Ministry of Land and Resources

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Ministry of Land and Resources

TheMinistry of Land and Resources(Quốc thổ tư nguyên sản bộ) is an organ of theState Councilin charge of the investigation, planning, management, protection and rational utilization of such naturalresourcesas land, mineral reserves and marine resources with such responsibilities as to draft relatedlawsor formulate related regulations, promulgate regulations on the management of natural resources such as land, minerals and marine resources, study and formulate policies on the management, protection and rational utilization of natural resources, formulate the technical standards, regulations, specifications and methods for the management of such resources, compile and implement overall national plans and other special plans for the use of land; supervise the land resource administrative departments at various levels in enforcing laws and the execution of plans on land, mineral and marine resources; protect the lawful rights and interests of the owners and users of land, mineral and marine resources in accordance with law, undertake the mediation and decision over major disputes of rights, and deal with serious law-breaking cases. It also manages theState Oceanic AdministrationandState Bureau of Mapping and Surveying.

The ministry operates 14 departments: the general affairs office, policy and regulation department, planning department, finance department, arable land protection department, land registration department, land use department, mineral development department, mineral reserve department, geological environment department, geological survey department, law-enforcement and supervision department, international cooperation and science and technology department, personnel and education department.