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Chinese grads' offbeat jobs (10)

(People's Daily Online) 08:39, July 03, 2013

Yuan Zhengxun carries furniture in a residential community of Changsha on Aug. 30, 2009. Yuan worked for a movement company. He earned 1,500 yuan per month, and lived with other workers in a humble room.  (Photo/CFP)

Edited and translated by Wang Xin, People's Daily Online.

The new season of graduation has come now. According to the report recently released by Ministry of Education, nearly 7 million college students graduated in 2013, 190,000 more than 2012, hitting new record high.

To study in university has become a common thing. The students are facing the problem of finding a proper job after graduation.

There is a gap between reality and expectation. Some want to have an office job with a good pay, but it is not easy. Some students take controversial jobs but they enjoy it.

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( Editor: WangXin, Chen Lidan )


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