Special Reports

Center for Carbon Neutrality Strategy

Mar 31, 2022

Targets and positioning

The Institutes of Science and Development (CASISD) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences is a research organization supporting the Academic Divisions of CAS (CASAD) to play its role as China’s highest advisory body in science and technology, and a comprehensive integration platform for CAS to build a high-level national S&T think tank.

To meet major national strategic needs of carbon neutrality, Center for Carbon Neutrality Strategy (CASISDCCNS) carries out comprehensive, strategic, foresighted and applicable policy research that aims at to develop carbon dioxide peaking and carbon neutrality theories and methodologies with Chinese characteristics, to support national strategic decision making of carbon dioxide peaking and carbon neutrality and reform of international climate governance system, to accelerate green and low-carbon transition and technical innovation of the entire society, to support decision making of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and relevant government departments, to form a distinct carbon neutrality strategic research force.

Main tasks

(1)Research on strategic approaches for carbon dioxide peaking and carbon neutrality

To fulfill the significant needs of the country and future competition, in the view of the new pattern of transition and carbon neutrality, CASISDCCNS conducts comprehensive assessment and evaluation by the use of multidisciplinary advantages to discover time table, pathway and prioritization for national whole green and low-carbon transition towards carbon neutrality, and to provide carbon neutrality oriented systematic solutions and long-term strategic support.

(2)Research on carbon dioxide peaking and carbon neutrality institutions and policies

CASISDCCNS researches on exploring fundamental institutions of climate governance with Chinese characteristics, discovering multi-agent governance modes and management mechanisms, integrating designing and effective evaluation for multiple policy system, including legislation, taxation, investment and financing, standard system, and developing policy innovation system under institutional guidance.

(3)Research on technical innovation in carbon dioxide peaking and carbon neutrality

CASISDCCNS explores technology roadmaps for carbon neutrality and climate change adaptation in key sectors and industries. Taking low-carbon, zero-carbon and negative carbon technology research and development as key areas, CASISDCCNS studies critical intellectual property protection mechanisms for carbon-neutral technologies and carbon neutrality oriented scientific and technological innovation system development.

(4)Research on carbon dioxide peaking and carbon neutrality pilot test

CASISDCCNSconducts on pilot demonstration studies on carbon neutrality in typical regions, provinces and cities, industries, parks, and enterprises, designing comprehensive solutions for low-carbon and zero-carbon energy, technology, capital, policies and so on, to form typical examples of technologies and policy systems that achieve carbon dioxide peaking and carbon neutrality, and summarize propagable and replicable experiences.

(5)Research on international climate governance

CASISDCCNS researches on global carbon neutrality evaluation and trends prediction and strengthening international and area studies. Through platforms developed for dialogue and international cooperation among experts on climate strategy and policy, CASISDCCNS conducts in-depth research on agendas among global carbon pricing, carbon neutrality cooperation in Belt and Road Initiative, green value chain of commodities, international climate negotiations to provide Chinese leading and participating global climate governance solutions and strategies.

(6)Research on theories, methodologies and data platform for carbon dioxide peaking and carbon neutrality

CASISDCCNS studies low-carbon transition rules and trends of various agents, exploring carbon dioxide peaking and carbon neutrality strategic research theory and methodology system with Chinese characteristics, developing comprehensive evaluation models for climate policy, strengthening robustness and synergy in climate decision-making, building carbon neutrality oriented big data platform and strategic decision-making support system, to provide theories, methodologies and data support for carbon neutrality decision-making.



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