Nan vong kinh lịch đích anh ngữ ( thôi tiến 17 thiên )
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Nan vong kinh lịch đích anh ngữ ( 1 )

One day on my way to school,I ran across a traffic accident,in which a girl was seriously injured by a motorcycle.I rushed to her rescue instinctively.I lifted her in my arms and hailed a taxi,which took us quickly to a nearby hospital.After emergency treatment,the girl came to.I felt at ease when I knew that she had only suffered from minor bone fractures and would recover in a couple of weeks.I left the hospital without giving my name,but my heart was full of joy and peace.Not until then did I understand the meaning of the proverb: "Helping others is the source of happiness." This may be the most unforgettable experience of my life.

Nan vong kinh lịch đích anh ngữ ( 2 )

An Unforgettable Holiday

I am 'always busy with my lessons. What I have to do everyday is nothing but study.

Luckily, last summer my family went to my uncle's farm.We enjoyed a really interesting holiday. During the holiday, I didn't have to get up early, nor did I need to finish many exercises. I rode the horse in the fields. I milked the cows on the farm. To my GREat joy, my uncle invited me to go fishing. Life on the farm is quite different from that at school. I want to go back to spend my summer holiday again.

Nhất cá nan vong đích giả kỳ

Ngã tổng thị mang vu ngã đích công khóa. Ngã mỗi thiên sở tố đích chỉ thị học tập.

Hạnh vận đích thị, khứ niên hạ thiên ngã đích gia nhân khứ liễu ngã thúc thúc đích nông tràng, ngã môn hưởng thụ liễu nhất cá phi thường hữu thú đích giả kỳ. Tại giả kỳ trung, ngã bất tất tảo khởi, dã bất nhu yếu tố ngận đa luyện tập. Ngã kỵ trứ mã tại điền dã lí. Ngã tại nông tràng tễ nãi đích nãi ngưu. Sử ngã cao hưng đích thị, ngã thúc thúc yêu thỉnh ngã khứ điếu ngư. Nông tràng đích sinh hoạt dữ học giáo đích sinh hoạt hữu ngận đại đích bất đồng. Ngã tưởng tái khứ độ quá ngã đích thử giả.

Nan vong kinh lịch đích anh ngữ ( 3 )

When I was six years old, my cousin in tainan got married. Five people, including father, mother, two brothers and I, I took a taxi to the wedding. It's a beautiful scenery along the way. When I was looking at the scenery, however, the taxi door suddenly opened and I fell off immediately. My father and mother took me to the hospital. Luckily, only my nose was broken. After treatment, I took the red nose to the party.

My mother later told me that if there was a car coming, from behind us, I would be killed. It's a close phone. Since then, I have never taken the first step to ensure that the door has been closed and a taxi has been closed.

Nan vong kinh lịch đích anh ngữ ( 4 )

Disappointed at my study results, I didn’t want to go to school any longer. I found a temporary job during my summer vacation. Because I was poor in knowledge, the manager only asked me to deliver newspapers from house to house.

At the beginning, I took it for granted that it would be a piece of cake. There would be no difficultly in finishing it.

But to my surprise, when I went to people’s houses, they looked me up and down. I could feel that they looked down upon me. I was badly hurt. Though I was discouraged, I came to another house. A black dog jumped out suddenly. I was frightened and screamed with fear. But no one came to help me. At that time, I came to realize that delivering newspapers was more difficult than reading in the classroom. I wanted to give up, but I couldn’t.

I tried my best to do the job better. Although I was very tired, I made it finally.

From this unforgettable experience, I have learnt that if we put our heart into it, nothing is difficult and nothing is impossible.

Now, I am sitting in the classroom, happy, confident, and hard-working. As long as I don’t lose heart and work harder and harder, I will make much progress.

Nan vong kinh lịch đích anh ngữ ( 5 )

An unforgettable experience

My mom used to say that I was born to swim.But the truth is that I didn’t know how to swim until the last year of my primary school!

Mom always said that I could swim in the basin when I was only two months old. I was surprised at the amazing fact. If this was true, then why was I afraid of water? I went to swim every summer, but I didn’t make a little progress. I was worried and blamed myself several times. When I watched people swimming freely, how I wished I had learnt to swim!

