Anh ngữ tác văn du hí ( hối tổng 15 thiên )
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2024-07-20 07:58:31
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Anh ngữ tác văn du hí ( 1 )

Anh ngữ đệ ngũ mô khối học hoàn liễu, lão sư giáo ngã môn học liễu tòng one đáo twelve đích sổ tự, hoàn giáo ngã môn ngoạn liễu sổ tự đích du hí, vãn thượng ngã bả tòng one đáo twelve đích tạp phiến nã xuất lai, hòa ba ba mụ mụ nhất khởi ngoạn anh ngữ tiểu du hí.

Đệ nhất cá du hí thị lão sư giáo ngã môn đích: Ba ba, mụ mụ hòa ngã tam cá nhân, thập nhị trương anh ngữ tạp phiến chính hảo mỗi nhân nã tứ trương. Nhất thứ yếu nã xuất lai nhất trương tạp phiến, bất năng nhượng biệt nhân khán đáo, nhiên hậu ngã môn tam cá nhất khởi xuất bài, ngã đại thanh địa thuyết: “Khai!” Ngã môn nhất khởi đả khai, khán khán thùy đích sổ tự tối đại, nhi thả yếu dụng anh ngữ thuyết xuất lai, thùy tựu doanh liễu, khả dĩ bả tam trương tạp phiến đô nã tẩu.

Đệ nhị cá du hí thị ngã môn tam cá nhất khởi tưởng xuất lai đích, danh tự khiếu “Bài hỏa xa”. Bả tạp phiến đương thành phác khắc bài, tẩy hảo bài dĩ hậu, án thuận tự mạc bài, hoàn thị mỗi cá nhân tứ trương bài. Ngã môn yếu bả giá ta tạp phiến án chiếu tòng one đáo twelve đích thuận tự bài thành nhất liệt tiểu hỏa xa, phóng tạp phiến đích thời hầu bất năng thái mạn, hoàn yếu dụng anh ngữ thuyết xuất lai. Ngoạn liễu nhất hội nhi, ba ba thuyết: “Giá dạng thị bất thị thái giản đan liễu, cha môn ngoạn cá nan nhất điểm nhi đích ba!” Ngã môn hựu đảo trứ bài hỏa xa, tòng twelve đáo one, khả thị, giá dã nan bất đảo ngã, nhân vi ngã dĩ kinh bả giá ta đan từ đô ký đắc ngận thục liễu.

Ngã hỉ hoan anh ngữ, dã hỉ hoan hòa ba ba mụ mụ nhất khởi ngoạn anh ngữ du hí. Giá kỉ cá tiểu du hí nhĩ môn giác đắc hảo ngoạn mạ? Nhĩ môn dã thí thí ba!

Anh ngữ tác văn du hí ( 2 )

Thanh thiếu niên hòa thị tần du hí anh ngữ tác văn

Vô luận thị thân xử học giáo nhưng thị bộ nhập xã hội, hứa đa nhân đô tả quá tác văn ba, tá trợ tác văn nhân môn khả dĩ thật hiện văn hóa giao lưu đích mục đích. Tương tín hứa đa nhân hội giác đắc tác văn ngận nan tả ba, dĩ hạ thị tiểu biên vi đại gia đốn đích thanh thiếu niên hòa thị tần du hí anh ngữ tác văn, hoan nghênh đại gia phân hưởng.

These days most adults seem to think that most teenagers spend all of their time playing video games. However, when we surveyed 100 students in our school on the topic of video games, we discovered some interesting results.

According to the survey, playing video games was only chosen as the third favorite leisure activity, with 22 votes. Also we can see the time spent on it varies from boys to girls. Most girls spent between 0 and 2 hours one day while one more hour went for boys on average. It's apparent to show that boys are addicted to it more easily. Finally, as for the students who were interviewed, 47 percent held the view that they spent less time compared with that of last year.

It's a good phenomenon, to some degree, showing that the quality of students' leisure time is improving, though we still need to keep an eye on the future trends.

Hiện tại, đại đa sổ thành niên nhân hảo tượng dĩ vi, đại đa sổ thanh thiếu niên hoa phí tha môn sở hữu đích thời gian ngoạn điện tử du hí. Nhiên nhi, đương ngã môn điều tra liễu 100 danh học sinh tại ngã môn học giáo đích chủ đề du hí, ngã môn phát hiện liễu nhất ta hữu thú đích kết quả.

Cư điều tra, ngoạn thị tần du hí chỉ thị tuyển vi đệ tam cá tối hỉ hoan đích hưu nhàn lưu động,22 phiếu. Ngã môn dã khả dĩ khán đáo tha sở hoa phí đích ` thời gian tòng nam hài đáo nữ hài bất đẳng. Đại đa sổ nữ hài giới vu 0 hòa 2 tiểu thời nhất thiên, nam hài quân quân nhất cá tiểu thời. Hiển trứ đích biểu minh, nam hài canh thu lưu dịch hãm nịch vu tha. Tối hậu, chí vu học sinh thải phóng,47% đích nhân dĩ vi tha môn hoa canh thiếu đích thời gian dữ khứ niên bỉ nghĩ.

