英语作文 I(必备20篇)
2024-10-09 03:23:24

英语作文 I(1)

prices determine how resources are to be used。 they are also the means by which products and services that are in limited supply are rationed among buyers。 the price system of the united states is a comple network composed of the prices of all the products bought and sold in the economy as well as those of a myriad of services, including labor, professional, transportation, and public-utility services。 the interrelationships of all these prices make up the system of prices。 the price of any particular product or service is linked to a broad, complicated system of prices in which everything seems to depend more or less upon everything else。

if one were to ask a group of randomly selected individuals to define price, many would reply that price is an amount of money paid by the buyer to the seller of a product or service or, in other words that price is the money values of a product or service as agreed upon in a market transaction。 this definition is, of course, valid as far as it goes。 for a complete understanding of a price in any particular transaction, much more than the amount of money involved must be known。 both the buyer and the seller should be familiar with not only the money amount, but with the amount and quality of the product or service to be echanged, the time and place at which the echange will take place and payment will be made, the form of money to be used, the credit terms and discounts that apply to the transaction, guarantees on the product or service, delivery terms, return privileges, and other factors。 in other words, both buyer and seller should be fully aware of all the factors that comprise the total package being echanged for the asked-for amount of money in order that they may evaluate a given price。

英语作文 I(2)

My hobby is watching TV. It becomes an important part of my life. I spend two hours a day watching TV. When lying on the sofa and clicking the remote control, I feel quite relaxed.

I began to watch TV in my childhood, and soon I got addicted to it. Because I could keep balance between my hobby and my schoolwork, my parents didn’t insist that I turn off the TV. My favorite channel is Discovery and my favorite show is about history. I have learned many things from these TV programs , and they even become interests that I can share with my friends. When I feel upset, watching a variety of shows can console my sadness.

I will keep watching TV and learning things from it. TV is not only a tool to make my life colorful, but also a friend to accompany me by my side.

英语作文 I(3)







Tian’anmenSquare LocatedatthecenterofBeijingCity,Tian’anmenSquareisthelargestsquareintheworld.Itcoversanareaof44hectares,bigenoughtoholdonemillionpeople.Fromthenorthtothesouth,itmeasuressome880meters,and500metersfromtheeasttothewest. InthecenterstandstheMonumenttothePeople’sHeroes.OntheeastistheMuseumofChineseRevolutionandChineseHistoryandonthewesttheGreatHallofthePeople.TheQianmenGateandChairmanMaoMemorialHallsitinthesouth,withTian’anmenTowerinthenorth.








Tian’anmenSquare LocatedatthecenterofBeijingCity,Tian’anmenSquareisthelargestsquareintheworld.Itcoversanareaof44hectares,bigenoughtoholdonemillionpeople.Fromthenorthtothesouth,itmeasuressome880meters,and500metersfromtheeasttothewest. InthecenterstandstheMonumenttothePeople’sHeroes.OntheeastistheMuseumofChineseRevolutionandChineseHistoryandonthewesttheGreatHallofthePeople.TheQianmenGateandChairmanMaoMemorialHallsitinthesouth,withTian’anmenTowerinthenorth.









Tian’anmenSquare LocatedatthecenterofBeijingCity,Tian’anmenSquareisthelargestsquareintheworld.Itcoversanareaof44hectares,bigenoughtoholdonemillionpeople.Fromthenorthtothesouth,itmeasuressome880meters,and500metersfromtheeasttothewest. InthecenterstandstheMonumenttothePeople’sHeroes.OntheeastistheMuseumofChineseRevolutionandChineseHistoryandonthewesttheGreatHallofthePeople.TheQianmenGateandChairmanMaoMemorialHallsitinthesouth,withTian’anmenTowerinthenorth.


英语作文 I(4)

Annual Cycles of the Traffic Accident of a City

Traffic accidents are one of the most serious problems in modern cities. Many people have lost their lives every year.

