China Democratic National Construction Association

From Wiki China org cn

China Democratic Nationfal Construction Association ( trung quốc dân chủ kiến quốc hội )

OnDecember 16,1945,theChina Democratic National Construction Association(CDNCA) was established in the city ofChongqing.Its members mainly consisted of patriotic industrialists, businessmen and intellectuals who had ties with industrial and commercial circles. Its founders wereHuang Yanpei,Hu Juewen,Zhang Naiqi,and Shi Fuliang.

The CDNCA took an active part in the struggle for the new democratic revolution. The CDNCA supported political and economic democracy, people's rights, economic development and the interests of patriotic businessmen.

After the founding of new China, the CDNCA accepted the leadership of theCommunist Party of Chinaand played an important role in consolidating the people's democratic dictatorship, promoting economic recovery and development. During the transformation from new democracy to socialism, it cooperated with the state in the socialist transformation of industry and commerce.

The CDNCA has branches in all provinces, autonomous regions and major cities, apart from Tibet and Taiwan. Most of its 110,000 members are representative figures in the economic field. Its chairman isChen Changzhi( trần xương trí ).