Giá thị cá hảo hiện tượng, tại mỗ chủng trình độ thượng, hiển kỳ chất lượng đích học sinh nghiệp dư thời gian chính tại cải thiện, đãn ngã môn nhưng nhu yếu khẩn mật thân mật quan chú vị lai đích xu thế.

Anh ngữ tác văn du hí ( 3 )

Tại nhật thường học tập, công tác hòa sinh hoạt trung, thuyết đáo tác văn, đại gia khẳng định đô bất mạch sinh ba, tác văn thị do văn tự tổ thành, kinh quá nhân đích tư tưởng khảo lự, thông quá ngữ ngôn tổ chức lai biểu đạt nhất cá chủ đề ý nghĩa đích văn thể. Hoàn thị đối tác văn nhất trù mạc triển mạ? Dĩ hạ thị tiểu biên vi đại gia chỉnh lý đích điện não du hí anh ngữ tác văn, hoan nghênh duyệt độc, hi vọng đại gia năng cú hỉ hoan.

computre games computer games is a hot topic nowadays. some people hold that it is bad. and others hold that it is good. in my view, whether good or bad is determined by the players.

if one plays computer game properly in his spare time, computer games can be an excellent source of joy. for example, something impossible in your real life can be realized in the computer

games. you can pilot a space craft and travel in the universe. every coin has two sides. if one plays computer game excessivly, it may affects his eyesight and study.

the computer games itself is only a tool like knife. if we use it properly, it can pare apples. but if we use it to attack others. it immediatly becomes an lethal weapon.

Anh ngữ tác văn du hí ( 4 )

Tại bình nhật đích ' học tập, công tác hòa sinh hoạt lí, đại gia tổng thiếu bất liễu tiếp xúc tác văn ba, tác văn căn cư tả tác thời hạn đích bất đồng khả dĩ phân vi hạn thời tác văn hòa phi hạn thời tác văn. Nhất thiên thập ma dạng đích tác văn tài năng xưng chi vi ưu tú tác văn ni? Dĩ hạ thị tiểu biên tinh tâm chỉnh lý đích võng lạc du hí anh ngữ tác văn phạm văn, cận cung tham khảo, đại gia nhất khởi lai khán khán ba.

As a product of modern puter and the Internet, online games have bee very popular among college students. Many students have enjoyed great pleasure and satisfaction from these games. But as we see, some students lacking self-discipline are too much indulged in these games so that their health and academic performances are affected. This phenomenon has caused much worry from the teachers and parents.

However, some others argue that online games are not always harmful. They can train the ability of youngsters to respond to things quickly. Moreover, they can stimulate their imagination and their interest in puter science. More importantly, it does bring college students much pleasure and release their pressure greatly.

From my point of view, online games are a wonderful entertainment if you play them in a clever way. When they interfere too much with your study, it is better for you to give them up at once. But if you have enough self-control over them, you can certainly obtain real pleasure and benefit a lot from them.

Anh ngữ tác văn du hí ( 5 )

Ngã hỉ hoan hòa ba ba tố du hí. Na hoàn thị ngã ngận tiểu đích thời hầu, ba ba hạ ban hồi lai tựu hòa ngã tố du hí, na thị ngã tối khoái nhạc đích thời quang. Hiện tại trường đại liễu, ngã y nhiên hướng vãng dữ phụ thân tố du hí đích thời quang.

Anh ngữ tác văn du hí ( 6 )

Ngoạn điện não du hí

Nowadays playing computer games is a very common hobbies, especially among young people and teenagers. However there are many arguements on whether computer games are advantageous to people or not.

Although many people doubt the advantages of computer games, if used wisely computer games can actually be used in educational purposes, for example typing games to allow students to learn typing English or Chinese. Also another advantage of computer game is that the games may be played together among friends or family members, which may improve the relationship between family members and allow parents to know more about their children on their hobbies and interests.

However computer games if misused can also have very bad effects on human beings. Firstly spending long time in front of the computer screen will bring to various health problems, such as eye sore, back pain and headache. Also if people spend too much time on computer games rather than the work they should do, for example school work for students and projects and presentations for employees, it may have bad effects on their real life and social life status.

It is true for everything that it is beneficial if used wisely, therefore although computer games are widely said to be bad for people, it can still be used as a good tool if used wisely.

Hiện tại ngoạn điện não du hí thị nhất cá ngận thường kiến đích ái hảo, đặc biệt thị tại niên khinh nhân đương trung hòa thanh thiếu niên. Đãn dã tồn tại hứa đa arguements điện não du hí thị phủ hữu lợi vu, hoặc giả bất tín tông giáo giả.