The two graphs show the comparison of traffic accident cycles in a city for the past two years (20xx and 20xx). In each graph, the arrow indicates the annual average point for each traffic accident. The chart for 20xx tells us that most traffic accidents happened in December, while early spring(March) has a relatively higher percent. Traffic accidents decrease from April to October, and July has the lowest percentage of traffic accidents for 20xx.

In 20xx, the low points lasted for five months, from May,to September. The yearly peak of accidents was in February.In comparison with that in 20xx, the percentage of peak points decreased by 30%. The variation between monthly traffic accident percentages is much less than that of 20xx.

英语作文 I(5)

Today is a good day! Get up in the morning, I made breakfast for myself -- I most familiar egg fried rice!

First of all, I to the pot of oil, a few minutes later, I began to fry eggs, I lay 2 eggs, fried up seriously, so it is familiar with, and I put the meal fell, egg fried rice is ready.

Ah, do their own breakfast, really fragrant ah!




英语作文 I(6)

Dear Mr. Henry,

I’m Li Hua, aChinesestudent of yours.I’m writing to invite you to join me in visiting a paper-cutting exhibition, where you can have a close look at traditional chinese culture as you wish.

The exhibition will be held from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. nextFriday in Renmin Park, which is just two blocks away from our school.We can get there by taking Bus Line 101 or Subway Line 2.As is advertised, there will be all sorts of paper-cutting peculiar to China shown on the exhibition, and whoeverpresentswill be given a work of paper-cutting asa gift.For someone sofond ofChineseculture like you, it is absolutely a greatopportunityyou can’t miss.

Look forward to your early reply.










英语作文 I(7)

Olympic Games in Beijing

What a Great Olympic Games!

The 29th Olympic Games has been over in Beijing,China on August 24,20xx,which has left a great impression on the whole world. About 204 countries and regions attended the Olympic Games. In the Games,our Chinese athletes have won 51 gold medals,while America,36;Russia,23. This is the first time that we,Chinese athletes have won so many gold medals in one Olympic Games,which means our sports games belong to the first class in the world!

It is our athletes' intelligence and other qualities that have won the great honor for us Chinese all!Days when we were looked down upon have gone forever!From the very Games, we have proved that our government has the ability to hold the Olympic Games successfully!Not only can we hold the Olympic Games well,but also we can perform well. The fact has showed everything to the world!It is the successful 29th Olympic Games that destroys the saying of those who doubted about it days ago!What a great, successful and impressive Olympic Games!

英语作文 I(8)

li ming is a student who has been living in shanghai since he was born. but his grandfather lives in taiwan, because he went to taiwan before shanghai was liberated. he is a merchant. for about half a century, li ming's family have no idea where he lives. they miss him very much.

fortunately, a letter from his grandfather reached them this october,which said that his grandfather would be back to shanghai on december 24th. li ming's parents were so excited about the news that they didn't sleep well for several nights. neither did li ming.

the day finally came. on december 24th, the family of li ming were on their way to the airport. when they met at last, they gave grandfather a big hug, tears in their eyes. they got together. what a happy family!

li ming is one of my classmates. he has been living in shanghai for fifteen years.

li ming's grandfather is a merchant and he has been living in taiwan since liberation of shanghai. they haven't heard from him for fifty years.

this october a letter from his grandfather came to them. they learnt from the letter that li ming's grandfather is still alive now. and he would be back to shanghai on december 24th. at the moment that they received the letter, li ming's father could not help crying. how time flies! half a century

has passed since li ming's grandfather left the mainland. li ming's family were so excited that they could not sleep well for several days. neither could li ming.

the exciting day finally came. on december 24th, they were on their way to the shanghai airport. half an hour later, they met the old man whom they miss all the time.

英语作文 I(9)

Reading Comprehension

Time: 55 minutes (including the reading of the directions). Now set your clock for 55 minutes.

Questions 1-9

In science, a theory is a reasonable explanation of observed evnets that are related.

A theory often involves an imaginary model that helps scientists picture the way an

obseved event could could be produced. A good example of this is found in the kinetic

molecular theory, in which gases are pictured as being made up of many small particles

that are in constant motion.