The story of how I learnt to swim is dramatic. One hot summer afternoon, my father and I went to the swimming pool to swim. While my father was changing his clothes, I was roaming along the bank of the pool. Suddenly I heard a voice, “Look out!” and then came a big noise and beautiful splashes. Just when I was admiring the swimmer’s skills, I slipped into the pool! I was so afraid that I shouted at once! But the water kept coming towards me and I drank a lot of it. I was moving upside down and trying to reach the bank. I was struggling very hard to keep my head above the water.

A minute was like a hundred years to me. To my surprise, I was able to keep the style! Just then, my father, saw me and he seemed to be shocked. He then said, “Calm down, just wave your arms and legs like this. Right!” And I got it! I finally learnt to swim! You can’t imagine how happy I was and I wanted to jump for joy!

From this unforgettable experience I learnt that one’s power is unlimited. Sometimes you could show that power in an emergency. If you believe that, you will discover the power lying within yourself and achieve your goals. And one has to stay calm when it’s dangerous. To calm down helps you to think clearly and make the best decision for you. That’s what I have learnt from the experience.

Nan vong kinh lịch đích anh ngữ ( 6 )

One day, when I was a kid, I saw the AD for the lost dog. As my next-door neighbor had a German shepherd in the AD, I called the missing dog owner to tell him. I also gave him my neighbors phone number.

I almost forgot the whole thing, when I heard my neighbor talking loudly about the night. I rushed to the window and saw what was happening. "Im sorry, but this dog belongs to us. Weve been holding it for nearly eight years now," said my neighbor, a tall stranger.

All of a sudden, I felt quite guilty, for my childish neighbour suspected that there was no truth in it. But I didnt have enough courage to tell him that it was me who caused him all the trouble. I have been silent on this matter until now.

Nan vong kinh lịch đích anh ngữ ( 7 )

Speak of exams, there are many unforgettable experiences that deeply rooted in our memories. Here i would like to say one thing that impressed me most.

It was the maths final examination. When i was doing a difficult maths problem, suddenly the teacher who supervised our class cried, "What are you doing?" I turned around and found that the teacher was standing beside Xiao Ming, holding a piece of paper in her hand. Xiao Ming looked rather nervous, his face bushed, "Sorry, Ms. Wang, I should not do that." Then he was asked to get out of the class behind the teacher.

This issue told me a great lesson: we should not do what we are not allowed to do because it takes great risks. So, please bear in mind that good students should obey the rules of examinations

Nan vong kinh lịch đích anh ngữ ( 8 )

One day during the summer holiday, my mother told me to go to the duck restaurant to sell roast duck. I went happily to the duck restaurant.

I heard that the duck restaurant was very good at business. The team that sells the roast duck is long and old. I routinely followed in the queue, just as I silently waiting, suddenly a beautiful aunt came and she willy-nilly, walked to the front of the team, said: "boss, to half a duck." I saw this scene, walked up to her, gently said to her: "aunt, you buy things to wait in line." The aunt glanced at me and said, without looking at her, "can you manage it, little guy?" I was so angry that "aunt you have to wait in line to buy something, don't you understand?" The people who sell the roast duck nearby saw the fierce behavior of auntie, and they all began to talk about it, accusing the aunt of the wrong thing. I saw aunt face go red, the roast duck did not buy, turn away.

It had been a long time, but my aunt's domineering manner was always on my mind. I think that every one of us is going to get into the habit of doing everything from a young age to a voluntary compliance. Don't let others say it easily.

This is something we should all know.

Nan vong kinh lịch đích anh ngữ ( 9 )

One sunny afternoon, I and the chopped towels, as well as the Mr Wong of the class to the playground together with bike, Musical Instruments. Of course there are other classmates. Everyone here, we in the ginger President, xiao, under the leadership of miss li go to luo pu temple outing.

Along the way, everybody interest high, some humming a ditty, some jokes, and storytelling. After a while, we got to los pu temple school. We with los pu temple school classmates came to the outskirts. In the outside, I saw Wang Quanyou an adult's bike, want to try riding a bike is what felling of adult, he said to the throne: "power, can let me ride?" To crown said: "of course I can." I carefully on a section of the road, then I don't know what's the matter, I a not careful to ride into the mud, suddenly fell, although the body is mud, but can be so close to nature, I still think it is a very happy thing. The other students, some fish, some catch butterflies, and with wildflowers wove garlands. Two school classmate seldom such pain pain is happy to play, play of happy, harmonious and happy picture!