Tẫn quản hứa đa nhân chất nghi điện não du hí đích ưu điểm, chỉ yếu sử dụng đắc đương điện não du hí khả dĩ dụng vu giáo dục mục đích, lệ như đả tự du hí, nhượng học sinh học tập đả tự anh ngữ hoặc hoa ngữ. Lánh nhất cá lợi dụng điện não du hí thị du hí trung khả dĩ nhất khởi ngoạn đích bằng hữu hoặc gia đình thành viên, đề cao gia đình thành viên chi gian đích quan hệ, nhượng phụ mẫu tri đạo canh đa quan vu tha môn đích tiểu hài tại tha môn đích ái hảo hòa hưng thú.

Nhiên nhi điện não du hí như quả lạm dụng dã hữu phi thường bất hảo đích ảnh hưởng nhân loại. Thủ tiên hoa trường thời gian tại điện não huỳnh mạc tiền diện hội đái lai các chủng kiện khang vấn đề, chư như nhãn tình toan thống, bối bộ đông thống, đầu thống. Đồng dạng đích, như quả nhân hoa thái đa đích thời gian tại điện não du hí nhi bất thị công tác, tha môn ứng cai tố thập ma, lệ như học giáo học sinh hòa hạng mục công tác hòa diễn giảng vi viên công, giá khả năng ảnh hưởng tha môn đích hiện thật sinh hoạt hòa xã hội sinh hoạt trạng thái.

Giá thị chân đích vi ngã sở tố đích nhất thiết, giá thị hữu ích đích như quả sử dụng đắc đương, sở dĩ tuy nhiên điện não du hí quảng phiếm thuyết bất hảo đích nhân, tha hoàn khả dĩ bị dụng tác nhất cá công cụ đương nhiên hảo chỉ yếu sử dụng đắc đương.

Ngoạn du hí đích nguy hại

Computer games are good to our life in some fields~Such as it can help us relax ourselves and maybe wo can have fun in the games!Someone even says they find true themselves in the gamethey can be the best in the games!I think computer games are the production in the information time and of course are popular with the youth!

But playing more may not be good to us!Someone will spend more time and money in them!It's a waste I think!It's bad for our eyes and some scientits said it can make people be fool~

In a wordplaying computer games isn't wrong but we'd better contorl ourselves not to lose yourslves!Appropriate game is a pleasure but indulge in it may hurt you.

Điện não du hí tại mỗ ta lĩnh vực đối ngã môn đích sinh hoạt hữu hảo xử, bỉ như tha khả dĩ bang trợ ngã môn phóng tùng tự kỷ, dã hứa ngã môn khả dĩ tại du hí trung ngoạn đắc khai tâm.! Hữu nhân thậm chí thuyết tha môn tại du hí trung trảo đáo chân thật đích tự kỷ, tha môn khả dĩ thành vi du hí trung tối hảo đích! Ngã nhận vi điện não du hí thị tín tức thời đại đích sản vật, đương nhiên dã ngận thụ niên khinh nhân đích hoan nghênh.!

Đãn đả canh đa đích khả năng đối ngã môn bất hảo! Hữu nhân hội hoa canh đa đích thời gian hòa kim tiền! Giá thị nhất chủng lãng phí, ngã tưởng! Giá thị đối ngã môn đích nhãn tình bất hảo, nhất ta khoa học gia thuyết, tha năng sử nhân ~ sỏa qua

Tổng chi, ngoạn điện não du hí một hữu thác đãn thị ngã môn tối hảo khống chế tự kỷ bất yếu thất khứ tự kỷ! Thích đương đích du hí thị nhất chủng nhạc thú, đãn trầm mê vu tha khả năng thương hại nhĩ.

Ngoạn điện não du hí

Nowadays playing computer games is a very common hobbies, especially among young people and teenagers. However there are many arguements on whether computer games are advantageous to people or not.

Although many people doubt the advantages of computer games, if used wisely computer games can actually be used in educational purposes, for example typing games to allow students to learn typing English or Chinese. Also another advantage of computer game is that the games may be played together among friends or family members, which may improve the relationship between family members and allow parents to know more about their children on their hobbies and interests.

However computer games if misused can also have very bad effects on human beings. Firstly spending long time in front of the computer screen will bring to various health problems, such as eye sore, back pain and headache. Also if people spend too much time on computer games rather than the work they should do, for example school work for students and projects and presentations for employees, it may have bad effects on their real life and social life status.

It is true for everything that it is beneficial if used wisely, therefore although computer games are widely said to be bad for people, it can still be used as a good tool if used wisely.

Hiện tại ngoạn điện não du hí thị nhất cá ngận thường kiến đích ái hảo, đặc biệt thị tại niên khinh nhân đương trung hòa thanh thiếu niên. Đãn dã tồn tại hứa đa arguements điện não du hí thị phủ hữu lợi vu, hoặc giả bất tín tông giáo giả.

