Financial Aid & Fees

Postgraduate Studentship

(Applicable to government-funded students only)

The postgraduate studentship is granted on the basis of academic merit.

Eligible new full-time students will be considered for the Studentship award as part of their application for admission to a research degree programme. Separate applications are not required.

There are two different studentship rates, namely the Basic Rate and the Advance Rate. Basic Rate will normally apply to all eligible full‐time research students. Advance Rate will be awarded to those PhD students who have passed the QE.

The studentship is normally renewed on a yearly basis. Continuation and renewal of the award are subject to satisfactory study progress, achievement in coursework results and performance in any academic-related duties assigned. Individual Departments/Schools may stipulate additional requirements.

PhD students may be granted the studentship for a maximum of four years (irrespective of their entry qualifications), and the studentship award period should not exceed the students’ stipulated study period. In the 2024/25 academic year, the studentship Basic Rate isHK$18,700 per month (~US$2,397)and Advanced Rate isHK$19,200 per month (~US$2,462).Studentship is subject to revision in September of every year, and any revision to the rate will apply to both current and new students.

Studentship recipients are normally required to undertake not more than 10 hours per week on average of teaching and/or research support duties, as assigned by their respective Departments/Schools. They shall not engage in any paid employment without the prior approval of SGS.

^All candidates are eligible to apply for government-funded places which are supported by UGC/government funds. Government-funded students will be eligible for consideration of various financial awards funded by UGC/government funds.

Research Tuition Scholarship

(Applicable to government-funded students only)

Candidates with outstanding academic performance will be considered for a Research Tuition Scholarship,which is in the form of an exemption of the tuition fees.

Only full-time research students are eligible to apply for the Scholarship. If granted a Scholarship, the student will be exempted from paying one year’s tuition fees. The award period should not exceed students’ stipulated study period. All eligible new students will be considered for the Scholarship award when their research degree programme applications are reviewed. Separate applications are not required.

Conference Grant

(Applicable to government-funded students only)

After confirmation of candidature and within the normal study period, UGC-funded and Non-UGC/Institutional funded research students can apply for conference grants for attending local and overseas conferences. The maximum value of a grant isHK$10,000 (~US$1,282).

Research Activities Fund

(Applicable to government-funded students only)

After confirmation of candidature and within the normal study period, UGC-funded and Non-UGC/Institutional funded research students can apply for funding support to undertake research related activities outside Hong Kong, which are beneficial and related to their MPhil/PhD studies. The monthly allowance is HK$5,000. Depending on the university/institution to be visited and the visit duration, the maximum cumulative amount of funding provision during the entire candidature of study may be up toHK$60,000 (~US$7,692).

Chow Yei Ching School of Graduate Studies Entrance Scholarships

(Applicable to government-funded students only)

CityUHK offers Chow Yei Ching School of Graduate Studies Entrance Scholarships to encourage outstanding international students to undertake MPhil or PhD studies at the University with a view to promoting academic exchange and enhancing the international mix of the University’s student population.

The Scholarship covers students’ tuition fees and on-campus hostel accommodation expenses in their first year of their research studies (equivalent to approximatelyHK$95,496 (~US$12,243).If granted a Scholarship, the above-mentioned expenses will be off-set by the award.

Government Grants and Loans and External Financial Awards/Assistance

(Applicable to all local students)

The Government and the University offer various kinds of grants and loans to help students who are in financial need. Various external financial awards and forms of assistance are also granted on the basis of academic merit or financial need.

Annual Tuition/Continuation Fees (normally adjusted in September every year)

Type of Fee

Mode of Study




Government-funded Students

Tuition fee


Not applicable


Continuation fee




External Funds/Self-financing Students/Self-financed (institutional-funded)

Tuition fee


HK$120,600 (non-local self-financing students)


HK$60,300 (non-local self-financing students)


Continuation fee


HK$30,150 (non-local self-financing students)


HK$15,075 (non-local self-financing students)


Tuition Waiver for Local Research Postgraduate (RPg) Students

The University Grants Committee (UGC) has introduced a ‘Tuition Waiver Scheme’ (‘The Scheme’) for all local students enrolled in full-time UGC-funded Research Postgraduate (RPg) programmes in local institutions, to cover their tuition fees with effect from the academic year 2018-19 (i.e. from July 1, 2018).

This Scheme provides non-means-tested funding to all current and new local students from all disciplines of study enrolled in full-time UGC-funded RPg programmes. Eligible students do not need to apply for the Scheme.

For more information of Tuition Waiver Scheme for Local Research Postgraduate Students, please refer to:http://

Awards and Scholarships

Chow Yei Ching School of Graduate Studies Scholarships

(Applicable to government-funded students only)

The purpose of Chow Yei Ching School of Graduate Studies Scholarships is to recognise and reward students who demonstrate outstanding academic performance. All students who are within their (normal) period of study and have undertaken their current MPhil/PhD studies for at least one full year are eligible to apply for the Scholarship. The Scholarship is a one-off cash award and students will be presented with a certificate of award issued by the School.

Outstanding Academic Performance Award

The purpose of the Outstanding Academic Performance Award for research students is to recognise students with outstanding academic performance in their research studies. All research degree students who have completed at least one full year of MPhil/PhD studies and are within their (normal) study period are eligible to apply for the award. The award is a one-off cash award and students will be presented with a certificate of award issued by the School.

Outstanding Research Thesis Awards

The purpose of the Outstanding Research Thesis Awards is to recognise and reward research students who have produced a thesis of outstanding quality and achievement in their relevant research area. The School will identify the theses that satisfy the award criteria and forward the cases to the relevant Departments/Schools, which will be invited to confirm their suitability for the award. On receipt of confirmation from the Departments/Schools, the students concerned will be granted the award.

Chow Yei Ching School of Graduate Studies Outstanding Doctoral Research Award

The purpose of the Chow Yei Ching School of Graduate Studies Outstanding Doctoral Research Award is to recognise exceptional work by PhD graduates and to encourage the highest levels of research and writing. Only awardees of the Outstanding Research Thesis Award will be eligible to compete for the award. Each awardee will receive an award certificate issued by the School and a one-off cash prize.