Then, we came to los pu temple ancestral temple again. Ancestral temple, there are two very large pagoda tree. Ancestral temple, there are so many people celebrating. There is a big drum, I knocked over a few big drum, fun!

When we play excitedly, xiao notice we have to get back to the us had to reluctantly leave los pu temple. This is really a memorable trip!

Nan vong kinh lịch đích anh ngữ ( 10 )

During the qingming festival, I went back to my hometown with my grandparents and my brother -- pingyao. On the way, I listened to my grandmother talk about five big cows. This time it was to take us back to look at the cows and try to taste the milk that had just been squeezed out. I was so excited when I heard grandma say that.

When we arrived at our old brother's house, I rushed into it and went straight to the dairy. A: wow! The beautiful and fat cow, the black and white circular pattern is very beautiful, the head has a strong and strong bull horn. The stomach was big, the drums were bulging, and many of the nipple drooping down below. Look, a cow baby is leaning against the cow mother, with its head against the cow mother's body, seems to be with the cow mother sajiao, true love! I would like to go up and touch it, but for the sake of safety my uncle wouldn't let me. When I looked at the cow, I suddenly found that the cow had eaten not grass but food. The old uncle said that he was afraid that the cows would eat dirty grass and get sick, which would affect the quality of the milk, so it was safer to eat the food

Nan vong kinh lịch đích anh ngữ ( 11 )

Today I did a thing that was well worth doing although I was misunderstood at the beginning.

This morning on my way to school, I was riding when I heard a call for help. A girl fell into the river! I got off my bike, took off my clothes and jumped into the river. After a few minutes' struggle, I finally saved the girl, I informed the girl's parents and then hurried to school. But I was still late for class. Not knowing the reason, the teacher criticized me.

In the afternoon, the girl's parents came to my school and thanked me for having saved their daughter. After the teacher learned the whole thing,he made an apology to me. And the headmaster praised me and also called on all the students to learn from me. I felt very proud.

7 nguyệt 17 nhật tình

Kim thiên ngã tố liễu nhất kiện phi thường trị đắc tố đích sự tình, tẫn quản khai thủy ngã bị ngộ hội liễu.

Kim thiên tảo thần, tại thượng học đích lộ thượng, ngã chính kỵ trứ xa đột nhiên thính đáo hô cứu thanh. Nhất cá tiểu nữ hài lạc thủy liễu! Ngã lập tức khiêu hạ xa, thoát điệu y phục, khiêu đáo hà lí. Kỉ phân chung đích nỗ lực hậu ngã chung vu cứu liễu tiểu nữ hài. Ngã thông tri liễu tiểu nữ hài đích ' phụ mẫu nhiên hậu tựu cấp mang cản đáo học giáo, đãn thị nhưng nhiên trì đáo liễu. Do vu bất tri đạo nguyên nhân, lão sư phê bình liễu ngã.

Hạ ngọ nữ hài đích phụ mẫu lai học giáo cảm tạ ngã cứu liễu tha môn đích nữ nhi. Lão sư tri đạo liễu chỉnh kiện sự hậu hướng ngã đạo liễu khiểm. Giáo trường biểu dương liễu ngã tịnh hào triệu sở hữu đích học sinh hướng ngã học tập. Ngã cảm đáo phi thường tự hào.

Lĩnh đạo thân tự mạo tuyết úy vấn quần chúng hòa dân cảnh chức công. Ngã hoàn ký đắc tại nhất cá dương thanh khí hô hu sở hữu trinh đích trạm, tổng lý, hoàn ký đắc giá trương chiếu phiến đích niên khinh nữ cảnh đoan trứ nhất oản thang, vi tiếu đích nữ nhân dụng chước tử uy dưỡng anh nhi đích thủ; hoàn ký đắc điện công tại tháp, huy động tạc tử, nhiên hậu tán băng phiến đích âm ảnh hạ; hoàn ký đắc tại cứu viện, trướng bồng, sĩ binh môn thục thụy đích kiểm......

Nan vong kinh lịch đích anh ngữ ( 12 )

Last summer holiday, I learned to swim. It was very unforgettable and interesting. I went to the swimming pool with my father. He taught me how to swim.

At first, I was afraid of diving in the water. And I felt uncomfortable in the water. But father said it doesn’t matter and he would protect me. Then I began to swim, but I couldn’t swim forward at all. It made me upset. Then father told me how to move, how to stretch out my hands and legs. Slowly, I could move a little. In fact, it was not that easy.

