risk

Least Developed Countries and Small Island Developing States face the brunt of the climate crisis. People here are more likely to die anywhere else when disaster strikes.

High demand

The climate crisis means prioritizing early warning in trying to adapt. But without the means or capacity.   

Our work addresses all four components necessary for timely, accurate early warning reaching everyone at risk.


  • Disaster risk knowledge
  • Risk data in format meeting early warning needs 
  • Institutions able to forecast and warn on what weather could also mean for them 
  • Detection, observation, monitoring and forecasting
  • Warning dissemination and communication Telecom companies use common alerting protocols (CAP) to issue warnings in easy access and understandable format 
  • Standard operational procedures used by national disaster management and hydrometeorological services ensuring people come first 
  • Preparedness and response

Action and results 

  • Risk data and tools generating early warning products 
  • National plans, strategies and laws for stronger governance, action and resources 
  • Accessible forecasting products from specialized services nationally, regionally and globally 
  • Countries access innovative forecasting and prediction products such as apps and satellite data 
  • Operational plans which anticipate, prepare for and respond to hazards and tied to warning services  

Risk and warning products available via diverse channels and adapted to user needs 

Communities coproduce early warning services so products reach every group, every age, each gender. 

Our added value

All programmes are shaped and steered by our values  

We support customized early warning solutions for nationally defined needs

We put people’s lives and livelihoods first

We directly invest in women’s empowerment for climate resilience of women and men

We use innovation and apply agile solutions for transformational and sustainable change

We mobilize more climate finance and action with each investment

We complement and build on others’ work for coherency, efficiency – and greater impact

Supporting fragile communities

Our values are especially relevant in today’s increasingly fraught world.  

As our operations have grown in scope and geography, so has the number of countries in fragile or conflict situations we support.  

Communities affected by violence, insecurity, displacement and socio-economic distress are further exposed by little to no warning of extreme weather. 

Putting people up front and centre in our work means listening to and involving communities when designing and implementing early warning systems and services. 

 In fragile and conflict-affected situations, it’s making sure no-one is left behind.  

Gender solutions

Women and men access, process, interpret and respond to climate information and early warning in different ways.  

We apply that understanding to how we design and carry out our programmes.  

These ensure investment in weather observation and monitoring skills of women produce more useful services that reach both women and men.  

We empower women in communities by involving them in early warning design and response.  

Their engagement and resilience as primary carers of society’s most vulnerable mean warnings can protect far more people.  

A critical approach if we are to save more lives and livelihoods.