Measuring impact


Strengthened resilience to climate shocks and loss and damage averted minimized, and adressed through increased availability and improved access to multi- hazard early warning systems by 2030.

Three Outcomes

  1. National and local multi- hazard early warning systems prioritized and funded.
  2. Improved early waning service delivery and accessibility by national and regional institutions.
  3. Early warning programmes are driven by people- centered and gender responsive principles and promote private sector engagement.

Are we making a difference?

To gauge if we are on track, we monitor progress on national and regional programme outputs:

  • Improved national hydrometeorological services, including through long-term delivery strategies and development plans
  • Developed and accessible risk information to guide early warning systems and climate and weather services
  • Strengthened common alerting protocols and information and communication technology
  • Strengthened and accessible preparedness and response plans with operational procedures outlining early warning dissemination processes
  • Developed early warning knowledge products and awareness programmes
  • Provision of gender-sensitive training and capacity building programmes
  • Increased institutional and human capacity at regional WMO and intergovernmental organizations to provide climate and weather services to LDCs and SIDS
  • Increased and better coordinated early warning investments to tackle gaps

We measure our impact against targets set in 3 global agreements

Core CREWS Indicators

We use metrics and indicators to evaluate effectiveness.

Loss of life # of deaths and missing persons in LDCs and SIDS attributed to hydro meteorological events, per 100’000 population 
Forecasting and warning capacity Type of hazards, which pose a risk of life loss in the country, for which forecasting and warning capacity is available 
‘Level of Service’ category of the National Meteorological and Hydrological Service (NMHS) in LDCs and SIDS 
Access to early warning# of people living in areas covered by forecasts and warnings for a given hazard  
# of women having access to communication channels (the ICT tools) used for early warning 
# of households and individuals with access to and use of ICT in LDCs and SIDS 
Use of risk information# of LDCs and SIDS that have generated risk information to enhance the early warning system 
Capacity to disseminate warnings # of LDCs and SIDS communicating warnings through common alerting procedures 
Capacity to prepare for and respond to warnings  # of LDCs and SIDS using standard operating procedures (SOPs) to issue warnings for forecasted hazards   

Theory of Change

CREWS impact features