
  • 兰州大学经济学院
  • 兰州大学经济学院
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Basic information

basic information
basic information
The history of School of Economics of Lanzhou University can be traced back to the Gansu Academy in the 1930s. It firstly enrolled bank accounting specialization classes, in August 1939. and set up the Banking Accounting Specialization Section in July 1940. It set the Department of Political Economics and Banking Accounting in June 1941......



  • Economics (including basic economic theory)
    Economics as a specialty was originated in the Department of Political Economics in June 1941. In 2001, in order to adapt to the needs of discipline development and personnel training under the new situation,an undergraduate training base for basic economic scientific research and teaching personnel was established······
  • Finance
    The finance specialty originated from the bank accounting subject established in August 1939. In June 1941, a bank accounting department was set up to systematically train senior management personnel for the financial sector. In 2008, the school established a major in finance and began enrolling undergraduates on a large scale......
  • International Economy and Trade
    The International Economy and Trade Program was established in 1985, aiming at to producing graduates with an overall development, to meet the needs of economic globalization and regional integration after China’s entrance into the WTO. The students should be able to analyze essentialproblems with international economy and trade and familiarize......
  • Financial Engineering
    The financial engineering major was established in 2017 to endow students with solid theoretical knowledge and excellent professional skills, so that they could, later, pursue postgraduate degrees at universities, research institutes inside or outside of China......

Add: Tianshui South Road, Lanzhou, Gansu,730000 Tel: 0931-8912624 Fax: 0931-8912467

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