Bo Carter

Giản giới: by Jim ONealBo Carter (Armenter Bo Chatmon) had an unequaled capacity for creating sexual metaphors in his songs, specializing in such ribaCanh đa >

by Jim ONealBo Carter (Armenter Bo Chatmon) had an unequaled capacity for creating sexual metaphors in his songs, specializing in such ribald imagery as Banana in Your Fruit Basket, Pin in Your Cushion, and Your Biscuits Are Big Enough for Me. One of the most popular bluesmen of the 30s, he recorded enough material for several reissue albums, and he was quite an original guitar picker, or else three of those albums wouldnt have been released by Yazoo. (Carter employed a number of different keys and tunings on his records, most of which were solo vocal and guitar performances.) Carters facility extended beyond the risqué business to more serious blues themes, and he was also the first to record the standard Corrine Corrina (1928). Bo and his brothers Lonnie and Sam Chatmon also recorded as members of the Mississippi Sheiks with singer/guitarist Walter Vinson.

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