I learned it for almost half a month. I was excited when father told me I made it.

【 thiên nhị 】

One day on my way to school,I ran across a traffic accident,in which a girl was seriously injured by a motorcycle.I rushed to her rescue instinctively.I lifted her in my arms and hailed a taxi,which took us quickly to a nearby hospital.After emergency treatment,the girl came to.I felt at ease when I knew that she had only suffered from minor bone fractures and would recover in a couple of weeks.I left the hospital without giving my name,but my heart was full of joy and peace.Not until then did I understand the meaning of the proverb:Helping others is the source of happiness.This may be the most unforgettable experience of my life.

【 thiên tam 】

Usually,the first time you did something is unforgettable,although it couldn't be always wonderful.

As for me,an unforgettable experience of mine is the first time I joined the Red Cross.We took boxes,and walked on the street.We found some people on the street,then asked them to raise some money for Red Cross.At first,we were so surprised that just a few people would raise some money for Red Cross,and some people even thought we were cheat!But we weren't upset.We went on and worked for the whole day.

During that day,we all felt tired but happy,because we raised much money.We looked at the boxes and smiled.

It's really an unforgettable experience!

Nan vong kinh lịch đích anh ngữ ( 13 )

Nan vong đích kinh lịch anh ngữ tác văn thiên nhất:

When I was six years old, my cousin in tainan got married. Five people, including father, mother, two brothers and I, I took a taxi to the wedding. It's a beautiful scenery along the way. When I was looking at the scenery, however, the taxi door suddenly opened and I fell off immediately. My father and mother took me to the hospital. Luckily, only my nose was broken. After treatment, I took the red nose to the party.

My mother later told me that if there was a car coming, from behind us, I would be killed. It's a close phone. Since then, I have never taken the first step to ensure that the door has been closed and a taxi has been closed.

Nan vong đích kinh lịch anh ngữ tác văn thiên nhị:

One day, when I was a kid, I saw the AD for the lost dog. As my next-door neighbor had a German shepherd in the AD, I called the missing dog owner to tell him. I also gave him my neighbor's phone number.

I almost forgot the whole thing, when I heard my neighbor talking loudly about the night. I rushed to the window and saw what was happening. "I'm sorry, but this dog belongs to us. We've been holding it for nearly eight years now," said my neighbor, a tall stranger.

All of a sudden, I felt quite guilty, for my childish neighbour suspected that there was no truth in it. But I didn't have enough courage to tell him that it was me who caused him all the trouble. I have been silent on this matter until now.

Nan vong đích kinh lịch anh ngữ tác văn thiên tam:

Everyone has some experience that he can't forget. For me, the most memorable experience was part of the English conversation test. This happened about three years ago when I had to take an English exam, including conversation, to get to the United States.

English is my second language, and I don't need to mention the difficulty of reading and writing. I was nervous, of course, when it was my turn to face the examiner, one gentleman and the other young lady. They asked me about sports, sightseeing, Chinese culture, and I went to America. I was just too nervous to make any sensible answer. In fact, I have difficulty opening my mouth. The interview took about a dozen minutes, but it seemed to me for years. When it was all over, my shirt was completely soaked.

This is my first English conversation with a foreigner. This is a lesson I won't forget.

Nan vong kinh lịch đích anh ngữ ( 14 )

In the morning, we got to the hotel where we lived. After breakfast, we began to our travel. First we took the bus to the Sea Park. There are so many different kinds of fishes that I couldn’t believe my eyes. We also saw the show of dolphins. Then we had lunch in a restaurant. The seafood which was very famous in China was delicious.

After lunch we went swimming. The sea was blue and beach was golden. We all enjoyed ourselves in the sea. Finally we went back the hotel where we lived. We had a happy day.

In this trip, we also went to some places which were interesting and famous in Dalian, went shopping and so on.

Several days later, we left Dalian. On our way home, we were very happy. This was the reason why we didn’t feel tired. In all, we had a good holiday.

Nan vong đích kinh lịch anh ngữ tác văn nhị

My families plan to visit the interesting place p of Shanghai.We are led to the Oriental Pearl TV Tower,a famous tourist attraction,which is on every Shanghainese's lips.It is a magnificent building located in Pudong New Area,it is the tallest building,so it's very easy to see this building,even if you are several miles away it.As we get to the high floor of the Oriental Pearl TV Tower,we see the attractive viwswhich includes the Huangpu River through the window.At the moment,l suddenly moved by the builders put their soul and energy to this building and let it be a landmark of this city.

