• 喜羊羊和灰太狼
  • 巧虎
  • 熊出没
  • 朵拉
  • 米老鼠和唐老鸭
  • 奥特曼
  • 智慧树
  • 猫和老鼠
  • 海绵宝宝
  • 蜘蛛侠
  • 哆啦A梦
  • 英蕊幼儿英语
  • 天线宝宝
  • 蓝猫
  • 三字经
  • 虹猫蓝兔
  • 小熊维尼
  • 芭比
  • 星际宝贝
  • 蜡笔小新
  • 白雪公主
  • 灰姑娘
  • 圣诞节
  • 新年儿歌

Tiểu học anh ngữ tân khóa trình -4 niên cấp -11

Danh xưng: Tiểu học anh ngữ tân khóa trình -4 niên cấp -11
Nội dung giản giới:
[00:00.00]Lesson 11 Go to your seat,please.
[00:20.04]Let's talk
[00:24.03]Tom:Excuse me.Miss Li:Yes?
[00:27.85]Tom:May I come in?Miss Li:Yes,please do.
[00:31.53]Tom:I'm sorry I'm late.
[00:34.14]Miss Li:Why are you late?
[00:36.83]Tom:I missed the bus this morning.
[00:40.23]Miss Li:I see.That's all right.Go to your seat and sit down,please.
[00:46.21]But be on time tomorrow.
[00:48.82]Tom:Yes,thank you.
[00:57.89]Tom:Excuse me.Miss Li:Yes?
[01:02.80]Tom:May I come in?
[01:07.08]Miss Li:Yes,please do.
[01:10.79]Tom:I'm sorry I'm late.
[01:14.40]Miss Li:Why are you late?
[01:19.10]Tom:I missed the bus this morning.
[01:23.70]Miss Li:I see.That's all right.Go to your seat and sit down,please.
[01:34.98]But be on time tomorrow.
[01:40.68]Tom:Yes,thank you.
[01:51.86]Let's learn
[01:55.85]Sit down,please.Don't stand up.Close the door.Don't close the window.
[02:03.74]Listen to me.Don't talk.Look at the blackboard.Don't look at your book.
[02:19.05]Let's sing
[02:23.65]Sing your way home
[02:29.13]Sing your way home at the close of the day.
[02:34.04]Sing your way home.Drive the shadows away.
[02:38.75]Smile every mile for wherever you go.
[02:43.03]It will brighten your road.It will lighten your load.If you sing your way home.
[02:49.33]Sing your way home at the close of the day.Sing your way home.
[03:07.01]Drive the shadows away.Smile every mile for wherever you go.
[03:15.60]It will brighten your road.It will lighten your load.If you sing your way home.
[03:25.40]Sing your way home at the close of the day.Sing your way home.
[03:33.68]Drive the shadows away.Smile every mile for wherever you go.
[03:42.35]It will brighten your road.It will lighten your load.If you sing your way home.
[04:55.55]Read for fun
[05:02.24]Ted in the park
[05:05.32]Today is a fine day.Ted plays in the park.
[05:10.91]He spits on the ground.
[05:14.10]Oh,it is very bad to spit on the ground.
[05:18.80]Keep off the grass!But Ted walks on the grass
[05:24.70]It is bad to do so.
[05:27.60]Don't letter!
[05:30.29]But Ten litters.
[05:33.69]A dog is asleep on the ground.
[05:37.58]Don't touch the dog!But Ted touches it.
[05:43.48]After that,the dog runs after him.
[05:49.47]He says "Help me!Help me!"
[05:56.88]He falls down now.He cries and cries.
[06:07.18]Let's read
[06:12.48]A a
[06:15.56]Mack often comes back.He has a black hat.
[06:26.14]He sits on a mat.Tam's in his hat.
[06:36.96]E e
[06:39.75]A:Thank you for your letter.
[06:42.44]B:Is your leg any better?
[06:44.95]A:My leg's getting better,yes.
[06:48.84]B:Well,I'm glad you're getting better.
[06:55.06]Words in each lesson
[07:01.20] thác quá (miss đích quá khứ thức )
[07:04.23] tọa vị
[07:06.87] thị
[07:08.02]on time
[07:09.61] chuẩn thời
[07:12.85] minh thiên
[07:15.85] công viên
[07:18.56] thổ đàm
[07:21.35] thảo
[07:22.80]Keep off the grass
[07:24.75] thỉnh vật tiễn đạp thảo địa!
[07:27.84] loạn đâu ( lạp ngập đẳng )
[07:30.48] thụy trứ đích
[07:33.28] xúc, mạc, bính
[07:35.73] tại... Chi hậu
[07:36.88]run after
[07:38.53] truy cản
[07:41.52] lạc hạ, điệt đảo
[07:44.16] hướng hạ
[07:47.40] khóc, hảm
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