Tẫn quản hứa đa nhân chất nghi điện não du hí đích ưu điểm, chỉ yếu sử dụng đắc đương điện não du hí khả dĩ dụng vu giáo dục mục đích, lệ như đả tự du hí, nhượng học sinh học tập đả tự anh ngữ hoặc hoa ngữ. Lánh nhất cá lợi dụng điện não du hí thị du hí trung khả dĩ nhất khởi ngoạn đích bằng hữu hoặc gia đình thành viên, đề cao gia đình thành viên chi gian đích quan hệ, nhượng phụ mẫu tri đạo canh đa quan vu tha môn đích tiểu hài tại tha môn đích ái hảo hòa hưng thú.

Nhiên nhi điện não du hí như quả lạm dụng dã hữu phi thường bất hảo đích ảnh hưởng nhân loại. Thủ tiên hoa trường thời gian tại điện não huỳnh mạc tiền diện hội đái lai các chủng kiện khang vấn đề, chư như nhãn tình toan thống, bối bộ đông thống, đầu thống. Đồng dạng đích, như quả nhân hoa thái đa đích thời gian tại điện não du hí nhi bất thị công tác, tha môn ứng cai tố thập ma, lệ như học giáo học sinh hòa hạng mục công tác hòa diễn giảng vi viên công, giá khả năng ảnh hưởng tha môn đích hiện thật sinh hoạt hòa xã hội sinh hoạt trạng thái.

Giá thị chân đích vi ngã sở tố đích nhất thiết, giá thị hữu ích đích như quả sử dụng đắc đương, sở dĩ tuy nhiên điện não du hí quảng phiếm thuyết bất hảo đích nhân, tha hoàn khả dĩ bị dụng tác nhất cá công cụ đương nhiên hảo chỉ yếu sử dụng đắc đương.

Anh ngữ tác văn du hí ( 7 )

First, I think its very important for him to learn lessons well. He should spend most of his time on his study instead of computer games.

Secondly, I must tell him that playing computer games too much is bad for his health, especially for his eyes. So he must give it up. I can play more sports with him after school. Maybe he will become more interested in sports than computer games. And then Ill ask him to concentrate more on his study. Of course, I will try my best to help him with all his subjects. I think I can do it in many fun ways and let him find much fun in studying. At the same time, Ill ask both his parents and our teachers to help him, too. If I try these, Im sure he will make great progress soon. ( ước 165 tự )

Anh ngữ tác văn du hí ( 8 )

Thiên nhất: Võng lạc du hí nguy hại anh ngữ tác văn

Computer games are good to our life in some fields~Such as it can help us relax ourselves and maybe wo can have fun in the games!Someone even says they find true themselves in the game,they can be the best in the games!I think computer games are the production in the information time and of course are popular with the youth!

But playing more may not be good to us!Someone will spend more time and money in them!It's a waste I think!It's bad for our eyes and some scientits said it can make people be fool~

In a word,playing computer games isn't wrong but we'd better contorl ourselves not to lose yourslves!Appropriate game is a pleasure but indulge in it may hurt you

Thiên nhị: Võng lạc du hí nguy hại anh ngữ tác văn

Li Hua spent too much time playing computer games and he fell behind others. As a good friend of his, I must do something to help him.

Firstly, I think it’s very important for him to learn lessons well. He should spend most of his time on his study instead of computer games. Secondly, I must tell him that playing computer games too much is bad for his health, especially for his eyes. So he must give it up. I can play more sports with him after school. Maybe he will become more interested in sports than computer games. And then I‘ll ask him to concentrate more on his study. Of course, I will try my best to help him with all his subjects. I think I can do it in many fun ways and let him find much fun in studying. At the same time, I’ll ask both his parents and our teachers to help him, too. If I try these, I‘m sure he will make great progress soon.

Thiên tam: Võng lạc du hí nguy hại anh ngữ tác văn

As a product of modem computer and the Internet, online games have won great popularity among people, youngsters in particular.However,some people believe that young people who lack self-discipline can easily get indulged in these games and their health and academic performances are severely affected.This phenomenon can be found on TV reports from time to time, and many teachers and parents have expressed

However,some others argue that online games are not always harmful.They can train the ability of youngsters to respond to things quickly. Moreover,they Can stimulate their imagination and their interest in computer science.More importantly,it does bring people much pleasure and satisfaction, and release their pressure greatly.

From my point of view,online games are a wonderful entertainment if you play them in a reasonable way.When they interfere too much with your life, you’d better give them up at once.Yet if you have enough self-control over them, you can certainly obtain real pleasure and benefit a lot from them.

