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About Us
City University of Hong Kong aims to provide a harmonious and supportive environment for teaching and learning. Students are expected to treat all other students and members of the University community with honesty, respect and maintain good conduct in student discipline. Students need to observe the Code of Student Conduct and other rules and regulations which are crucial in making the University an excellent place for learning.

The Office of the Vice-President (Student Affairs) provides secretarial services to the UniversityCHAR(39)s Student Discipline Committee and Student Discipline Panels.The Student Discipline Committee advises the Academic Policy Committee on policies and procedures on student discipline. Student Discipline Panels are formed on a need basis to consider individual cases of violation of student conduct.
Terms of Reference
The Student Discipline Committee (SDC) is appointed by the Academic Policy Committee. The SDC will meet normally once per year but the Chair of SDC shall have the discretion to dispense with the holding of a meeting when there is no major issue within the terms of reference of the SDC. Without limiting the power and/or discretion of the Chair to dispense with the holding of an SDC meeting, the SDC, with the permission of its Chair, may transact its business by the circulation of papers.

  1. To advise the Academic Policy Committee on policy matters involving Student discipline.
  2. To determine and periodically update the Code.
  3. To review the terms of reference and constitution of the SDP and the SDAP.
  4. To receive reports from the SDP and the SDAP on cases considered by those panels, and any issues of principle arising from them.
  5. To report on its business annually to the Academic Policy Committee.
Associate Provost (Student Life)
  • One faculty member from each College/School, nominated by the Dean
  • Four members appointed by and from the Senate
  • Five members appointed by the Chair
  • Associate Dean of Chow Yei Ching School of Graduate Studies
  • Director of Academic Regulations and Records Office
  • Director of Student Development Services
  • Two undergraduate student representatives appointed by the Chair of SDC from the pool nominated annually by each of the Colleges and Schools
  • One postgraduate student representative appointed by the Chair of SDC from the pool nominated annually by each of the Colleges and Schools
  • Administrative staff appointed by the Chair of SDC
The term of office of the nominated and appointed members shall be two years with a staggered arrangement. The term of office of student members shall be one year.