Workshops and other events

Information about the format of our workshops and seminars will be posted on each of the events' web pages.

ECMWF workshops and annual seminar typically last a few days, and provide the opportunity to hear expert speakers at seminars, and collaborate with colleagues during workshops. Most events are for our Member and Co-operating States, however some are open to broader audiences.

{{p}}{{strong}}See also:{{/strong}}{{/p}}

{{li}}{{a href= "http://" }}Full calendar of events{{/a}}{{/li}}
{{li}}{{a href= "https://" }}Past workshops{{/a}}{{/li}}

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{{p}}{{strong}}Subscribe to email alert list:{{/strong}}{{/p}}

{{li}}{{a href= "mailto:[email protected]?subject=Subscription%20to%20informal%20seminar%20alerts" }}Informal seminars{{/a}}{{/li}}

2024 calendar

19 Nov - 22 Nov

NWP SAF Workshop on Satellite Observations of the Earth System Interfaces

02 Dec - 03 Dec

CORSO & CATRINE Projects General Assembly

2025 calendar

07 Apr - 11 Apr

Annual Seminar 2025

08 Apr - 09 Apr

The evolution of Copernicus Services at ECMWF: stakes and challenges

09 Apr - 10 Apr

Workshop on ancillary data for Land Surface and Earth System Modelling

09 Apr - 10 Apr

Workshop on surface process coupling and its interactions with the atmosphere

09 Apr - 10 Apr

Workshop on data assimilation: Initial conditions and beyond