Anh ngữ tác văn du hí ( 9 )

In my opinion, there are many disadvantages of game addiction.Firstly, online games take up a lot of players' time for study. Many of the addicts found themselves forced to drop out of school for poor academic performance. Secondly, addicts tend to isolate themselves from the reality. What's worse, indulging in the virtual world for a long time, they are more liable to suffer mental problem and physical collapse. Thirdly, players are exposed to too much violent and unhealthy material, which is definitely harmful to their growth.

In short,I cannot see any benefits from online games.Study should be the primary concern of college students. Therefore,I do hope they can step away from online games.

Anh ngữ tác văn du hí ( 10 )

Võng lạc du hí lợi tệ anh ngữ tác văn thiên nhất

Cyber games are becoming popular. Properly engaged they bring you fun and help you relax. Advantages are evident. For one thing, you don’t see your partner so that you are completely at ease, thus being able to show your best. For another, you can choose your partner worldwide; you can even choose to play with nonhuman programmed partner. This may be more fun. Good as they are, they are not to be indulged in. Too much of anything ruins everything.

Võng lạc du hí lợi tệ anh ngữ tác văn thiên nhị

In spite of objections from public opinion, many students can't draw themselves away from video games. It seems that the more they are prohibited from playing the games, the more they are tempted to do so. Many students indulge themselves in playing these games.

Video games are harmful to both the inzidual and society in many ways. First, they endanger the young people's health. Sitting in front of the computer for hours on end is bad for the player's eyesight as well as his entire physique. Secondly, they distract the young people attention from their work and study. Absorbed in the games, the player often forgets to go to work or class. Sometimes even if they are at work or in class, they are still thinking of the games they played or are going to play after work or after class. As a result, they quickly fall behind others in their work and study. Thirdly, they lead young people to moral degradation. Some young people are especially interested in games that are filled with violence. If they play these games a long time, they may also settle disagreements through violence, which may give rise to higher crime rate.

Therefore, it is time we took effective measures to solve this problem. On the one hand, young people should be made fully aware of the danger of video games. On the other, illegal video game houses should be eliminated, and software producers should be encouraged to make more beneficial video games in the future.

Võng lạc du hí lợi tệ anh ngữ tác văn thiên tam

The following aspects could best illustrate the advantages of Internet. Netsurfers ( võng thượng trùng lãng giả ) in different countries can share interesting knowledge and the latest information. Besides, Internet has provided a major opportunity to buy and sell merchandise ( thương phẩm ). What is more, people may get medical help or even vote on Internet. Its advantages seem countless.

Dĩ hạ kỉ cá phương diện năng cú tối hảo địa thuyết minh liễu hỗ liên võng đích ưu thế. Bất đồng quốc gia đích võng thượng trùng lãng giả khả dĩ phân hưởng hữu thú đích tri thức hòa nhất ta tối tân đích tín tức. Thử ngoại, hỗ liên võng đề cung liễu mãi mại thương phẩm đích cơ hội. Canh thậm giả, tại hỗ liên võng thượng nhân môn khả năng hoạch đắc y liệu bang trợ, thậm chí thị tiến hành đầu phiếu. Tha ưu điểm sổ bất thắng sổ.

Behind all this glowing talk, however, are some problems. Internet makes people passive by stop.

Đãn thị, tại giá nhất thiết quang huy đích bối hậu, tồn tại nhất ta vấn đề. Hỗ liên võng sử nhân môn chỉ bộ liễu.

Anh ngữ tác văn du hí ( 11 )

Quan vu võng lạc du hí đích anh ngữ tác văn 1

Rock kingdom is my favorite online game.

The rock kingdom is a children's game created by tencent, which is suitable for children aged 8 to 14. This game is mainly with their pets and other pet upgrade combat experience, full of class is the class of 100, you can also use "Locke" buy ordinary, intermediate, advanced, three kinds of guru, eleven honor the ball, star ball, demon balls, a fool, and VIP exclusive super guru ball, such as the other pet hit less blood, capture with guru ball have a chance of failure.

My pet has more than 100, of which the powerful are: the class of 100 elk, Luo Yin of grade 100, grade 100 royal griffins, class of 100 top cat, class of 100 ice wing ahriman, the class of 100 Roman abramovich, the class of 100 shaolin croak, class of 100 pirates mummies, class of 100 giant LingShi, this is my pet is better.

There are eight badges, namely eight guardians, the first one is a grass of Roland, drainage of lele, fire department koren, crain's brother, stone in the department of toby, ice frozen knight, sander, lightning wings leno, deep and remote system Lucia, this is the eight badges.

Every Friday comes new pets, new tasks and new activities. Come on, look forward to it!

This is the kingdom of rock, a world full of joy, passion, and courage.

Quan vu võng lạc du hí đích anh ngữ tác văn 2

For online games and you don't, that kind of passion of fighting scenes are really attractive, but with the development of The Times in the stage of education students also gradually exposed to online games, many online game to come up with a number of ways for id card, but this is what, fool in the primary school to junior high school students, they already know their future id card.the hold, so avoid future education stage of students to play online games I put forward the following points.