This is the trip l never forget.

One day when I was a child, I saw an ad about a missing dog in the paper. As my next door neighbor had a German shepherd like the one described in the ad, I called the owner of the missing dog to tell him that. I also gave him my neighbor's telephone number.

I had almost forgot about the whole thing when I heard my neighbor talking in a loud voice one night. I rushed to the window immediately to see what was going on. "I am sorry, but this dog really belong to us. We have kept it for almost eight years now," my neighbor was explaining to a tall stranger. From Suddenly I felt rather guilty, for my childish suspicion of my neighbor seemed totally unjustified. But I didn't have the courage to tell him that it was I who had caused him all this trouble. I have been silent about this thing until now.

Nan vong kinh lịch đích anh ngữ ( 15 )

Nan vong đích kinh lịch anh ngữ tác văn thiên 1

Unforgettable experience

One afternoon, I just want to go swimming, and dad was under the drizzle in the sky. Dad asked me: "add layer, now also don't go for a swim?" I way: "certainly go, what is this drizzle!"

When the car to the destination, the rain suddenly fall heavily is large, my dad said: "we soon get off!" I a car door, bean big rain on my body, cool, ice ice, really sad! Then I remembered the lyrics: standing in the wind and rain, this pain is nothing, wipe the tears do not be afraid. So I quickly rushed to the puddles and jumped in. Dad to see me in this way, not to be outdone, jumped into the water. Pool is both of us straight cold shiver. How to do? I hit upon a good idea -- tai chi in the water. Dad said: "it's a brilliant idea!" To start, we work hard, and the results of the water is choppy, whitewater, the way we played, we would not be cold.

It rained more and more big, I smirked, face upwards long: "god! The earth! Make haste to stop the rain!" Before long, the rain had stopped. The rain just stopped for a moment, worried of grandpa's grandmother hurriedly catch up. They saw we were safe, this just breath a sigh of relief, and reminds us that we will be careful, in case of one thousand. Together we nodded and smiled happily.

Nan vong đích kinh lịch anh ngữ tác văn thiên 2

the theme of life is: "to do an honest boy. Open this life is the result of our class there are a lot of people bring school less money away, so the teacher asked us to talk about their feelings.

At that time, the classmates all seven mouth 8 s to say, very warm discussion, some students think that want to criticize the classmate of stealing money, stealing some students think that students should take the initiative to admit, some students think that if you had been stealing money from the students grow up as a child is not to get more money? The one with the money, I think students should not be too much, if you really need the money, you can and your parents say, why hurt the friendship between classmates? Then I also stood up and made their thoughts: that isn't you of money if you took, your conscience will be condemned, if you put money back, you will be a good boy, since you have the courage to put it back, you won't make the same mistakes, as long as you put it back, our class will genuinely admire you, respect you.

Teacher also concludes: "everyone can speak good, I organized the class meeting, this is not just a criticism that take money to students, but to understand yourself, whenever you are honest."

We the class all say so much, even if no one take money by education, we know the stealing is shameful, we know the courage to admit a mistake is a good boy, we also know that the hour stole needle, grew up and steal the gold. In a nutshell, we benefit a lot from this class.

Nan vong đích kinh lịch anh ngữ tác văn thiên 3

Unforgettable experience

On Friday morning, our school of grade three to six students came to the forest park is located in zhengzhou national bluestar quality training base. A train on the way to the base, we listen to "Neptune" the guide says there are many fun facilities in the base, the heart would have to jump out of the window.

Actually we are here is the most main is not to play, but in order to "challenge themselves, the survival quality of training, improve their ability to life.

At nine o 'clock the whole, "Neptune" guide took to the podium, "the official start of the opening ceremony!" "Neptune" said with a loud voice. "First of all the young pioneers representatives to speak, please." Ceremony ended soon, our class and class three (3) into a large groups. To meet the large group of the first project is long long way. The long march road about 150 meters long, but with a greatly small obstacles, such as when climbing tyre net, my bag was nets hung several times. Out of the long march road, into the beach square, the square is really good, after the game, I'm already full foot is sand. To meet our next is wuzhuang zhuge liang to confuse the enemy in war. "Into the, not to" just use this sentence here. If it weren't for the staff in a timely manner to guide, I would have been trapped in the wuzhuang.

