Cocktail Party ca từ

Cocktail Party
Aren’t you being premature?
Isn’t it a bit too soon?
I used to have to suffer, the ravings of a fool
Am I being immature?
But, making noise is what I do
Why do I have to suffer? The rantings of a fool
I need to dream, the dreams, that lead to the future
Instead of these nightmares, starring you
You little upstart, you better not
Come around asking for money
This ain’t no freak show, or don’t you know
It’s just a cocktail party.
You mean old bastard, you’re such a jerk
I wouldn’t ask you for nothing
This ain’t no peep show, Well whada you know
It’s just a cocktail party
It’s just a cocktail party
Am I being insecure? But, Dr.B says I’m cool
All you’ve got to offer, are ramblings of a fool
Time to start my overture, something so brand new
I’m just sick and tired, of listening to you
I used to have, these weird, peculiar nightmares
I used to have nightmares, starring you
You little upstart, you better not
Come around asking for money
This ain’t no freak show, or don’t you know
It’s just a cocktail party.
You mean old bastard, you’re such a jerk
I wouldn’t ask you for nothing
This ain’t no peep show, Well whada you know
It’s just a cocktail party
You little upstart, you better not
Come around asking for money
This ain’t no freak show, or don’t you know
It’s just a cocktail party.
You mean old bastard, you’re such a jerk
I wouldn’t ask you for nothing
This ain’t no peep show, Well whada you know
It’s just a cocktail party
I need to dream, the dreams, that lead to the future
Instead of these nightmares, starring you
You little upstart, you better not
Come around asking for money
This ain’t no freak show, or don’t you know
It’s just a cocktail party.
You mean old bastard, you’re such a jerk
I wouldn’t ask you for nothing
This ain’t no peep show, Well whada you know
It’s just a cocktail party
You little upstart, you better not
Come around asking for money
This ain’t no freak show, or don’t you know
It’s just a cocktail party.
You mean old bastard, you’re such a jerk
I wouldn’t ask you for nothing
This ain’t no peep show, Well whada you know
It’s just a cocktail party
Nam ca thủ LRC ca từ khố chế tác

Cocktail PartyLRC ca từ

[ti:Cocktail Party]
[ar: Hoàng đại vĩ ]
[al: Thu thiên 1944]
[00:01]Cocktail Party
[00:56]Aren’t you being premature?
[01:02]Isn’t it a bit too soon?
[01:07]I used to have to suffer, the ravings of a fool
[01:18]Am I being immature?
[01:23]But, making noise is what I do
[01:28]Why do I have to suffer? The rantings of a fool
[04:17][01:38]I need to dream, the dreams, that lead to the future
[04:28][01:49]Instead of these nightmares, starring you
[05:18][04:57][03:45][03:24][01:54]You little upstart, you better not
[05:22][05:01][03:48][03:28][01:58]Come around asking for money
[05:24][05:03][03:51][03:30][02:00]This ain’t no freak show, or don’t you know
[05:27][05:06][03:54][03:33][02:03]It’s just a cocktail party.
[05:29][05:08][03:56][03:36][02:05]You mean old bastard, you’re such a jerk
[05:32][05:11][03:59][03:39][02:08]I wouldn’t ask you for nothing
[05:34][05:14][04:01][03:41][02:10]This ain’t no peep show, Well whada you know
[05:37][05:16][04:05][03:44][02:20][02:14]It’s just a cocktail party
[02:27]Am I being insecure? But, Dr.B says I’m cool
[02:37]All you’ve got to offer, are ramblings of a fool
[02:48]Time to start my overture, something so brand new
[02:58]I’m just sick and tired, of listening to you
[03:08]I used to have, these weird, peculiar nightmares
[03:19]I used to have nightmares, starring you
[05:50] nam ca thủ LRC ca từ khố chế tác
Ngu nhạc đề cung

Cocktail Party ca từ, Cocktail PartyLRC ca từ

Ca khúc danh:Cocktail PartyCa thủ:Hoàng đại vĩSở chúc chuyên tập:《 thu thiên 1944》

Tác từ: Tác khúc: Phát hành công tư: Tác ni âm nhạc ngu nhạc ( trung quốc ) phát hành thời gian: 2000-02-24

Ca khúc ID: 38176 phân loại: Ca khúc ngữ ngôn: Quốc ngữ đại tiểu: 2.73 MB thời trường: 05:57 miểu bỉ đặc suất: 64K bình phân: 0.2 phân

Giới thiệu: 《Cocktail Party》 thị hoàng đại vĩ diễn xướng đích ca khúc, thời trường 05 phân 57 miểu, do tác từ, tác khúc, cai ca khúc thu lục tại hoàng đại vĩ 2000 niên đích chuyên tập《 thu thiên 1944》Chi trung, như quả nâm giác đắc hảo thính đích thoại, tựu bả giá thủ ca phân hưởng cấp nâm đích bằng hữu cộng đồng linh thính, nhất khởi chi trì ca thủ hoàng đại vĩ ba!

◆ bổn hiệt thị ca khúc Cocktail Party ca khúc LRC ca từ hạ tái hiệt diện, như quả nâm tưởng hạ tái Cocktail Partymp3, na ma tựu điểm kíchCocktail PartyMp3 miễn phí hạ tái

◆ như quả nhĩ tưởng tại tuyến thí thính giá thủ ca khúc tựu điểm kíchCocktail Party tại tuyến thí thính

◆ như quả nhĩ tưởng liễu giải canh đa ca thủ hoàng đại vĩ đích tín tức tựu điểm kíchHoàng đại vĩ đích sở hữu ca khúcHoàng đại vĩ đích chuyên tậpHoàng đại vĩ đích tường tế tư liêuHoàng đại vĩ đích đồ phiến đại toàn

◆ Cocktail Party đích vĩnh cửu thí thính địa chỉ thị //, thỉnh tươngCửu khốc âm nhạc võng( ) cáo tố nâm đích 3 cá bằng hữu, cảm tạ nâm đối cửu khốc âm nhạc võng chi trì!

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