51CTO introduction

51CTO (Beijing 51CTO Information Technology Ltd.), founded in 2005, taking serving the career growth of 100 million digital intellects as its own responsibility, is a well-known digital talent learning platform and technical community in China, and fully recognized by market with its large scale, multi-user, and all technical categories. 51CTO has a strong impact and service capacity on tens of millions of digital intellects in China, and has received strong support from front-line investors such as Trustbridge Partners and Gaocheng Capital in the development process.

51CTO is a well-known technology community with a history of 18 years. Through synthetic product service systems such as technology community, technology blog and multi-channel network 20 million IT technicians, 500000 technology bloggers and chief technology officers of hundreds of IT companies As a strategic partner of Huawei Harmony operating system, 51CTO and Huawei's Huawei Harmony have jointly established a Harmony technology community to fully serve the Harmony developer ecosystem. World of Tech sponsored by 51CTO is a well-known industry event for Chinese IT technicians, attracting thousands of top technicians for on-site communication each year.

51CTO is an important participant in the publishing of IT technology books in China. The number of IT technology books which are jointly issued by various publishers and 51CTO has reached more than 3 million.

After more than ten years of resource accumulation and continuous reformation, an online education platform for digital talents with a large number and high quality has established- 51CTO School. The platform cooperated with More than 4500 lecturers, including more than 28000 online courses, fully covered vocational education fields such as employment training, in-service learning and attestation examination, and has cultivated more than 8 million digital intellects Till now, more than 1800 colleges and universities throughout the country have introduced the curriculum resources and teaching system of 51CTO School to help students learn and grasp the latest digital skills.

51CTO Vocational School of Enterprise is an educational service platform produced by 51CTO for enterprises. As a domestic digital intellect comprehensive training and innovation service institution trusted by leading enterprises in different industries, 51CTO Vocational School of Enterprise aims at the systematic development of enterprise digital intellect team, digital intellect standards, construction of digital intellect evaluation and certification system, digital resource building, customized talent training and other needs, through digital talent consulting services, online and offline training services, AI intelligent evaluation services digital curriculum resource services and other products and service models provide enterprises with integrated solutions for digital talent development. More than 1/3 of China's top 100 enterprises have reached talent training cooperation with 51CTO Vocational School of Enterprise, involving the Internet, telecommunications finance, energy, manufacturing, real estate, education, medical care, government, etc.

51CTO's high educational ability and good reputation have also been recognized and approved by the government and the industry. So far, 51CTO is a national top 100 information consumption demonstration unit and the first batch of institutions undertaking the task of intellects development and capacity improvement in key fields of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the first batch of cooperative units of the Ministry of Education's "24365 Campus Recruitment Service" were selected as the first batch of high-tech industrial skills in Beijing.

51CTO is a training partner authorized by Huawei, the first online training partner of Oracle in China, also an authorized training partner of the Conference on International Exchange of Professionals, Project Management Institute, Red Hat Linux, Ali Cloud and the Information Technology Infrastructure Library.

Our Websites

It owns:

High quality professional technology community in Chinese IT and Internet profession 51CTO
Renowned IT technology E-learning platform in China: EDU.51CTO
China Industry Informatization building Platform: CIOAGE
A professional media platform focusing on digital treatment in China HC3i.cn
Upscale technology summit platform: WOT.51CTO
High end cultivating platform for technical manager chief technology officers training camp: x.51cto.

Contact Us

Beijing 51CTO Information Technology Ltd

Address:6-7th floor ECO Zhongke Aike, A-No.1, Zhongguancun South 1st Alley, Haidian District, Beijing, P.R.C.(100190)
Tel:(8610) 68476636/6606/9356/9336
Fax:(8610) 68476606-8818