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Suo Gan

Nhi ca danh xưng: Suo Gan
Ca từ:
Sleep my dear one lovely babe, I will rock you now to sleep, As I hold you, dreams will fill
you, lovely babe go to sleep. Close your eyes now love surrounds you, little wonder little light.
Sleep my dear one lovely babe,
I will rock you now to sleep.
Sleep my darling, gentle baby, I will hold you dear to me. Night is falling stars are shining,
little one now close your eyes. Dream of angels all around thee, fields of flowers starry sky.
Sleep my darling, gentle baby,
I will keep you near to me.
Sleep my baby on my bosom, warm and cozy will it prove. Round thee mother’s arms are
folding in her heart a mother’s love. There shall no one come to harm thee, Naught shall ever
break thy rest. Sleep my darling babe in quiet, Sleep on mother’s gentle breast.
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