All-China Federation of Trade Unions

From Wiki China org cn
Emblem of All-China Federation of Trade Unions

It was established on May 1, 1925. Its major functions are to safeguard the lawful rights and interests of workers and their democratic rights; mobilize and organize workers to take part in the management of the state and social affairs; take part in the democratic management of enterprises, institutions andgovernmentorgans; educate workers to raise theirideologicalqualifications and science and cultural attainment; and help build up contingents ofworkerswith lofty ideals, high morals,culturalattainment and discipline. It consists of a general affairs office, policy research office, organizational department, publicity, education, culture and sports department, economic work department, social security work department,financedepartment, grassroots work department, legal work department, women workers department, and international liaison department.