Nan vong đích kinh lịch anh ngữ tác văn thiên 4

In one to grade six learning career, to my most memorable, a lesson is open section in the third grade science class, the class is the most unforgettable memory, remember now, really interesting.

The lesson is about heat bilges cold shrink, many teachers in the classroom listening to lectures, I was very nervous, the teacher said to open the book have a look at the example, and then start to do test, to bring out a balloon, then pour hot water into the beaker, fixed in a beaker mouth place, the balloon soon, balloon swelling up, the teacher began to ask questions, "who knows why is this?" Students raised his hand, I thought to myself, I know, I also want to raise your hand, but I don't know why my hand is can't raise it, I have already can't control myself, the teacher called the classmates to answer, his right, I missed a chance to show themselves. Teachers and conducted an experiment, put just a beaker filled with hot water left intact in the in the basin filled with water, soon, the balloon gradually become smaller, until the flat bottom go to, the teacher ask again, I think this time can't miss, I'm going to raise your hand, but hand like numb, could not move, so I missed the opportunity to once again. To consolidate the knowledge, the teacher had to integrate with the real life, an experiment, to come up with a compact of table tennis, and put it in a bowl filled with hot water, after a while, the ball began to drum up little by little, and finally became a ball is in good condition, the teacher asked why, and where a principle? This time I stopped hesitating, and raised my hand bravely, to say that it was the truth of heat expansion and contraction. The teacher was right, I was very happy, I seized the last chance, it was not only the opportunity, but also gave my later learning life added courage, I think this is the reason why I remember.

This lesson is unforgettable to me, but what I remember more is the brave hand up.

Nan vong đích kinh lịch anh ngữ tác văn thiên 5

In the summer of that year, when the weather was unusually hot, I went to the park to catch a snail. I put the snail in an old plastic cup, the cup is big, the snail is small, like an uninhabited island in the sea. By the way, I suddenly remembered something the teacher had said, "if you put the snail in the water, the motionless snail will try to get out anyway." True or false? Then the little devil in my heart broke out. I chuckle, touched the snail, "pity you!" I immediately brought a small cup of cold water into the snail's cup.

At last, the two small tentacles of the snail were slowly coming out, and the tentacles were pendulous, as if the radar was searching for suspicious activity around them. After a while, it seems to have finally found itself in "hot water". The snail writhing in its soft and slippery body, slowly moving forward. In my heart think: originally this is an old snail.

The old snail carried the heavy burden forward, and unconsciously, it gradually broke away from the "bitter sea" and climbed to the middle of the cup. Oddly enough, I recall a story in which the snail was very patient. Really, I want to see how it works? I stretched out two fingers and a flick, and the snail dropped into the water.

Nan vong đích kinh lịch anh ngữ tác văn thiên 6

Everyone will experience a lot of things in their life, some with endless aftertaste, some bitter and bitter. Some are long forgotten, some vividly.

It was an experience in the fourth grade. One day, I forgot to bring my exercise book, because I, the whole class have to do more homework. Noon meal, I write my homework on silent in sat, imperceptible when the bell rang, I suddenly feel this ring is so beautiful, looking at the others to be happy, I feel very lonely. Because I was so tired of the whole class, I wish I could finish my homework for my classmates. At this moment, some of the students were swearing, complaining and hustling into my ears. Some even hit me. Suddenly there was a mess in the church, and people were chattering and bickering. Someone glared at me and said, "you have a bad memory. You have alzheimer's disease." Some of them said contemptuously, "in this way, learning is not good." The other man sighed helplessly, "alas! There is no homework every day, and we need to do more homework every day." When ma haoxuan walked into the classroom and saw a lot of people around my seat, I guessed that they were blaming me for the work. So he ran and pulled me up and said, "go, go play." One student said, "he made such a big mistake and went out to play?" Another student pointed to my nose and said angrily, "get out of here, let's be quiet for a while!" "You play with the traitor, and you will be the same as the traitor," said the classmate who was standing next to ma haoxuan. Ma haoxuan looked at him, said nothing, and pulled me out of the classroom. I said to him, "I'm sorry." "Never mind." Ma haoxuan comforted me and said, "pay attention later." Immediately, my eyes filled with tears, this tears is sweet, because this is moved tears.

