
Further information on the characteristics of the Bertelsmann PPC can be obtained from the respective conditions of issue.

The respective conditions of issue are available for download in the sidebar.

Key Facts

Identification number (ISIN) DE0005229942 DE0005229900
Year of first issuance 2001 1992
PPC volume at par value1) 284 million Euro 17 million Euro
Latest price information Link Link
Highest price 2023 279,80 % 185.00 %
Lowest price 2023 221.00 % 125.00 %
Minimum par value 10 Euro 0.01 Euro
Term2) perpetual perpetual
Date of profit distribution for FY 2023 7 May 2024 7 May 2024
Percentage of profit distribution for FY 2023 (2022) 15.00 % (15.00 %)
of par value
6.01 % (5.18 %)
of par value
Stock Exchange Frankfurt Frankfurt

1) As of Dec 31, 2023, the repurchase price for PPC 1992 is 136.1% of par value, and for PPC 2001 136.9% of par value.
2) The PPCs may be terminated by holders only (see § 15 Conditions of issue of PPC).