1. I also need my own birthday, my head portrait, and the photo of my id card.

2. Use no other software to log in [as' qq '] only with id card.

3. After entering the game, it is necessary to change the conservative point of the role to the conservative place.

This is my time, the student's vocation is to study, when tired, can listen to music but not can play online games.

Quan vu võng lạc du hí đích anh ngữ tác văn 3

My sister and I are very game fans, and for the sake of the game, we both started fighting early.

When I got up with my sister, I found that the computer was on, and I was scrambling to get up, so that I couldn't play the game when I got up late. I saw my sister dressed quickly and started to mess up. I secretly hid the two other clothes of the sister, sister, the two clothes to wear, find clothes gone, is wrong, hurriedly looking for clothes, I'm in no clothes on, saw her panic, my heart was so happy that I can get the computer to play again.

At that moment, my sister suddenly cried, I hurried to take clothes, had gone, I will see my sister, she is holding a dress do in front of the computer, I was surprised, was about to speak, sister vomitted to stick out the tongue to me said: "elder sister, you mistake, I would have found it." I helpless shake shake, alas! I had to watch her play this time. Next time, I won't be fooled by her.

Quan vu võng lạc du hí đích anh ngữ tác văn 4

I believe our classmates almost like to play games, some like to play games, some even play some bloody games.

But the games often play a lot of harm, let some teenagers immerse in it, to learn to be a burden, also make parents have a headache.

Last week I saw a fifth grade primary school student on my computer, and I love online games. He often goes to the Internet bar to play video games, but he doesn't go home for a few days, because he is immersed in the virtual world. One day he came home and was scolded by his parents. He went to school. But he was also scolded by his teacher at school. He took it too hard to kill himself in the night.

The Internet is two-sided, used to check the information is very good, like a teacher in guidance. But some teenagers think that online games are the best, the unfeeling things, the obsession with them. China youth daily says there are 220 million young people in China today, with an average of one minute on suspicion of cyber crimes. So now try to control playing time and grow up to be a useful person.

Anh ngữ tác văn du hí ( 12 )

Thiên nhất: Trầm nịch võng lạc du hí anh ngữ tác văn

As computer and Internet are increasing entering ordinary people, in addition to the development of scientific technology, more and more online games are available and popular among people, especially the youngsters. However, this phenomenon brings a lot of worries to many parents and teachers in that many students who have lower self-discipline are addicted to the games and indulge into these games too much, which affects their health and academic performance.

But on the other hand, some people point out that online games are not good for nothing. They argue that playing online games can help the player practice their reaction capacity, which is good for forming prompt and responsive thinking. In addition, the players can temporarily release from the great pressure in work and study and enjoy themselves when playing online games.

From my point of view, I think playing games is not a bad choice of indoor relaxation for those who have high self-discipline. But for those who have no enough self-controlled ability, it is not wise to try to play these games.

Thiên nhị: Trầm nịch võng lạc du hí anh ngữ tác văn

As a product of modem computer and the Internet, online games have won great popularity among people, youngsters in particular. However, some people believe that young people who lack self-discipline can easily get indulged in these games and their health and academic performances are severely affected. This phenomenon can be found on TV reports from time to time, and many teachers and parents have expressed their concerns over this.

However, some others argue that online games are not always harmful. They can train the ability of youngsters to respond to things quickly. Moreover, they can stimulate their imagination and their interest in computer science. More importantly, it does bring people much pleasure and satisfaction, and release their pressure greatly.

From my point of view, online games are a wonderful entertainment if you play them in a reasonable way. When they interfere too much with your life, you'd better give them up at once. Yet if you have enough self-control over them, you can certainly obtain real pleasure and benefit a lot from them.

Thiên tam: Trầm nịch võng lạc du hí anh ngữ tác văn

Li Hua spent too much time playing computer games and he fell behind others. As a good friend of his, I must do something to help him.

Firstly, I think it’s very important for him to learn lessons well. He should spend most of his time on his study instead of computer games. Secondly, I must tell him that playing computer games too much is bad for his health, especially for his eyes. So he must give it up. I can play more sports with him after school. Maybe he will become more interested in sports than computer games. And then I'll ask him to concentrate more on his study.

Of course, I will try my best to help him with all his subjects. I think I can do it in many fun ways and let him find much fun in studying. At the same time, I'll ask both his parents and our teachers to help him, too. If I try these, I'm sure he will make great progress soon.

Anh ngữ tác văn du hí ( 13 )

Trầm mê võng lạc du hí đích anh ngữ tác văn 1: Như hà phòng chỉ trầm mê võng lạc du hí

Li Xiaohu spent too much time playing computer games and he fell behind others. As a good/close friend of his, I must do something to help him.

First, I think it's very important for him to learn lessons well. He should spend most of his time on his study instead of computer games.