A useful theoty, in addition to explaining past observations, helps to predict events

that have not as yet been ovserved. After a theory has been publized, scientists design

experiments to test the theory. If observations confirm the scientists predictions, the

theory is supported. If observations do not confirm the predictions, the scientists must

search further. There may be a fault in the experiment, or the theory may have to be

revised or rejected.

Science involves imagination and creative thinking as well as collecting information

and performing experiments. Facts by thenselves are not science. As the mathematician

Jules Henri Poincare said: "Science is built with facts just as a house is built with

bricks, But a collection of facts cannot be called science any more than a pile of bricks

can be called a house."

Most scientists start an investigation by finding out what other scientists have

learned avout a particular problem. After kmown facts have been gathered, the scientist

comes to the part of the investigation that requires considerable imagination. Possible

solutions to the problem are formulated. these possible solutions are called hypotheses.

In a way, any hypothesis is a leap into the unknown. It extents the scientist s

thinking beyond the known facts. The scientist plans experiments, perform

英语作文 I(10)

Having a Picnic

This Saturday,my dad took us to the park.We had a picnic in the park.We found a big tree there.We opened the picnic cloth under the tree and put all the food on it.Then,we ate food and talked to each other happily.After that,My dad and I flew the kite while mom sat under the tree to have a rest.

We had a good time in the park.



达个周六,爸爸带我们去了公园 我们在公园里野炊。 我们在那儿找到了一棵大树。 我们在树下打开野餐布 并把所有的食物放在了上面。然后我们吃着食物、开心地聊着天。后来当妈妈坐在树下休息时.爸爸和我放了风筝。


英语作文 I(11)

One day, I went to the forest with my dragon and little dolphin.

“Look,” said the little dolphin. “there’s a fairy over there!”. I saw her. So I rushed to the fairy and said: “Can you take me my dragon and my, little dolphin to the fairy world?”

“OK.” She said. So she gave us some magic. Suddenly, I turned into a beautiful fairy, holding a magic pen.

“I can fly!” Shouted my little dolphin.

“I have a bag, It’s very very big, there’s twenty geese in it!” Said my dragon, with a big big smile

We saw big and small plant with smiles. then I saw the flower mushroom in the Orchid valley. It said hello to me, I was still so happy. The fairy took us to an extremely beautiful bedroom. The bed was made from gold. The piano, chairs and table were made from gold. Wow! Everything was made from gold and silver. That was the most beautiful bedroom in the world!

英语作文 I(12)

Ⅰ The Changing English and The New Words

Living is the characteristic of language. Language is not like the fixed things in our life. It is always changing and developing. All the languages will change and develop after some time, and the causes for the change cannot be completely understood. Or more accurately speaking, in fact language is one of the forms of people’s activities. Every generation will have their differences on using language from their last generation. Language is somewhat like fashionable dress. The fashionable dress of one generation will become the common clothes of next generation. Even in one generation, the word, pronunciation and grammar will have obvious changes.

英语作文 I(13)

If I find a dog, I will take it to its owner. Because the owner must be worried about the dog. When I was a child, I had a dog named “Bingo”。 I loved it so much, and I always protect it from getting hurt. But one day my heart was broke. On that day, I was walking them as usual. When suddenly, the lish broke, then he ran away, and never came back. So if I find a dog, I will try me best to find its owner.

If I find dog, and can’t find its owner, I will take it to the police station. Police can help people to find missing things. I can still remember, when I lost my first bike. I felt like it was the end of the world and cried all the way home. My mother comforted me first, and took me to the police station. The police officer was kind and gentle. Surprisingly, the police office found my bike a week later. So if I find a dog, and can not find it’s owner by myself, I will take it to the police station.

If I find a dog, and I like it, maybe, just maybe, I will bring it home. I really love dogs, and I always dreamed about having anothe dog, since Bingso was lost. I will treat it as well as I treated Bingo. I will work it everyday, and make sure the lish is good enough. May be I will treat it better than Bingo. So next time if the lish break again, he will come back to me. If I find a dog I like, I will make it the happiest dog in the world.

