1、给你这么多例子 每隔一个空格是一段My Plan for the FutureHomeMy mother once said, “Find what you love to do, and then find a way to make money doing it.” I do believe I have found that something. For the last seven years, there has been no question of what I want to be when I grow up- “Famous.” I have been performing musical numbers since I began playing the violin at the age of four. When I was in elementary school I added private piano lessons, Mesa State College youth orchestra, and youth Music Theater to my performance pursuits. In middle school I played clarinet and drums in the school band, joined a bluegrass group, and entered fiddling and piano competitions. My instrumental music was ultimately edged out, however, after I started private voice lessons and high school choir. By the end of my freshman year, I knew Music Theater was my true love. Although it is a time consuming activity, I find I am the happiest when there is at least one musical production in the works. I enjoy the entire process from the auditions to the final curtain call; therefore, my primary goal over the course of my existence is to be on stage as much as possible, in more challenging roles and productions.Although I have been active in a variety of school activities and programs, Music Theater has been my life. I have been in thirteen professional productions, three high school productions, and ten youth productions, to date, totaling over 250 performances! During the last seventeen months, I have been in ten shows back to back. Rarely has there been a week when I was not performing, rehearsing, or both simultaneously.
答:乙肝的传播途径中其中一条就是为性传播. 性生活过多过频,有可能传播给另一伴的几率会比平常人大一点.对于自身的话,不会转变成大三阳或者肝硬化.详情>>
答:预防痛风饮食 1.戒吃高嘌呤的食物 动物内脏(肝、肠、肾、脑)、海产(鲍鱼、蟹、龙虾、叁文鱼、沙甸鱼、吞拿鱼、鲤鱼、鲈鱼、鳟鱼、鳕鱼)、贝壳食物、肉类(牛、羊、...详情>>