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S. Korean president extends condolences to Chinese counterpart over plane crash


08:20, July 09, 2013

BEIJING, July 8 (Xinhua) -- South Korean President Park Geun-hye sent a message of condolences on Monday to her Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping, over a South Korean plane crash that killed two Chinese schoolgirls.

Park said she was shocked to learn that Chinese nationals were among the casualties and she felt deep sorrow for the victims of the crash in San Francisco.

"I would like to extend my condolences to you and through you, to the Chinese people, especially the families of those killed or injured in the accident," she said.

Park pledged that her government would do whatever is necessary to help find the causes of the crash as early as possible and properly handle the aftermath.

A total of 141 Chinese were among the 291 passengers aboard the ill-fated flight of the Asiana Airlines. The Boeing-777 broke off its tail and burst into flames after it veered off the runway upon landing at San Francisco International Airport on Saturday morning.

Two female middle school students from China's eastern province of Zhejiang were confirmed to have died in the accident. Over 180 passengers were hospitalized.

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