Secondly, I must tell him that playing computer games too much is bad for his health, especially for his eyes. So he must give it up. I can play more sports with him after school. Maybe he will become more interested in sports than computer games. And then I'll ask him to concentrate more on his study. Of course, I will try my best to help him with all his subjects. I think I can do it in many fun ways and let him find much fun in studying. At the same time, I'll ask both his parents and our teachers to help him, too. If I try these, I'm sure he will make great progress soon. ( ước 165 tự )

Trầm mê võng lạc du hí đích anh ngữ tác văn 2: My Hobbies

I have many hobbies, such as playing computer games, reading comics, going shopping. I also like playing pingpong very much. I have a friend. His name is Nick. He is crazy about playing pingpong, too. If we have free time, we often play pingpong together.

One summer holiday, he took me to a sports centre. Then we played pingpong together, but he always lost.

He was very angry. He said to me, "I will beat you in a month." "OK. We will have a match at that time." After a month, when I talked to him about it, he answered, "I forgot the thing! I don't want to have a match with you." I was very surprised and angry and said, "Oh, you're a forgetful boy!”

Trầm mê võng lạc du hí đích anh ngữ tác văn 3: My Best Friend

I have a good friend. His name is Chin Daibe. He is 15 years old. We both want to be detectives. He is very clever.

He is just a secondary school student but he is cleverer than any other student. I think he is as clever as a university school student. His favorite detective is Kindalchi Hajime. He wants to be just as famous when he grows up. He is as helpful and brave as Sherlock Holmes. He is generous to his friends, too. When he has some new detective books, he always shares with me. So I am willing to lend him books, too. His favorite writers are Jinguchi Lanbu and A.E.W. Mason. His favorite book is "At the Villa Rose".

I think it is a good detective book, too. I really think he will be a very good detective. He is my best friend.

Trầm mê võng lạc du hí đích anh ngữ tác văn 4: My Illusions

When I was just a little girl, my relatives all said to me, "You are not a beautiful girl. If you want to be paid attention to, you must work harder than others." These words hurt me. So I wanted to be a beautiful girl, just like the Snow White. That was my illusion when I was five years old.

I grew up. When I was ten years old, I wanted to be a scientist. I believed that if I was a world-famous scientist, I would be noticed by people all over the world. I could do many good things for them.

Now I'm fifteen, I have my third illusion: I want to be a singer. Because I love singing. I love music. I even want to produce music myself. I also want to let the entire world hear my voice and my songs, though I'm not the best singer.

I know all these are just my illusions. Maybe they will never come true. But I'm still very happy because of my illusions.

Anh ngữ tác văn du hí ( 14 )

Tùy trứ kế toán cơ hòa hỗ liên võng bất đoạn địa tiến nhập phổ thông nhân gia đình, trừ liễu khoa học kỹ thuật đích phát triển, việt lai việt đa đích võng lạc du hí khả cung nhân môn lai ngoạn, tha môn dã ngận thụ hoan nghênh, vưu kỳ thị niên khinh nhân. Nhiên nhi, giá nhất hiện tượng cấp hứa đa gia trường hòa giáo sư đái lai liễu ngận đa khốn nhiễu, ngận đa học sinh tự luật năng lực bỉ giác đê, tha môn trầm mê vu du hí, ảnh hưởng tha môn đích kiện khang hòa học nghiệp thành tích.

But on the other hand, some people point out that online games are not good for nothing. They argue that playing online games can help the player practice their reaction capacity, which is good for forming prompt and responsive thinking. In addition, the players can temporarily release from the great pressure in work and study and enjoy themselves when playing online games.

Đãn lánh nhất phương diện, hữu nhân chỉ xuất, võng lạc du hí tịnh bất thị một hữu hảo xử đích. Tha môn nhận vi, ngoạn võng lạc du hí khả dĩ bang trợ ngoạn gia luyện tập tha môn đích phản ứng năng lực, giá đối hình thành mẫn tiệp đích phản ứng hòa tư duy ngận hữu bang trợ. Nhi thả, tại ngoạn điện não du hí đích thời hầu ngoạn gia khả dĩ tạm thời thích phóng tại công tác hòa học tập thượng đích cự đại áp lực tịnh cảm đáo du duyệt.

From my point of view, I think playing games is not a bad choice of indoor relaxation for those who have high self-discipline. But for those who have no enough self-controlled ability, it is not wise to try to play these games.

Tòng ngã đích giác độ lai khán, ngã nhận vi du hí đối vu na ta tự luật năng lực cường đích nhân lai thuyết thị phóng tùng đích nhất cá bất thác đích tuyển trạch. Đãn đối vu na ta một hữu túc cú đích tự ngã khống chế năng lực đích nhân, ngoạn du hí tắc thị bất minh trí đích.