英语作文 I(14)





英语作文 I(15)

Mother's love is warm like spring, my mother's love is like the sea. In the Mother 's Day will come to the occasion, I would like to praise my heart good mother.

My mother is an ordinary housewife, for me, she gave up doing many years of work, at home to take care of housework and take care of me. One day, my mother suffered from a bad cold, high fever up to 39 degrees, just my father and travel, no school home from school on the road, I thought today must eat instant noodles, but home, the table has been placed, Of the food, to see my mother's black hair I do not know when there is a few hair white hair, that pale and no longer beautiful face has also climbed small wrinkles, ups and downs to make her white and delicate hands become rough. My eyes are moist, I said to my mother: "You rest! After eating me to wash the bowl." Mom happy nodded, boast I was really a good boy. That day, I washed the bowl for the first time. Mom is so gentle to me that she always gives me the courage when I am in trouble. And once, has always been a good math, in the math test only scored 77 points, his mood is also very heavy, home, my mother did not blame me, just let me find out the reasons, encourage me, let My mood has gradually calmed down. Mother, you know? That time let me love you more. Mother's love is never finished, it is like the wind in the spring, the umbrella in the rain, the fire on the iceberg, always warm me. Is like the mouth of the mouth of the first "wandering Yin" the same: "Who made her husband heart, reported three Chunhui!" Like the district like a small grass filial piety, how can repay the mother that broad selfless love? Now can only repay one hundred one by one, because you see that red one hundred points, always showing a happy smile.

Mom, you will always be my mother in my heart. I want to say to you by sorrow: "I love you forever!"

英语作文 I(16)

On Disasters

An old saying goes: Life is full of roses and thorns. As we all know, one’s life is full of unexpected events, some of which are wonderful and some of which are disastrous. Those heavy blows, such as, floods, snowstorms, and earthquakes, threaten to weigh one down.

However、it’s even worse if one can’t drag himself out of the grief in that mental break-down is more serious than the disaster itself. Instead of indulging oneself in sadness, one should take positive attitude towards life and contribute to the reconstruction of his or her life and hometown.

As for me, if I am lucky enough to survive in a disaster, I will try my best to help those who are suffering by donation blood or money. If I am a victim, I will endeavor to recover from the sadness as soon as possible and be certain to be strong and supportive to the recovery work. (154 words)

英语作文 I(17)

net week is the chinese new year. my cousin is coming to visit my family. net monday my cousin and i are going shopping in the city mall. we are going to eat kfc for lunch. we are going to be very happy. net tuesday my cousin and i are going to play chess and play computer games at home. net wednesday my cousin is going home. it’s going to be a happy week. i am ecited!

英语作文 I(18)

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am a Chinese student who wishes to apply for admission into your prestigious university. My plan is to start my course next term, and I would be grateful if you would be kind enough to provide me with certain essential information.

First, what qualifications do I need to follow a course of study at your university? I already have a bachelors degree from Beijing University, but I wonder if there are any further academic requirements. Second, how much are the tuition fees? Although I intend to be self-supporting, I would be interested to hear if there are any scholarships available for international students. Third, what is the situation regarding accommodation?

I look forward to your reply, and to attending your esteemed institution.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming

英语作文 I(19)








我们的英语老师长的中等个,一头乌黑色的烫发,平常最爱穿黑色的衣服。老师进了我们班教室,就开始讲课,讲的是M1~M10的综合测试。英语老师在上课的时候,经常喜欢提问,我们这些所谓的“差”生。第一个提问的是我们班的倒数第三,老师问他:你最喜欢的食物是什么?他回答道“my fourite foo dispanda。(我最喜欢的食物是熊猫)哈哈哈哈,全班爆发出雷一般的笑声。之后老师又问了我前面的一个同学:你最喜欢的动物是什么?他说最喜欢woif(狼)老师问为什么?他说因为喜欢吃肉!哈哈哈哈,全班又爆发出雷一般的笑声。最后问我我说我喜欢tige老师问为啥,我说因为喜欢tige eat woif。哈哈哈哈,全班再次爆发出雷一般的笑声。其实是因为我烦我前面的同学!



英语作文 I(20)