Nan vong kinh lịch đích anh ngữ ( 16 )

Nan vong đích kinh lịch cao trung anh ngữ tác văn thiên 1

Everyone has some unforgettable experience. I will never forget my fiest volunteer work. Last summer, our class went to a country primary school to help the students there. First, we gave away some books and stationery to them. Then we talked about school life. I was quite shy before, but to my surprise, I talked with some students for almost an hour without intermission. I shared my effetive study methods with them excitedly. Finally, we played games together. All of us felt so happy.

By doing the volunteer work, I not only gained happiness, but also became more confident. It made me experience that giving is receiving.

Nan vong đích kinh lịch cao trung anh ngữ tác văn thiên 2

One of my most unforgettable experiences occurred on a day last summer, when I was handing out newspapers from door to door.

Disappointed at my study results, I didn’t want to go to school any longer. I found a temporary job during my summer vacation. Because I was poor in knowledge, the manager only asked me to deliver newspapers from house to house.

At the beginning, I took it for granted that it would be a piece of cake. There would be no difficultly in finishing it. But to my surprise, when I went to people’s houses, they looked me up and down. I could feel that they looked down upon me. I was badly hurt. Though I was discouraged, I came to another house. A black dog jumped out suddenly. I was frightened and screamed with fear. But no one came to help me. At that time, I came to realize that delivering newspapers was more difficult than reading in the classroom. I wanted to give up, but I couldn’t.

I tried my best to do the job better. Although I was very tired, I made it finally.

From this unforgettable experience, I have learnt that if we put our heart into it, nothing is difficult and nothing is impossible.

Now, I am sitting in the classroom, happy, confident, and hard-working. As long as I don’t lose heart and work harder and harder, I will make much progress.

Nan vong đích kinh lịch cao trung anh ngữ tác văn thiên 3

This summer holiday, I went to Dalian with my family. We got there by air. Dalian is a very beautiful and modern city. On the bus, we could see all kinds of buildings which were great.

In the morning, we got to the hotel where we lived. After breakfast, we began to our travel. First we took the bus to the Sea Park. There are so many different kinds of fishes that I couldn’t believe my eyes. We also saw the show of dolphins. Then we had lunch in a restaurant. The seafood which was very famous in China was delicious.

After lunch we went swimming. The sea was blue and beach was golden. We all enjoyed ourselves in the sea. Finally we went back the hotel where we lived. We had a happy day.

In this trip, we also went to some places which were interesting and famous in Dalian, went shopping and so on.

Several days later, we left Dalian. On our way home, we were very happy. This was the reason why we didn’t feel tired. In all, we had a good holiday.

Nan vong kinh lịch đích anh ngữ ( 17 )

As a lyric goes: “You’ll be old if you don’t pursue something you like insanely.” I didn’t pay much heed on it the first time I saw this lyric. But you’ll never realize the profound meaning until you put it into practice.

Not long ago, I did a crazy, at least as far as I can see, thing. Well, you can guess it. I went to see a vocal concert of my favorite super star---Yan Yalun, who comes from Chinese Taiwan province. Although it happened two months ago, the stirring scene still excited me a lot every time I recollected it.

On January 9, 20xx, Yalun held a concert at the centre of Kaide Square in Wuhan. I arrived there alone at about 11:20am. Cause the concert would begin at 5:00pm, I had to wait for nearly six hours. But it seemed that every fan who had arrived there gave a cold shoulder to the waiting time, the half of the square had already been occupied by Yalun’s fans. They were taking pictures of the advertisements about Yalun’s concert, buying album and making new friends with each other. About one century passed by, it was the wonder time next. With the thunderous applause breaking out, Yan Yalun presented at the stage. I burst into tears instantly I saw him. Then it was the official procession. He described what the new album tried to tell us and answered some questions asked by the host. Later, it was the key link and also the point why I eagered to come here so much---Yan Yalun’s autograph on my new album. It meant that I could shake hands with him, I had never imagined it. It was my turn to get the autograph. He firstly received my letter written to him by me and shaked my hands. Then, you could never guess it, he touched my head softly! At that moment, I could hear nothing and my brains were all blank so that I even didn’t know how I came back.

To be honest, the excited feeling is out of the expression by words. Only have you walked into the scene can you tell the magic feel. Believe it or not, the idols can give fans power. So, guys, Just do a crazy thing under the cover of your blossom age!