Thiên nhị: Như hà phòng chỉ trầm mê võng lạc du hí How to Prevent the Addict Network Game

Tối cận 《 phẫn nộ đích tiểu điểu 》 lưu hành vu võng lạc, nhĩ đích đồng học vương tiểu cương trầm mê vu điện não võng lạc du hí trung, ảnh hưởng liễu học tập. Tác vi tha đích hảo bằng hữu, nhĩ đả toán chẩm ma bang tha ni? Thỉnh dụng hạ diện sở cấp đích đề kỳ từ tả nhất thiên đoản văn.

Đề kỳ từ: give up concentrate on be ( become ) interested in

Wang Xiaogang spent too much time playing computer games and he fell behind others. As a good/close friend of his, I must do something to help him.

Vương tiểu cương ( âm dịch ) bả đại đa sổ thời gian dụng lai ngoạn điện não, đạo trí tha lạc hậu vu kỳ tha nhân. Giám vu ngã thị tha đích hảo bằng hữu, ngã tất tu tố ta thập ma lai bang trợ tha.

First, I think it’s very important for him to learn lessons well. He should spend most of his time on his study instead of computer games.

Secondly, I must tell him that playing computer games too much is bad for his health, especially for his eyes. So he must give it up. I can play more sports with him after school. Maybe he will become more interested in sports than computer games. And then I‘ll ask him to concentrate more on his study. Of course, I will try my best to help him with all his subjects. I think I can do it in many fun ways and let him find much fun in studying. At the same time, I’ll ask both his parents and our teachers to help him, too. If I try these, I'm sure he will make great progress soon.

Thủ tiên, ngã nhận vi tha ứng cai học hảo khóa bổn tri thức. Tha ứng cai bả ngoạn điện não đích thời gian hoa tại học tập thượng. Kỳ thứ, ngã tất tu cáo tố tha ngoạn thái đa điện não hội đối thân thể bất hảo, đặc biệt thị nhãn tình. Sở dĩ tha tất tu giới điệu. Ngã khả dĩ tại phóng học hậu hòa tha thích túc cầu. Hoặc hứa tha hội đối vận động canh cảm hưng thú, nhi bất thị điện não du hí. Ngã dã hội đốc xúc tha bả chú ý lực phóng tại học tập thượng. Đương nhiên liễu, ngã dã hội tẫn ngã tự kỷ tối đại đích năng lực khứ bang trợ tha mỗi nhất môn công khóa. Ngã hội thông quá bất đồng đích phương pháp nhượng tha lai thể nghiệm học tập đích nhạc thú. Đồng thời, ngã dã hội yếu cầu tha đích phụ mẫu hòa lão sư nhất khởi lai bang trợ tha. Như quả ngã tố liễu giá ta, ngã bảo chứng tha hội thủ đắc ngận đại đích tiến bộ đích.

Thiên tam: Trầm mê võng lạc đích lợi tệ

The following aspects could best illustrate the advantages of Internet. Netsurfers ( võng thượng trùng lãng giả ) in different countries can share interesting knowledge and the latest information. Besides, Internet has provided a major opportunity to buy and sell merchandise ( thương phẩm ). What is more, people may get medical help or even vote on Internet. Its advantages seem countless.

Dĩ hạ kỉ cá phương diện năng cú tối hảo địa thuyết minh liễu hỗ liên võng đích ưu thế. Bất đồng quốc gia đích võng thượng trùng lãng giả khả dĩ phân hưởng hữu thú đích tri thức hòa nhất ta tối tân đích tín tức. Thử ngoại, hỗ liên võng đề cung liễu mãi mại thương phẩm đích cơ hội. Canh thậm giả, tại hỗ liên võng thượng nhân môn khả năng hoạch đắc y liệu bang trợ, thậm chí thị tiến hành đầu phiếu. Tha ưu điểm sổ bất thắng sổ.

Behind all this glowing talk, however, are some problems. Internet makes people passive by stop.

Đãn thị, tại giá nhất thiết quang huy đích bối hậu, tồn tại nhất ta vấn đề. Hỗ liên võng sử nhân môn chỉ bộ liễu.

Anh ngữ tác văn du hí ( 15 )

◆ nâm hiện tại chính tại duyệt độc đích hòa ba ba ngoạn du hí (Play Game with Father)

Hòa ba ba ngoạn du hí (Play Game with Father) hòa ba ba ngoạn du hí (Play Game with Father)I like playing games with my father. When I was a little boy, my father often played with me after work. That was the happiest time for me. Now I grow up, but I am still expecting to play games with father. Hòa ba ba ngoạn du hí ngã hỉ hoan hòa ba ba tố du hí. Na hoàn thị ngã ngận tiểu đích thời hầu, ba ba hạ ban hồi lai tựu hòa ngã tố du hí, na thị ngã tối khoái nhạc đích thời quang. Hiện tại trường đại liễu, ngã y nhiên hướng vãng dữ phụ thân tố du hí đích thời quang.